Re: to calculate climatological average

From: Dennis Shea (shea AT XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Jan 18 2002 - 20:10:02 MST

  • Next message: Qiaozhen Mu: "plot lines using their own starting and ending times with different time lengths"

    > I have such a netcdf file,
    > in which the variables, for example, TS(240,64,128), has 240 monthly-means. I
    > want to calculate the climatological average of Jan through Dec of the 20 years.
    > How can I succeed this?

    I assume the variable has dimension names, say,

    There are several functions in "contributed.ncl" that can be used.
    For example:

    load ".../contributed.ncl"
      TS = f->TS ; TS(time,lat,lon) ==> (240,64,128)

      TS_clm = clmMonTLL(TS) ; ==> TS_clm(12,64,128)

    Also, the interannual variability (ie: standard deviation) can
    be derived via

      TS_std = clmStdTLL(TS) ; ==> TS_std(12,64,128)


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