Re: 1-D version of local_max/local_min

From: Dennis Shea (shea AT
Date: Fri Sep 23 2005 - 16:12:24 MDT

>I am trying to find the local maxima of a 1-D time series and looked
>around for available functions within NCL to do this. The closest I came
>to were the functions local_max and local_min are for a 2-D array. It
>would be nice to have a similar function for a 1-D array.

Hi Saji

Attached you will find *untested* NCL functions
that [I hope] will work on 1D arrays.

I did not program for the cyclic case. I must leave.

good luck

function local_min_1d(x[*]:numeric, cyclic:logical, del[1]:numeric)
  if ( then
      print("local_min_1d: del must be .le. 0.0")
      print("local_min_1d: del ="+del)
  end if

  nx = dimsizes(x)
  imn = new( nx-2, "integer")

  i = -1
  do n=1,nx-2
     if ((x(n-1)-x(n)).le.del .and. (x(n+1)-x(n)).le.del) then
         i = i+1
         imn(i) = n ; indices of local minima
     end if
  end do

  if ( then
      return(x(imn(0:i))) ; return actual minimum values
  else ; must be no local minima
      if (typeof(x).eq."float") then
      end if
      if (typeof(x).eq."double") then
      end if
  end if
; -------------------------------------------------------
function local_max_1d(x[*]:numeric, cyclic:logical, del[1]:numeric)

; imx = ind((x(1:nx-2)-x(0:nx-3)).gt.del .and. \
; (x(1:nx-2)-x(2:nx-1)).gt.del) + 1
; if (.not.ismissing(imx)) then
; return(x(imx))
; end if

  if ( then
      print("local_max_1d: del must be .ge. 0.0")
      print("local_max_1d: del ="+del)
  end if

  nx = dimsizes(x)
  imx = new( nx-2, "integer")

  i = -1
  do n=1,nx-2
     if ((x(n)-x(n-1)).ge.del .and. (x(n)-x(n+1)).ge.del) then
         i = i+1
         imx (i) = n
     end if
  end do

  if ( then
      if (typeof(x).eq."float") then
      end if
      if (typeof(x).eq."double") then
      end if
  end if

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