Wrong path for defs.h on 5.1.1 install.

From: David Brown <dbrownjr_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon Nov 16 2009 - 16:55:26 MST

I was able to build ncarg and install ncarg successfully.

I then re-ran configure and answered yes to the 'build ncl' prompt.

When I perform a "make all", I receive the following 3 errors:

1) PGC-F-0206-Can't find include file ncarg/ncl/defs.h (./wrapper.h: 6)
2) PGC-F-0206-Can't find include file TypeSupport.h (Ncl.c: 25)
3) PGC-F-0206-Can't find include file ncarg/ncl/defs.h (wrapit.y: 5)

For items 1 and 3, they occur because defs.h is in "$NCARG_ROOT/ni/src/ncl".
For item 2, it occurs because In $NCARG_ROOT/ni/src/ncl I do not find
TypeSupport.h and instead find TypeSupport.h.sed, TypeSupport.c.sed,

It seems possible a clean might resolve 2, but I am not sure how and 3
are present. It appears I may need to include $NCARG_ROOT/include/ncarg
in at the include prompt during configure. However, since "..ncarg/ncl"
does not exist it does not appear to be a solution to this problem.

In "wraper.h" I find:

#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
#include <ncarg/gks.h>
#include <ncarg/ngmath.h>
#include <ncarg/hlu/hlu.h>
#include <ncarg/hlu/NresDB.h>
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h>
#include "Symbol.h"
#include "NclDataDefs.h"
#include "Machine.h"
#include "NclMdInc.h"
#include "TypeSupport.h"
#include "NclData.h"

In "wrapit.y" I find:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ncarg/hlu/hlu.h>
#include <ncarg/hlu/NresDB.h>
#include <ncarg/ncl/defs.h>
#include <ncarg/ncl/NclDataDefs.h>
#include "WSymbol.h"
#include "fstrings.h

Should I modify wrapper.h and wrapit.y to point them to the include file?
Will a clean repair the TypeSupport issue.

This is my plan of attack for tomorrow morning. Advice appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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