
From: Matt Fearon (matthew.fearon AT XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Jan 15 2003 - 10:36:39 MST

Dear NCL users:

I am trying to use the gsn_labelbar_ndc procedure to add
a labelbar into the viewport. However, I am having trouble
modifying the labelbar resources - many of resources are
seemingly being ignored, i.e., the resources with asterisks in
front are the only ones that seem to be working;

*lbres = True
lbres@lbAutoManage = False
*lbres@lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.013
* lbres@vpHeightF = .09
*lbres@vpWidthF = .5
lbPerimOn = False
lbres@lbFillPattern = "SolidFill"

Is there a resource I can set that will allow me to custom the labelbar?
thank you,

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