Re: calcMonAnom**

From: Dennis Shea (shea AT
Date: Tue Jan 25 2005 - 16:13:54 MST

  • Next message: Matt Fearon: "writing hdfeos file"

    >I am using calcMonAnomLLLT to calculate monthly anomalies for a variable
    >from its monthly climatology. There are missing values in both the data
    >files for the same grid points. So for these grid points the anomaly is
    >calculated to be 0. I would like these points to be missing values (9e20 in
    >this case) rather than 0. Is it possible to do this using the calcMonAnom


    NCL automatically sets all expressions where
    one component has a value _FillValue attribute
    of the array being processed.

    Does your data (say, x) have the attribute _FillValue
    set to 9e20 ? If not, you can readily set it via

      x@_FillValue = 9e20
    Most commonly, let x(time,lev,lat,lon)

      x@_FillValue = 9e20 ; if not already set
                            ; ntim bust be divisible by 12
                            ; reorder using named dimensions
      xClm = clmMonLLLT( x(lev|:,lat|:,lon|:,time|:) ) ; xClm(lev,lat,lon)
      xAnom= calcMonAnomLLLT (x, xClm)

    good luck

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