Re: POP remap to SSM/I polar stereographic

From: Detelina Ivanova (dpivanov AT
Date: Tue Apr 05 2005 - 12:37:19 MDT

  • Next message: Bob Tomas: "Turn off latitude labels with polar stereographic plot"

    Hi all:

    thank you very much for your responses. Dennis thank you for the script.

    I'm trying to compare a POP-grid ice concentration field with a satellite
    data (SSM/I Ice concentration) which are on Polar Stereographic projection.
    So I need to put them on the same grid...
    SCRIP is an option I know and I would probably pursue if it is the only
    one, but
    I was thinking that there must be a fastest and an easier way to do it in

    I am usually plotting these fields with the Polar map projection in NCL
    using the function "gsn_csm_contour_map_polar". And it seems to me that the
    plotted fields from both SSM/I and POP input data sets are projected on the
    same output grid. Is somebody familiar with the source of the
    "gsn_csm_contour_map_polar" to tell me if I am correct and is it possible to
    put the projected fields as an output argument of the function so they can
    be used later?


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