scatterplot with multiple datasets

From: James McPhee <jmcphee_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 14:39:07 -0700

Dear All,
I'm trying to create a single scatter plot including multiple datasets.
Very much like the one contained in the example xy07n.ncl

I've followed the steps given in the example but it seems that something
is missing when it comes down to recognizing the resources in the res
file (essentially, none of the resources in the res file are applied to
my plot... :( ). I'm attaching the ncl file and the res file. Any help
figuring the problem out will be greatly appreciated.


! Define Title resources
*tiMainString: Scattergram
*tiXAxisString: X
*tiYAxisString: Y
! Define Transform resources
*trXMinF: 0
*trYMinF: 0
*trXMaxF: 10
*trYMaxF: 1000
! Define DataSpec resources
*xyMarkLineMode: MARKERS
*xyData0*xyMarkerColor: red
*xyData0*xyMarkerSizeF: 0.02
*xyData0*xyMarker: 2
*xyData0*xyMarkerThicknessF: 1.5
*xyData1*xyMarkerColor: blue
*xyData1*xyMarkerSizeF: 0.015
*xyData1*xyMarker: 5
*xyData1*xyMarkerThicknessF: 2.0
! Define TickMark X axis resources
*tmXBDataLeftF: -0.6
*tmXBDataRightF: 1.6
*tmXBLabelFontHeightF: 0.015
*tmXBLabels: (/-.6,-.4,-.2,0.,.2,.4,.6,.8,1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6/)
*tmXBMinorOn: False
*tmXBMode: Explicit
*tmXBValues: (/-.6,-.4,-.2,0.,.2,.4,.6,.8,1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6/)
! Define TickMark Y axis resources
*tmYLDataLeftF: -0.6
*tmYLDataRightF: 1.6
*tmYLLabelFontHeightF: 0.015
*tmYLLabels: (/-.6,-.4,-.2,0.,.2,.4,.6,.8,1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6/)
*tmYLMinorOn: False
*tmYLMode: Explicit
*tmYLValues: (/-.6,-.4,-.2,0.,.2,.4,.6,.8,1.0,1.2,1.4,1.6/)

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
; Analyze sensitivity values with respext to parameter alpha


;==================================Plot Section=================================
; here we generate a panel plot with the joint pdf's of the variables
 appid=create "mcphee" appClass defaultapp
  "appDefaultParent" : True
  "appUsrDir" : "./"
 end create


 dataid(0)=create "xyData0" coordArraysClass defaultapp
  "caXArray" : fspan(1,10,100)
  "caYArray" : (fspan(1,10,100))^2
 end create

 dataid(1)=create "xyData1" coordArraysClass defaultapp
  "caXArray" : fspan(1,10,100)
  "caYArray" : (fspan(1,10,100))^3
 end create

 plotid=create "xyPlot" xyPlotClass wks
  "xyCoordData" : dataid
 end create

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