Re: plotting of different order value in one plot

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 15:44:33 -0700 (MST)

> I am trying to plot a XY diagram for six different cases. I have got the
> values of Y of the order of 10^ (-5), 10^ (-9) and 10^ (-12) for the value
> of X ranging from 0 to 20 for respective cases.
> I want that all the cases are in same plot but I failed due to the wide
> range of Y values because my plot only contain one or two cases that have
> nearly same order. Is there any way
> that I can plot all cases in one plot except changing the scale of Y axis
> in to logarithmic scale.
> Any help will be appreciated

I'm sure there are better ways but

   [1] scale the y-values by * 1e5/1e9/1e12
       Then have a legend that has
  data = new ( (/3,N/),"float")
  data(0,:) = ya*1e5
  data(1,:) = yb*1e9
  data(2,:) = yc*1e12
  data_at_long_name = "..."
 ;data_at_units = "scaled"

  res = True ; plot mods desired
  res_at_pmLegendDisplayMode = "Always" ; turn on legend

  res_at_pmLegendSide = "Top" ; Change location of
  res_at_pmLegendParallelPosF = .45 ; move units right
  res_at_pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -0.4 ; move units down

  res_at_pmLegendWidthF = 0.15 ; Change width and
  res_at_pmLegendHeightF = 0.18 ; height of legend.
  res_at_lgLabelFontHeightF = .03 ; change font height
  res_at_lgTitleOn = True ; turn on legend title
  res_at_lgTitleString = "scale" ; create legend title
  res_at_lgTitleFontHeightF = .025 ; font of legend title
  res_at_xyExplicitLegendLabels = (/"10^5","10^9","10^12"/)
  res_at_xyLineColors = (/"blue","red","green"/)

   [2] use gsn_csm_xy3

good luck
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Received on Tue Nov 14 2006 - 15:44:33 MST

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