Help: gsn_panel and wind barbs

From: Hassan Gilani <gilani.hassan_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 22:47:26 +0800

Hi all,

I am trying to plot wind barbs at different locations on the map and want to
plot multiple maps (with windbarbs) on same window (gsn_panel).

Now the problem is that the two windbarb functions, wmbarb and wmbarbmap,
only require WKS reference and if understand it correctly the function
assumes that the workspace window has only one map (meaning I cant use this
function since i am plotting multiple maps on the same window).
And even if by some way I am able to plot multiple maps with windbarbs,
using gsn_panel() command makes all barbs dissappear. I tried this by
plotting windbarbs on only one map and plotted it using
gsn_panel()function. It plots the map but doesnt plot the windbarb.

Now the other way i found was using gsn_vector_map(), and setting its vcGl..
resource to "Windbarb". But this method doesnt solves the problem for me.
First I am not clear about how the vector fields are set and which part of U
& V has the latitude, longitude, direction and speed values. Second, I am
not sure if I can plot windbarbs at different locations using this method. I
think this method is more suitable for plotting wave of wind with different
magnitudes (but still i dont know how to set the different fields of U and

I have attached sample images, that show what I am required to plot (images
a a bit blurr). Can any one suggest me a way that can help me achieve this.

Thankx in advance for ur time and reply.


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