Re: calculating long term annual means

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 18:38:07 -0600

Susan Kaspari wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a TOMS monthly ozone data file with dimensions: [time | 276] x
> [lat | 180] x [lon | 288]
> I would like to calculate the long term weighted average for each grid
> cell. The two closest commands I can find to do this are
> month_to_annual or clmMonTLL (but when I've tried to use clmMomTLL, it

     spelling? clMonTLL not clmMomTLL

Also, as I recall, your TOMS data is integer.
This is rather unusual. Hence, you shoud do an extra step.

Try ...
   oi = f->ozone ; integer
   o =1.*oi ; convert to type float
   copy_VarAtts(oi,o) ; copy attributes
   copy_VarCoords(oi,o) ; copy coords
   oClm = clmMonTLL( o )

You should see something like

Variable: oClm
Dimensions and sizes: [month | 12] x [lat | 180] x [lon | 288]
             month: [0..11]
             lat: [-89.5..89.5]
             lon: [-179.375..179.375]
Number Of Attributes: 5
   time_op_ncl : Climatology: 23 years

Each grid point has 12 values.

Good luck
> comes back as undefined- I'm using Version 4.2.0.a034). What is the
> best way to calculate the long term average so that I get back a one
> dimensional file for each grid cell? I also want to make sure that the
> method I use to calculate the long term average is able to account for
> missing values.
> Many thanks,
> Susan
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