RE: [ncl-talk] Controlling x and y ranges for gsn_contour

From: Crowell, Sean M. <scrowell_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 10:02:18 -0500

Here's my ncl code. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_code.ncl" ;
begin ;
  SDerr = asciiread("SDerr",(/14,3/),"float");
  SDtime = asciiread("SDtime",(/dimsizes(SDerr(:,0)),4/),"float");
  FDerr = asciiread("FDerr",(/dimsizes(SDerr(:,0)),3/),"float");
  FDtime = asciiread("FDtime",(/dimsizes(SDerr(:,0)),4/),"float");
  DGerr = asciiread("DGerr",(/dimsizes(SDerr(:,0)),3/),"float");
  DGtime = asciiread("DGtime",(/dimsizes(SDerr(:,0)),4/),"float");
  N = new((/dimsizes(SDerr(:,0))/),"float");
  elem = new((/dimsizes(N)/),"float");
  rawSDerr = new((/dimsizes(N)/),"float");
  rawSDtime = new((/dimsizes(N)/),"float");
  rawFDerr = new((/dimsizes(N)/),"float");
  rawFDtime = new((/dimsizes(N)/),"float");
  rawDGerr = new((/dimsizes(N)/),"float");
  rawDGtime = new((/dimsizes(N)/),"float");
  SDiter = new((/dimsizes(N)/),"float");
  FDiter = new((/dimsizes(N)/),"float");
  DGiter = new((/dimsizes(N)/),"float");
  N = FDerr(:,0);
  elem = FDerr(:,1);
  rawSDerr = SDerr(:,2);
  rawSDtime = SDtime(:,2);
  rawFDerr = FDerr(:,2);
  rawFDtime = FDtime(:,2);
  rawDGerr = DGerr(:,2);
  rawDGtime = DGtime(:,2);
  SDiter = SDtime(:,3);
  FDiter = FDtime(:,3);
  DGiter = DGtime(:,3);
 cmap = (/"(/1.000, 1.000, 1.000/)", \ ;
            "(/0.000, 0.000, 0.000/)", \;
            "(/0.142, 0.000, 0.850/)", \;
            "(/0.097, 0.112, 0.970/)", \;
            "(/0.160, 0.342, 1.000/)", \;
            "(/0.240, 0.531, 1.000/)", \;
            "(/0.340, 0.692, 1.000/)", \;
            "(/0.460, 0.829, 1.000/)", \;
            "(/0.600, 0.920, 1.000/)", \;
            "(/0.740, 0.978, 1.000/)", \ ;
            "(/0.920, 1.000, 1.000/)", \;
            "(/1.000, 1.000, 0.920/)", \;
            "(/1.000, 0.948, 0.740/)", \;
            "(/1.000, 0.840, 0.600/)", \;
            "(/1.000, 0.676, 0.460/)", \;
            "(/1.000, 0.472, 0.340/)", \;
            "(/1.000, 0.240, 0.240/)", \;
            "(/0.970, 0.155, 0.210/)", \;
            "(/0.850, 0.085, 0.187/)", \;
            "(/0.650, 0.000, 0.130/)" /);
 numxout = dimsizes(N);
 numyout = dimsizes(elem);
 xmin = min(N);
 ymin = min(elem);
 xmax = max(N);
 ymax = max(elem);
 xc = (xmax-xmin)/(numxout-1);
 yc = (ymax-ymin)/(numyout-1);
 x0 = xmin + ispan(0,numxout-1,1)*xc;
 y0 = ymin + ispan(0,numyout-1,1)*xc;
 z0 = natgrids(N,elem,-rawSDerr,x0,y0);
 wks1 = gsn_open_wks("x11","err_contour");
 wks2 = gsn_open_wks("ps","SDErrorContour");
 x0_at_long_name = "Poly Order";
 y0_at_long_name = "Elements";
 z0_at_long_name = "RMS Error";
 res = True;
 res_at_tiMainString = "SD RMS Error vs K and N";
 res_at_tiXAxisString = "Polynomial Order";
 res_at_tiYAxisString = "Elements";
 res_at_sfXArray = x0;
 res_at_sfYArray = y0;
 res_at_cnFillOn = True;
 res_at_lbOrientation = "Vertical";
 res_at_pmLabelBarDisplayMode = "Always";
 res_at_pmLabelBarSide = "Right";
 z0!0 = "i";
 z0!1 = "j";
 contour = gsn_contour(wks1,z0(j|:,i|:),res);
 contour2 = gsn_contour(wks2,z0(j|:,i|:),res);

From: Mary Haley []
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 9:47 AM
To: Crowell, Sean M.
Subject: Re: Controlling x and y ranges for gsn_contour

Hi Sean,

If I understand you correctly, I think you need to set:

   res_at_sfXArray = x
   res_at_sfYArray = y

This tells NCL what values define your X and Y axes. Otherwise, it
will just use index values that go from 0 to n-1, where n is the
number of points in the Z array in the X or Y direction.

Here's a small example using your same X,Y values.

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"

   wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","test")

   x = (/2,4,6,2,4,6/)
   y = (/5,5,5,7,7,7/)
   z = (/1,2,3,2,1,3/)

   res = True
   res_at_sfXArray = x
   res_at_sfYArray = y

   plot = gsn_contour(wks,z,res)


On Thu, 22 May 2008, Crowell, Sean M. wrote:

> I'm using gsn_contour to make contour plots, and the file is reading in my x and y arrays properly (checked using print) and interpolating properly using natgrids, but when I make the contour plots, it only plots the x and y values up to the smallest dimension (length of x or y) and leaves out the rest of the array with more distinct values.
> To clear it up a bit:
> I've got a data file that looks like
> 2 5 z
> 4 5 z
> 6 5 z
> 2 7 z
> 4 7 z
> 6 7 z
> And when it does the contour plot, the x's only range up to 4, which I'm assuming is some default option to make the plot square. How do I control this?
> Sean Crowell
Received on Thu May 22 2008 - 09:02:18 MDT

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