Re: Anomalous top region of plot

From: Mary Haley <haley_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2008 16:36:32 -0600 (MDT)


The best way for us to debug this is if we can have access to the data
and your script.

If you are just calling the gsn_csm_pres_hgt function, and not doing
anything else fancy like adding polylines and text, then you can set
the special resource:

     res_at_gsnDebugWriteFileName = "some_name"

before you call this function. This will cause only the data that is
being plotted to be written to a NetCDF file called "",
and an NCL script called "some_name.ncl" will be generated that reads
this data file, and uses the same resources that were used in the
plotting script.

If you can run this (with whatever you want for "some_name"), and give
me the resultant "" and "some_name.ncl" files, then I can
debug the problem for you.



On Fri, 13 Jun 2008, Helen Parish wrote:

> I am pretty sure that all the units are consistent. The standard units of the
> model output produced by the CAM model, and read into my script in the file
> "fi" are in Pascals, so multiplying by 0.01 converts to mb, as required by
> vinth2p. The units I have specified within my script and on the scales within
> gsn_csm.ncl run from around 90000 at the surface, which is 90000 mb, or 90
> bar, as required in this particular simulation. So everything seems to be
> consistently in mbar as far as I can see.
> I am not sure how there can be missing data only for the zonal wind. The
> corresponding plots for the temperature and meridional wind for the same run
> do not have white missing section at the top of the plot. I am not sure how
> there can be data for the temperature and meridional wind at a given
> altitude, but not data for the zonal wind at the same altitude ?. Also, the
> zonal wind plots appear to have some data at the edges, but not at low
> latitudes. I am not sure what is going on with this plot. Does anyone have
> any more ideas ?.
> Thanks,
> Helen.
> On Friday, June 13, 2008, at 12:05 PM, Adam Phillips wrote:
>> Hi Helen,
>> Looking at your resource list, the white area of the plot should correspond
>> to areas that have missing data, is that the case?
>> (a print(u(0,{.01},:,0)) should confirm that.
>> Also, I think you want to change the units of lev_p in the top script from
>> "hPa" to "Pa". That might alter the way vinth2p works, as you are
>> specifying the units of your input pressure array incorrectly.
>> The way I see it, I don't think your alterations to gsn_csm.ncl should have
>> done anything to the plot, because all you are doing is altering the YR
>> axis labels.
>> Adam
>> Helen Parish wrote:
>>> I cannot get the top section of my figures to plot correctly. There seems
>>> to be a mysterious gap in the middle of the top of the plot (the white
>>> part) which I cannot seem to eliminate. My routine does an interpolation
>>> to pressure levels, followed by a plot of the variable versus pressure and
>>> height. Since I have changed the pressure level structure in CAM to 50
>>> levels, going from the ground to around 95 km, I had to estimate the
>>> correspondence between the new pressure levels and height.
>>> In order to do this I have adjusted the routine "gsn_csm.ncl". I enclose
>>> the section of gsn_csm.ncl which I have modified (in the file
>>> "gsnpart.ncl"), showing the adjusted pressure and height levels.
>>> I have also enclosed a typical anomalous plot, and the ncl script
>>> ("test.ncl")I used to generate the plot (containing the levels I am
>>> interpolating onto).
>>> Does anyone know what is causing this problem?.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Helen.
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>> Adam Phillips
>> National Center for Atmospheric Research tel: (303) 497-1726
>> ESSL/CGD/CAS fax: (303) 497-1333
>> P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307-3000
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