transect plot

From: Lin Su <Lin.Su_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 14:04:36 -0600 (MDT)

Dear NCL users,

I believe NCL can give the beautiful transect plots on the satellite data. However, I
followed the example( and
just messed things up. It shows the error in line 56. Attached please find the NCL

Thanks for you time and great help in advance!

Lin Su

;CSM_Graphics: tran_os.ncl
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

 f = addfile("CAL_LID_L2_05kmALay-Prov-V2-01.2007-05-02T16-57-30ZN.hdf", "r")
 latt = f->Latitude ; (3001,3)
 lat = new((/3001/),float)
 lat(:) = latt(:,1)
 lat!0 = "lat"
 lat_at_units = "degrees_north"
 lonn = f->Longitude ; (3001,3)
 lon = new((/3001/),float)
 lon(:) = lonn(:,1)
 lon!0 = "lon"
 lon_at_units = "degrees_east"
 altBase = f->Layer_Base_Altitude ;(3001,8)
 altBase_at_long_name = altBase_at_hdf_name
 altBase@_FillValue = -9999.
 altTop = f->Layer_Top_Altitude ;(3001,8)
 alt = new((/8/),float)
 alt!0 = "alt"
 alt_at_units = "km"
 alt_at_long_name = alt_at_hdf_name
 alt@_FillValue = -9999.
 numlayer = f->Number_Layers_Found ;(3001,1)
 numlayer_at_long_name = numlayer_at_hdf_name
 x = f->Feature_Optical_Depth_532 ; (3001,8)
 x_at_long_name = x_at_hdf_name
 x@_FillValue = -9999.
 xx!0 = "lat"
 xx&lat = lat
 xx!1 = "lon"
 xx&lon = lon
 xx!2 = "alt"
 xx&alt =alt

;calculate great circle along transect
 leftlat = 30
 rightlat = 50
 leftlon = 120
 rightlon = 150
 npts = 100
 dist = gc_latlon(leftlat,leftlon,rightlat,rightlon,npts,2)
 points = ispan(0,npts-1,1)*1.0
 ;interpolate data to great circle
  trans = linint2_points(xx&lon,xx&lat,x,True, dist_at_gclon,dist_at_gclat,2)
  trans!0 = "alt"
  trans&alt = alt&alt
  wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","trans_os")

  res = True
  res_at_tmXBMode = "Explicit"
  res_at_tmXBValue = (/points(0),points(npts-1)/)
  res_at_tmXBLabels = (/leftlat +","+leftlon,rightlat+","+rightlon/)
  res_at_cnFillOn = True
 res_at_lbLabelAutoStride = True
 res_at_gsnSpreadColors = True
 res_at_cnLinesOn = False
 res_at_lbOrientation = "vertical"
 res_at_pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = -0.05
 plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks,trans,res)


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Received on Tue Aug 26 2008 - 14:04:36 MDT

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