NCL Error: fatal:NclMalloc Failed:[errno=12], Segmentation Fault

From: Karsten Peters <karsten.peters_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 17:15:32 +0100

Hello folks,

this will be my first contribution to ncl-talk, so please don't hesitate
to tell me what I did not include in my message ;-).

I am processing satellite level2 data in order to put it on a normal
global grid and I am using code that was provided to me by Dennis. The
satellite data normally has array sizes of 4224*191*float and the output
array size is 721*1441*float. After many iterations, the error message:

fatal:NclMalloc Failed:[errno=12]
Segmentation fault

appears (out of the blue for me ;-) ). From reading other ncl-talk
messages (this error seems to happen quite often), it is pretty sure
that this is a memory issue. I am pretty much deleting all variables
created for every iteration in order for them to not grow over the 2GB
limit. I will attach my code to this message (the principal code starts
at approx. line 107).

I hope you guys can help me handle these memory issues ! And by the way,
is there some other way to handle these NCL memory problems besides
deleting variables all the time and configurating the memory capacities
of the machine NCL is running on ?

Regards and many thanks,


Karsten Peters
Meteorological Institute
University of Hamburg
c/o Max-Planck Institute for Meteorology
Bundesstrasse 53
D-20146 Hamburg
Tel.:	++49 (0)40 41173 147
Fax.: 	++49 (0)40 41173 298

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

external BINF "./"

function parseFileName ( fNam:string ) ;filename(s) given to function
; parse the file names and extract data information
; 1 2
; 0123456789012345678901234567890
local onNam, n, output, tmp_c
   nNam = dimsizes( fNam )

   if (nNam.eq.1) then
       output = new( 5,integer,"No_FillValue")
       tmp_c = stringtochar(fNam)
       output(0) = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(16:19)/)) ; YYYY
       output(1) = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(20:21)/)) ; MM
       output(2) = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(22:23)/)) ; DD
       output(3) = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(24:25)/)) ; HH
       output(4) = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(26:27)/)) ; MN
   else ;array with date information for every file
       output = new( 5,integer,"No_FillValue")
       do n=0,nNam-1
          tmp_c = stringtochar(fNam(n))
       output(0) = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(16:19)/)) ; YYYY
       output(1) = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(20:21)/)) ; MM
       output(2) = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(22:23)/)) ; DD
       output(3) = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(24:25)/)) ; HH
       output(4) = stringtointeger((/tmp_c(26:27)/)) ; MN
       end do
   end if
   return (output)
function create3d (x[*][*]:numeric, time[*]:numeric)
; convert a 2-dimensional to a 3-dimensional variable
; with time as a coordinate variable.
local dimx, ntim, nlat, mlon, x3d
  dimx = dimsizes(x)

  ntim = dimsizes(time)
  nlat = dimx(0)
  mlon = dimx(1)
          ; perform expansion
  x3d = conform_dims( (/ntim,nlat,mlon/), x, (/1,2/)) ;nlat and nlon correspond to dimension index 1 and 2 on x
  copy_VarAtts(x, x3d)
  x3d!0 = "time"
  x3d&time= time
  copy_VarCoords(x, x3d(0,:,:) ) ;copies all named dimensions and coordinate variables

;++++++++++++++++++++++++ MAIN +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

;create the variable array

vars = (/"Sol_zen_angle", "Sat_ zen_angle", "Rel_az_angle","Refl_var_055", "Refl_var_067", "Refl_var_087", "Refl_var_16", "Refl_var_37", "BT_var_11", "BT_var_12","Refl_055", "Refl_067", "Refl_087", "Refl_16", "Refl_37", "BT_11", "BT_12","log_AOD", "log_aer_eff_rad", "Surface_Alb_055","log_AOD_uncty", "log_aer_eff_rad_uncty", "Surface_Alb_055_uncty","Surface_Alb_067", "Surface_Alb_087", "Surface_Alb_16","log_COD", "log_c_eff_rad", "CTP", "CF", "ST", "CTH", "CTT", "LWP","log_COD_uncty", "log_c_eff_rad_uncty", "CTP_uncty", "CF_uncty", "ST_uncty", "CTH_uncty", "CTT_uncty", "LWP_uncty"/)

vNums = dimsizes(vars)

  PLOT = True
  netCDF= True

; grid definition
  nlatb = 721 ; grid *boundaries*
  mlonb = 1441
  latb = fspan( -90, 90, nlatb) ; -90, 60
  lonb = fspan(-180, 180, mlonb)

  dlon = lonb(1)-lonb(0) ; grid spacing
  dlat = latb(1)-latb(0)

  nlat = nlatb-1 ; grid coordinates
  mlon = mlonb-1
  lat = latGlobeFo(nlat,"lat","latitude","degrees_north")
  lon = lonGlobeFo(mlon,"lon","longitude","degrees_east")
  lon = (/ lon - 180. /) ; subtract 180 from all values
  lon&lon = lon ; update coordinates

; Variables to hold binned quantities
  GBIN = new ( (/nlat,mlon/), float, -999 ) ;corresponds to my histogram
  GKNT = new ( (/nlat,mlon/), float, -999 ) ;correspons to my histogram_count

  GBIN = 0.0 ; initialization
  GKNT = 0.0

PLOT = False
  netCDF= True

  byear = 2000
  eyear = 2001

  ;do yr=byear,eyear

        bmon = 1
        emon = 12

        ;do mn=bmon,emon

                bday = 1
                eday = 31

                ;do dd=bday,eday

; File info

  diri = "/scratch/local1/u231008/PhD/atsr_v2/"
  c=" GRAPE_sepVarsl2_"+cyr+cmn+cday+"*.nc"
  fili = systemfunc("cd "+diri+" ; ls"+c)
  nfil = dimsizes( fili )
; time/date
 ydhm = parseFileName( fili(0) )

 yyyy = ydhm(0)
 mn = ydhm(1)
 day = ydhm(2)
 hh = ydhm(3)
 mi = ydhm(4)


; netCDF
  if (netCDF) then ;in this case, netCDF = True
      sec = 0.0
                                       ; COARDS/CF time
      tunits = "hours since 1990-1-1 00:00:0.0"
      time = ut_inv_calendar(yyyy,mn,day,hh,mi,sec,tunits, 0)
      time!0 = "time"
      time_at_units = tunits
                                       ; gregorian date
      date = yyyy*10000 + mn*100 + day
      date!0 = "time"
      date_at_units = "yyyymmdd"

      diro = "./" ; output directory
      filo = "GRAPE_atsr-2_quart_"+date ; output file name
      fout = diro+filo+".nc"

      system("/bin/rm -f "+fout) ; remove any pre-existing file
      ncdf = addfile(fout ,"c") ; open output netCDF file

    ; create global attributes of the file (not required)
      fAtt = True ; assign file attributes
      fAtt_at_title = "GRAPE ATSR-2 Data gridded to 0.25x0.25: " + yyyy+mn+cday
      fAtt_at_source_file = "GRAPE_sepVarsl2_"+yyyy+mn+day+""
     ;fAtt_at_Conventions = "CF 1.0"
      fAtt_at_creation_date = systemfunc ("date")
      fileattdef( ncdf, fAtt ) ; copy file attributes

                                       ; recommended (generally)
      filedimdef(ncdf,"time",-1,True) ; make time UNLIMITED dimension
      ncdf->time = time
      ncdf->date = date
  end if

  tStrt = systemfunc("date") ; time the loop (wall clock)

do k=0,vNums-1

        ; Variables to hold binned quantities
          GBIN = new ( (/nlat,mlon/), float) ;corresponds to my histogram
          GKNT = new ( (/nlat,mlon/), float) ;correspons to my histogram_count

          GBIN = 0.0 ; initialization
          GKNT = 0.0


  do nf=0,nfil-1
     print(nf+" "+fili(nf))
     f = addfile(diri+fili(nf), "r")
                                     ; read data

     x = f->$vars(k)$
     xdims = dimsizes(x)
     if (nf .eq. 0) then
        xMeta = new((/xdims(0),xdims(1)/),float,-999)
     end if

     lat2d = f->Lat
     lon2d = f->Lon
                                     ; reshape to use "ind"
     x1d = ndtooned( x )
     lat1d = ndtooned( lat2d )
     lon1d = ndtooned( lon2d )
                                          ; good (non-missing) values
     iGood = ind(.not.ismissing(x1d))

     if (.not.ismissing(iGood(0))) then
         z = x1d(iGood)
         zlat = lat1d(iGood)
         zlon = lon1d(iGood)
         nz = dimsizes( z )
                                     ; grid subscript indices
         n = numeric2int( (zlat-latb(0))/dlat, 0) ;one dim. field of truncated integer indices
         m = numeric2int( (zlon-lonb(0))/dlon, 0) ;of dimension nz

                        ;Fortran for speed
        BINF::bindata_atsr(nlat,mlon,GBIN,GKNT, nz,z, n,m)

         delete( z ) ; size may change
         delete( zlat)
         delete( zlon)
         delete( n )
         delete( m )
         delete ( nz)
     end if

     delete( x ) ; size may change
     delete( x1d)
  end do ;files

; Perform averaging
                                    ; avoid division by 0.0
  GKNT = where(GKNT.eq.0 , GKNT@_FillValue, GKNT)

  GBIN!0 = "lat"
  GBIN!1 = "lon"
  GBIN&lat = lat
  GBIN&lon = lon

  copy_VarCoords(GBIN, GKNT) ; copy coords

  if (isatt(GBIN,"long_name")) then
      ln = GBIN_at_long_name
      GBIN_at_long_name = "BINNED: "+ln
      GKNT_at_long_name = "BINNED COUNT: "+ln
  end if

  ;if (isfilevaratt(f, vNam, "units")) then
  ; GBIN_at_units = f->$vNam$@units ;that is very very interesting !!!
  ;end if

; time/date
 ydhm = parseFileName( fili(0) )

 yyyy = ydhm(0)
 ddd = ydhm(1)
 hh = ydhm(2)
 mn = ydhm(3)

 yyyyddd = yyyy*1000 + ddd
 monday = monthday(yyyy, ddd)
 month = monday/100
 day = monday - month*100 ; day of month

; write netCDF
  if (netCDF) then
      x3d = create3d( GBIN, time)
      ncdf->$vars(k)$ = x3d
      kNam = vars(k)+"_knt"
      x3d = create3d( GKNT, time)
      ncdf->$kNam$ = x3d
  end if


end do ;variables

wallClockElapseTime(tStrt, "Main File Loop", 0)

;end do ;days

;end do ;months

;end do ;years


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Received on Wed Jan 14 2009 - 09:15:32 MST

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