Re: Histogram questions - transparent fill? bar distance?

From: Michel dos Santos Mesquita <michel_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 12:11:52 -0900 (AKST)

Dear Mary,

Thank you so much for the suggestion! This is great!
Thank you!



> On Sun, 18 Jan 2009, Michel dos Santos Mesquita wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am creating two histograms plotted in the same figure in NCL (using
>> two
>> dataset values per bin in the histogram) - like this NCL example:
>> I have two questions about that:
>> 1) Is there a way for me to change the distance between the two column
>> bars (in each bin)? - that is, instead of plotting one behind the other,
>> I
>> would like to plot them one next to the other.
> Hi Michel,
> The histogram plots have very limited capability, and there's no way
> to do this with two plots that are being compared. However, see
> my answer to #2.
>> 2) I have attached a figure which was created in another program. I
>> would
>> like to reproduce that figure in NCL. Two histograms shown in the same
>> plot: one in the background in gray color. The other in the foreground
>> using transparent fill. Is that possible in NCL? How?
> First, NCL cannot do transparent color, although this is something
> we're working on.
> To do the kind of plot you want, I would call gsn_histogram twice,
> drawing each plot on the same page. To do this, you have to be
> careful that both plots use the same bin intervals, and have the
> same Y axis limits. Here's a sample script that should
> run as is:
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> ; Generate some random data.
> z1 = random_uniform(0,320.,500)
> z2 = random_uniform(0,320.,700)
> ; Open workstation
> wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","histo")
> ; Plot mods
> res = True
> res_at_gsnFrame = False ; Don't advance frame
> res_at_trYMinF = 0. ; Control limits for Y axis
> res_at_trYMaxF = 110.
> res_at_gsnHistogramBinIntervals = ispan(0,320,40) ; self explanatory
> res_at_gsnHistogramBarWidthPercent = 100. ; Bars will be touching
> res_at_gsFillColor = "gray"
> plot = gsn_histogram(wks,z1,res)
> res_at_gsFillColor = "transparent"
> plot = gsn_histogram(wks,z2,res)
> plot = gsn_histogram(wks,z2,res)
> frame(wks)
> end
> --Mary
>> I thank you in advance!
>> Regards,
>> Michel
>> --
>> Michel Mesquita
>> PhD Student
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Michel Mesquita
PhD Student
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