Re: NCL mjo_wavenum_freq_season_plot

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 09:44:55 -0600


Attached, please find an upodated

[1] If this library is on your machine, then you can
     replace it with the attached code.

[2] If you are not able to accomplish [1], then
     extract the mjo_wavenum_freq_season_plot procedure
     from the attached diagnostics_cam.ncl. Rename it to (say)
     load "./mjo_wavenum_freq_season_plot_traute"
     and use this.

Questions, let me know.

Dennis Shea

Traute Crueger wrote:
> Hallo,
> I have a question with respect to the NCL MJO analysis tool (MJO Clivar).
> I applied the mjoclivar_10.ncl (wavenumber-frequency spectrum).
> The plot is perfect. However, in order to compare several of these
> plots, it would be useful that the colors levels are determined manually and not automatically.
> I made a few attemps, e.g. with
> optPlot_at_cnLevelSelectionMode="ManualLevels"
> optPlot_at_cnMinLevelValF = 0.0
> optPlot_at_cnMaxLevelValF = 8.0
> optPlot_at_cnLevelSpacingF = 0.5
> mjo_wavenum_freq_season_plot
> (wf,nameSeason(ns),pltDir,pltType,pltName,optPlot)
> however, the plot remains unchanged. How can I to solve this problem?
> Thank you and best regards
> Traute Crueger

; diagnostics_cam.ncl
; gsn_code.ncl, gsn_csm.ncl, contributed.ncl must be preloaded.
; Decompose a variable into symmetric and asymmetric parts
function decompose2SymAsym( z, iret[1] )
; supports: z(lat,lon), z(time,lat,lon), z(time,lev,lat,lon)

; antisymmetric part is stored in one hemisphere [eg: Northern Hemisphere]
; xOut( lat) = (x(lat)-x(-lat))/2
; symmetric part is stored in other hemisphere [eg: Southern Hemisphere]
; xOut(-lat) = (x(lat)+x(-lat))/2

local dimz, rankz, nlat, nl, N2, N, nt, kl, ntim, klev, dec2SymAsym, PRTFLG

  undef("dec2SymAsym") ; private to this bloc
  function dec2SymAsym( x[*][*], nlat[1], N2[1], N[1] ) ; x(lat,lon)
  ; ===> local to decompose2SymAsym [~ f90 'contains' w PRIVATE attribute]
  ; This does the decomposition: called from driver 'decompose2SymAsym'.
  local xsa, nl
    xsa = (/ x /) ; x(lat,lon)
    do nl=0,N2-1
       xsa( nl,:) = 0.5*(x(nlat-1-nl,:) + x(nl,:)) ; SH => symmetric
       xsa(nlat-1-nl,:) = 0.5*(x(nlat-1-nl,:) - x(nl,:)) ; NH => asymmetric
    end do

    return( xsa )
  ; ====

  dimz = dimsizes( z )
  rankz = dimsizes( dimz )

  if ( then
      print("decompose2SymAsym: currently supports up to 4D: rank="+rankz+"D")
  end if

  if (rankz.eq.1) then
      nlat = dimz(0)
      nlat = dimz(rankz-2)
  end if
  N2 = nlat/2
  N = N2
  if ((nlat%2).eq.1) then
       N = N2+1 ; offset to handle the Equator
  end if

  zSymAsym = (/ z /) ; return array has same size/shape/type
                            ; values will be overwritten
  if (rankz.eq.1) then
      do nl=0,N2-1
       zSymAsym( nl) = 0.5*(z(nlat-1-nl) + z(nl)) ; SH => symmetric
       zSymAsym(nlat-1-nl) = 0.5*(x(nlat-1-nl) - x(nl)) ; NH => asymmetric
      end do
      return( zSymAsym )
  end if

  if (rankz.eq.2) then
      zSymAsym = dec2SymAsym( z, nlat, N2, N )
  end if

  if (rankz.eq.3) then
      ntim = dimz(0)
      do nt=0,ntim-1
         zSymAsym(nt,:,:) = dec2SymAsym( z(nt,:,:), nlat, N2, N )
      end do
  end if

  if (rankz.eq.4) then
      ntim = dimz(0)
      klev = dimz(1)
      do nt=0,ntim-1
        do kl=0,klev-1
           zSymAsym(nt,kl,:,:) = dec2SymAsym( z(nt,kl,:,:), nlat, N2, N )
        end do
      end do
  end if

  zSymAsym_at_long_name = "antisymmetric & symmetric (separate hemispheres)"
  if (isatt(z,"units")) then
      zSymAsym_at_units = z_at_units
  end if
  copy_VarCoords( z, zSymAsym)
  if (iret.eq.0)
      return( zSymAsym ) ; original order
      dNam = getvardims( zSymAsym )
      if (rankz.eq.3) then
          return( zSymAsym($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:)) ; (lat,lon,time)
      end if
      if (rankz.eq.4) then
                                      ; return (lev,lat,lon,time)
          return( zSymAsym($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(3)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:))
      end if
  end if

; Prewhiten the data: eg remove the annual cycle.
; Actually, this will remove all time periods less than
; ththise corresponding to 'fCrit'.
; Note: The original fortran code provided by JET did not remove
; the grid point means so .... rmvMeans=False
; I assume that Matt Wheeler's code did that also.
function rmvAnnualCycle( z[*][*][*], spd[1], nDayTot[1]:integer
                       , rmvMeans[1]:logical \
                       , fCrit[1], iret[1] ) ; z(time,lat,lon)
local dimz, ntim, dNam, zt, cf, xbar
  dimz = dimsizes( z )
  ntim = dimz(0)

  dNam = getvardims( z ) ; input dimension names
  zt = z($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:) ; reorder: time fastest varying

  cf = ezfftf( zt )
  cf!0 = "cmplx" ; dimension clarity
  cf!1 = "lat"
  cf!2 = "lon"
  cf!3 = "freq"
  cf&cmplx = (/ 0,1 /)
  cf&lat = z&$dNam(1)$
  cf&lon = z&$dNam(2)$
                                                ; create freq dim values
  freq = fspan(1,nDayTot*spd/2,nDayTot*spd/2)/nDayTot
  freq!0 = "freq" ; clarity
  freq_at_units = "cycles/day"
  cf&freq = freq ; assign values, needed for {..}

  cf(:,:,:,{:fCrit}) = 0.0 ; cf at all freq < fcrit = 0.0
                                                ; eg < 3/365 [6/730]
  if (rmvMeans) then ; remove means for each lat,lon
                                                ; cf_at_xbar = 0.0
      xbar = cf_at_xbar ; explicit retrieve
      xbar = 0.0 ; set all means = 0.0
      cf_at_xbar = xbar ; reassign new values
  end if
                                                ; reconstruct
  zt = (/ ezfftb(cf,cf_at_xbar) /) ; (/ ... /) avoid meta warning msg

  if (iret.eq.0) then ; return in original order
      return( zt($dNam(0)$|:,$dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:) ) ; (time,lat,lon)
  else ; return in permuted order
      return( zt ) ; (lat,lon,time)
  end if

; Special reordering to resolve the Progressive and Retrogressive waves
; Reference: Hayashi, Y.
; A Generalized Method of Resolving Disturbances into
; Progressive and Retrogressive Waves by Space and
; Fourier and TimeCross Spectral Analysis
; J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 1971, 49: 125-128.

function resolveWavesHayashi ( varfft[*][*][*], nDayWin[1], spd[1] ) ; (2,mlon,nSampWin)
; Create array PEE(NL+1,NT+1) which contains the (real) power spectrum.
; all the following assume indexing starting with 0
; In this array, the negative wavenumbers will be from pn=0 to NL/2-1;
; The positive wavenumbers will be for pn=NL/2+1 to NL.
; Negative frequencies will be from pt=0 to NT/2-1
; Positive frequencies will be from pt=NT/2+1 to NT .
; Information about zonal mean will be for pn=NL/2 .
; Information about time mean will be for pt=NT/2 .
; Information about the Nyquist Frequency is at pt=0 and pt=NT
; In PEE, define the
; WESTWARD waves to be either +ve frequency
; and -ve wavenumber or -ve freq and +ve wavenumber.
; EASTWARD waves are either +ve freq and +ve wavenumber
; OR -ve freq and -ve wavenumber.

; Note that frequencies are returned from fftpack are ordered like so
; input_time_pos [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ]
; ouput_fft_coef [mean 1/7 2/7 3/7 nyquist -3/7 -2/7 -1/7]
; mean,pos freq to nyq,neg freq hi to lo
; Rearrange the coef array to give you power array of freq and wave number east/west
; Note east/west wave number *NOT* eq to fft wavenumber see Hayashi '71
; Hence, NCL's 'cfftf_frq_reorder' can *not* be used.
; For ffts that return the coefficients as described above, here is the algorithm
; coeff array varfft(2,n,t) dimensioned (2,0:numlon-1,0:numtim-1)
; new space/time pee(2,pn,pt) dimensioned (2,0:numlon ,0:numtim )
; NOTE: one larger in both freq/space dims
; the initial index of 2 is for the real (indx 0) and imag (indx 1) parts of the array
; if | 0 <= pn <= numlon/2-1 then | numlon/2 <= n <= 1
; | 0 <= pt < numtim/2-1 | numtim/2 <= t <= numtim-1
; if | 0 <= pn <= numlon/2-1 then | numlon/2 <= n <= 1
; | numtime/2 <= pt <= numtim | 0 <= t <= numtim/2
; if | numlon/2 <= pn <= numlon then | 0 <= n <= numlon/2
; | 0 <= pt <= numtim/2 | numtim/2 <= t <= 0
; if | numlon/2 <= pn <= numlon then | 0 <= n <= numlon/2
; | numtim/2+1 <= pt <= numtim | numtim-1 <= t <= numtim/2

local dimvf, numlon, N, varspacetime, pee, wave, freq
  dimvf = dimsizes( varfft )
  mlon = dimvf(1)
  N = dimvf(2)

  varspacetime = new((/2,mlon+1,N+1/),typeof(varfft),1e20)

  varspacetime(:,:mlon/2-1,:N/2-1) = varfft(:,mlon/2:1,N/2:N-1)
  varspacetime(:,:mlon/2-1,N/2:) = varfft(:,mlon/2:1,:N/2)
  varspacetime(:, mlon/2: ,:N/2) = varfft(:,:mlon/2,N/2:0)
  varspacetime(:, mlon/2: ,N/2+1:) = varfft(:,:mlon/2,N-1:N/2)
; Create the real power spectrum pee = sqrt(real^2+imag^2)^2
  pee = new((/mlon+1,N+1/),typeof(varfft),1e20)
  pee = (sqrt(varspacetime(0,:,:)^2+varspacetime(1,:,:)^2))^2

            ; add meta data for use upon return
  pee!0 = "wave"
  pee!1 = "freq"
            ; JET fortran code 'wavep1'
  wave = ispan(-mlon/2,mlon/2,1)
  wave!0 = "wave"
  wave&wave = wave
            ; JET fortran code 'frqfftwin'
  freq = fspan(-1*nDayWin*spd/2,nDayWin*spd/2,nDayWin*spd+1)/nDayWin
  freq!0 = "freq"
  freq&freq = freq

  pee&wave = wave
  pee&freq = freq

  return( pee )
; dispersion curves
procedure genDispersionCurves( nWaveType[1]:integer \
                             , nEquivDepth[1]:integer \
                             , nPlanetaryWave[1]:integer \
                             , rlat[1]:numeric \
                             , Ahe[*]:numeric \
                             , Afreq[*][*][*]:numeric \
                             , Apzwn[*][*][*]:numeric )
local pi, re, g, omega, U, Un, ll, Beta, maxwn, ww, ed, wn, he \
    , T, L, s, k, kn, del, deif, n, i, eif, P, dps, R, Rdeg, fillval
    pi = 4.0*atan(1.0)
    re = 6.37122e06 ; [m] average radius of earth
    g = 9.80665 ; [m/s] gravity at 45 deg lat used by the WMO
    omega = 7.292e-05 ; [1/s] earth's angular vel
    U = 0.0
    Un = 0.0 ; since Un = U*T/L
    ll = 2.*pi*re*cos(abs(rlat))
    Beta = 2.*omega*cos(abs(rlat))/re
    maxwn = nPlanetaryWave
    fillval = 1e20
    do ww = 1, nWaveType ; wave type
      do ed = 1, nEquivDepth ; equivalent depth
        he = Ahe(ed-1)
        T = 1./sqrt(Beta)*(g*he)^(0.25)
        L = (g*he)^(0.25)/sqrt(Beta)
        do wn = 1, nPlanetaryWave ; planetary wave number
          s = -20.*(wn-1)*2./(nPlanetaryWave-1) + 20.
          k = 2.*pi*s/ll
          kn = k*L
          ; Anti-symmetric curves
          if (ww.eq.1) then ; MRG wave
            if ( then
              del = sqrt(1.+(4.*Beta)/(k^2*sqrt(g*he)))
              deif = k*sqrt(g*he)*(0.5-0.5*del)
            end if
            if (k.eq.0.) then
              deif = sqrt(sqrt(g*he)*Beta)
            end if
            if ( then
              deif = fillval
            end if
          end if
          if (ww.eq.2) then ; n=0 IG wave
            if ( then
              deif = fillval
            end if
            if (k.eq.0.) then
              deif = sqrt(sqrt(g*he)*Beta)
            end if
            if ( then
              del = sqrt(1.+(4.0*Beta)/(k^2*sqrt(g*he)))
              deif = k*sqrt(g*he)*(0.5+0.5*del)
            end if
          end if
          if (ww.eq.3) then ; n=2 IG wave
            del = (Beta*sqrt(g*he))
            deif = sqrt((2.*n+1.)*del + (g*he)*k^2)
            ; do some corrections to the above calculated frequency.......
            do i = 1,5
             deif = sqrt((2.*n+1.)*del + (g*he)*k^2 + g*he*Beta*k/deif)
            end do
          end if
          ; symmetric curves
          if (ww.eq.4) then ; n=1 ER wave
            if ( then
             del = (Beta/sqrt(g*he))*(2.*n+1.)
             deif = -Beta*k/(k^2 + del)
             deif = fillval
            end if
          end if
          if (ww.eq.5) then ; Kelvin wave
            deif = k*sqrt(g*he)
          end if
          if (ww.eq.6) then ; n=1 IG wave
            del = (Beta*sqrt(g*he))
            deif = sqrt((2.*n+1.)*del + (g*he)*k^2)
            ; do some corrections to the above calculated frequency.......
            do i=1,5
              deif = sqrt((2.*n+1.)*del + (g*he)*k^2 + g*he*Beta*k/deif)
            end do
          end if
          eif = deif ; + k*U since U=0.0
          P = 2.*pi/(eif*24.*60.*60.)
          dps = deif/k
          R = L
          Rdeg = (180.*R)/(pi*6.37e6)
          Apzwn(ww-1,ed-1,wn-1) = s
          if ( then
            P = 2.*pi/(eif*24.*60.*60.)
            Afreq(ww-1,ed-1,wn-1) = 1./P
            Afreq(ww-1,ed-1,wn-1) = fillval
          end if
        end do
      end do
    end do
; Graphics Utility: Add temporal info the freq[y]- wave[x] contour
; freq is cpd [cycles per day]
procedure addHorVertLines(wks[1]:graphic, plot[1]:graphic \
                         ,x1[*],x2[*],y1[*],y2[*],y3[*],y4[*] )
; freq [y] axis: Add horizontal lines that explicitly
; print time in days. This assumes the units
; of the freq axis are "cpd" [cycles per day]
local gsres, txres
    gsres = True
    gsres_at_gsLineDashPattern = 1

    gsn_polyline(wks, plot, x1,y1,gsres)
    gsn_polyline(wks, plot, x1,y2,gsres)
    gsn_polyline(wks, plot, x1,y3,gsres)
    gsn_polyline(wks, plot, x2,y4,gsres)

    txres = True
    txres_at_txJust = "CenterLeft"
    txres_at_txFontHeightF = 0.013

    gsn_text(wks, plot, "3 days" ,-14.7,.345,txres)
    gsn_text(wks, plot, "6 days" ,-14.7,.175,txres)
    gsn_text(wks, plot, "30 days",-14.7,.045,txres)

; Utility: Unix does not allow spaces in file names
; When 5.0.1 becomes available, delete this and
; use replaceSingleChar in contributed.ncl
procedure replaceChars (s[1]:string, oldStr[1]:string, newStr[1]:string )
local cOld, cNew, c, i
  cOld = stringtochar( oldStr )
  cNew = stringtochar( newStr )

  c = stringtochar( s )
  i = ind( c.eq.cOld(0) )
  if (.not.(any(ismissing(i)))) then
      c(i) = cNew(0)
      s = chartostring( c )
  end if

; Graphics Utility: This info may be of use if users want
; to set there own plot limits
; Activated if opt=True and (opt_at_debug=True or opt_at_Fig_3_statInfo=True)
procedure statAsymSym (x[*][*]:numeric, name[1]:string )
local statx, work, nwork
   statx = new ( 7, typeof(x), 1e20)
   statx(0) = avg(x) ; mean
   statx(1) = stddev(x) ; std. deviation
   work = ndtooned(x)
   nwork = dimsizes(work)
   qsort( work ) ; sort into ascending order
   statx(2) = min ( work )
   statx(3) = work( nwork/4 ) ; lower quartile
   statx(4) = work( nwork/2 ) ; approx median
   statx(5) = work( nwork*3/4) ; upper quartile
   statx(6) = max ( work )

   print(" ")
   print(" ===> Statistics: "+name+" <===")
   print(" Mean="+statx(0) )
   print(" StdDev="+statx(1) )
   print(" Min="+statx(2) )
   print(" lowQuartile="+statx(3) )
   print(" Median="+statx(4) )
   print("highQuartile="+statx(5) )
   print(" Max="+statx(6) )
   print(" ")

; ====> Create Wheeler-Kiladis Space-Time plots. <====

; Note_1: The full logitudinal domain is used.
; This means that every planetary
; wavenumber will be represented.
; Note_2: Tapering in time is done to make the variable periodic.
; The calculations are also only made for the latitudes
; between '-latBound' and 'latBound'.
;******************** REFERENCES *******************************
; Wheeler, M., G.N. Kiladis
; Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves:
; Analysis of Clouds and Temperature in the
; Wavenumber-Frequency Domain
; J. Atmos. Sci., 1999, 56: 374-399.
; Hayashi, Y.
; A Generalized Method of Resolving Disturbances into
; Progressive and Retrogressive Waves by Space and
; Fourier and TimeCross Spectral Analysis
; J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 1971, 49: 125-128.
undef ("wkSpaceTime")
procedure wkSpaceTime (x[*][*][*]:numeric \
                      ,diro[1]:string \
                      ,caseName[1]:string \
                      ,varName[1]:string \
                      ,latBound[1]:numeric \
                      ,spd[1]:integer \
                      ,nDayWin[1]:integer \
                      ,nDaySkip[1]:integer \

local latN, latS, lonL, lonR, spd, fCrit, tim_taper \
    , lon_taper, pltType, debug, minwav4smth, maxfrq4plt \
    , minfrq4plt, maxfrq4plt, minwav4plt, maxwav4plt \
    , fillVal, nMsg, dimx, ntim, nlat, mlon, nDayTot \
    , nSampTot, nSampWin, nSampSkip, nWindow, N, dNam, work\
    , rmvMeans, xAS, q, peeAS, nl, ntStrt, ntLast, nw, nt \
    , ml, psumanti, psumsym, wv, wkdir, caseName, pltFilTit\
    , frqfftwin, wavep1, minfrq, maxfrq, tmFontHgtF, pltTit\
    , tiFontHgtF, lbFontHgtF, txFontHgtF, res, freq \
    , wavenumber, NWVN, dcres, txres, rlat, Ahe \
    , nWaveType, nPlanetaryWave, nEquivDepth, Apzwn, Afreq \
    , asym, sym, x1, x2, y1, y2, y3, y4, wks, plot \
    , psumb, psumsym_nolog, psumanti_nolog, tt, smthlen \
    , i, pt8cpd, spec, nCn, nExtra


  debug = False ; default
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "debug") ) then
      debug = opt_at_debug
  end if

  if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then ; Check for _FillValue .... not allowed
      nMsg = num(ismissing(x))
      if ( then
          print("nMsg="+nMsg+" User must preprocess to remove _FillValue")
          print(" FFTs do not allow missing values!! ")
      end if
      delete(x@_FillValue) ; avoid warning messages from fft
  end if

  if (debug) then
      printVarSummary( x )
      printMinMax( x, True )
  end if

; x sizes and dimension names

  dimx = dimsizes(x)
  ntim = dimx(0) ; total number of temporal samples
  nlat = dimx(1)
  mlon = dimx(2)

  dNam = getvardims( x )

; check to make sure that "x" has full days of data

  if ((ntim%spd).ne.0) then
      nExtra = ntim%spd
      print("nExtra="+nExtra+" input array must have complete days only ")
  end if

; Make input arguments into "internal" variables
  latN = latBound
  latS =-latBound ; make symmetric about the equator

  lonL = 0 ; -180
  lonR = 360 ; 180

  fCrit = 1./nDayWin ; remove all contributions 'longer'

  tim_taper = 0.1 ; time taper [0.1 => 10%]
  lon_taper = 0.0 ; longitude taper [0.0 for globe; only global supported]

; Check for not allowed actions

  if ( .or. (lonR-lonL).ne.360.) then
      print("Code does currently allow lon_taper>0 or (lonR-lonL)<360")
  end if

  pltType = "ps" ; default
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "pltType") ) then
      if (any(opt_at_pltType.eq.(/"ps", "eps", "x11", "ncgm", "png"/))) then
          pltType = opt_at_pltType
      end if
  end if

  pltTit = caseName+"_"+varName
  pltTitle = pltTit+" LOG[Power: "+latBound+"S-"+latBound+"N]"
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "pltTitle") ) then
      pltTitle = opt_at_pltTitle
  end if

  pltFilTit = pltTit
  replaceChars( pltFilTit, " ", "_") ; spaces not allowed unix file names

  pltColorMap = "amwg_blueyellowred"
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "pltColorMap") ) then
      pltColorMap = opt_at_pltColorMap
  end if

; Create required temporal sampling variables

  nDayTot = ntim/spd ; # of days (total) for input variable
  nSampTot = nDayTot*spd ; # of samples (total)
  nSampWin = nDayWin*spd ; # of samples per temporal window
  nSampSkip = nDaySkip*spd ; # of samples to skip between window segments
                               ; neg means overlap
  nWindow = (nSampTot-nSampWin)/(nSampWin+nSampSkip) + 1
  N = nSampWin ; convenience [historical]

  if ( then
      print("nDayTot="+nDayTot+" is less the nDayWin="+nDayWin)
      print(" This is not allowed !! ")
  end if

; Remove dominant signals
; (a) Explicitly remove *long term* linear trend
; For consistency with JET code keep the grid point means.
; This necessitates that 'dtrend_msg' be used because 'dtrend'
; always removes the mean(s).
; (b) All variations >= approx 'nDayWin' days if full year available

  dNam = getvardims( x )
  work = x($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:) ; reorder (lat,lon,time)
;;work = dtrend( work , False ) ; remove mean + overall long term temporal trend
  work = dtrend_msg(ispan(0,ntim-1,1)*1.0, work, False, False) ; remove just trend
  if (isatt(work,"_FillValue")) then
      delete(work@_FillValue) ; dtrend_msg adds this att
  end if
                                                         ; replace with detrended
  x = (/ work($dNam(0)$|:,$dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:) /) ; values (time,lat,lon)

  if ( then ; rmv dominant signals
      rmvMeans = False ; original code did not remove
      x = rmvAnnualCycle(x, spd, nDayTot, rmvMeans, fCrit, 0)
  end if

  if (debug) then
      print("===> Post removal of trend and signal <===")
      printVarSummary( x ) ; (time,lat,lon)
      printMinMax( x, True )
  end if

; Decompose to Symmetric and Asymmetric parts
  xAS = decompose2SymAsym( x , 1 ) ; create Asym and Sym parts
  if (debug) then
      printVarSummary(xAS) ; xAS(lat,lon,time) [iret=1]
      printMinMax(xAS, True)
  end if

; Because there is the possibility of overlapping *temporal* segments,
; we must use a less efficient approach and detrend/taper
; each window segment as it arises.
; t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 .................. t(N)
; lon(0): x00 x01 x02 x03 x04 .................. x0(N)
; : : : : : : :
; lon(M): xM0 xM1 xM2 xM3 xM4 .................. xM(N)
; q - temporary array to hold the 2D complex results
; for each longitude/time (lon,time) window that is fft'd.
; This is one instance [realization] of space-time decomposition.
; peeAS - symmetric and asymmetric power values in each latitude hemisphere.
; Add extra lon/time to match JET
  q = new((/2,mlon,nSampWin/) ,typeof(xAS), "No_FillValue")
  peeAS = new((/nlat,mlon+1,nSampWin+1/),typeof(xAS), "No_FillValue")
  peeAS = 0.0 ; initialize

; Operate on the xAS array
; NCL does not have a complex 2D FFT at this time.
; Perform a "poorman's" complex 2D FFT by looping over time and space.
; Loop over all latitudes and then perform summing/averaging
; on the spectral results.

  do nl=0,nlat-1

     ntStrt = 0
     ntLast = nSampWin-1
     if (debug) then
         print("==============> nl="+nl+" <==============")
     end if

    do nw=0,nWindow-1 ; temporal window
       if (debug .and. nl.eq.0) then ; debug
           print("nw="+nw+" ntStrt="+ntStrt+" ntLast="+ntLast)
       end if
       work = dtrend( xAS(:,:,ntStrt:ntLast), False ) ; detrend temporal window
       work = taper ( work, tim_taper, 0) ; taper in "time" [periodic]
                                             ; work(nlat,mlon,N)
      do nt=0,nSampWin-1 ; for each time perform complex fft in longitude
         q(:,:,nt) = cfftf( work(nl,:,nt), 0.0, 0) ; space
      end do
       q = q/mlon ; normalize by # lon samples

      do ml=0,mlon-1 ; for each lon perform complex fft in time
         q(:,ml,:) = cfftf( q(0,ml,:), q(1,ml,:), 0) ; time
      end do
       q = q/nSampWin ; normalize by # time samples

; At this point 'q(2,mlon,nSampWin)' contains the
; real and imaginary space-time spectrum for this latitude
; ---
; Use Hayashi method to resolve into Progressive [Eastward]
; and Retrogressive [Westward] Waves.

       pee = resolveWavesHayashi( q, nDayWin, spd )
       peeAS(nl,:,:) = peeAS(nl,:,:) + (pee/nWindow) ; sum window contribution
       ntStrt = ntLast+nSampSkip+1 ; set index for next temporal window
       ntLast = ntStrt+nSampWin-1
    end do ; nw (windows)

  end do ; nl (lat)

; Add meta data to the Hayashi space-time symmetric and asymmetric power

  peeAS!0 = "lat"
  peeAS!1 = "wave"
  peeAS!2 = "freq"
  peeAS&lat = xAS&$dNam(1)$ ; nominally, xAS&lat
  peeAS&wave = pee&wave
  peeAS&freq = pee&freq
  peeAS_at_long_name = "symmetric and asymmetric components"

  if (debug) then
      printVarSummary( peeAS )
      printMinMax( peeAS , True)
  end if

  delete( q ) ; no longer needed
  delete( pee )

; now that we have the power array for sym and asym: use to
; 1) plot raw power spectrum (some smoothing)
; 2) derive and plot the background spectrum (lots of smoothing)
; 3) derive a denoised spectrum that is raw power/background power
; psumanti and psumsym will contain the symmetric and asymmetric power
; summed over latitude

  psumanti = new((/dimsizes(peeAS&wave),dimsizes(peeAS&freq)/),typeof(peeAS), 1e20 )
  psumanti!0 = "wave"
  psumanti!1 = "freq"
  psumanti&wave = peeAS&wave
  psumanti&freq = peeAS&freq

  psumsym = psumanti

  psumanti_at_long_name = "Asymmetric summed over lat"
  psumsym_at_long_name = "Symmetric summed over lat"

  if (nlat%2.eq.0) ; use named dimensions to reorder
      psumanti = dim_sum_Wrap(peeAS(wave|:,freq|:,lat|nlat/2:nlat-1))
      psumsym = dim_sum_Wrap(peeAS(wave|:,freq|:,lat|0:nlat/2-1) )
      psumanti = dim_sum_Wrap(peeAS(wave|:,freq|:,lat|nlat/2+1:nlat-1))
      psumsym = dim_sum_Wrap(peeAS(wave|:,freq|:,lat|0:nlat/2) )
  end if
; since summing over half the array (symmetric,asymmetric) the
; total variance is 2x the half sum
  psumanti = 2.0*psumanti
  psumsym = 2.0*psumsym

; set the mean to missing to match original code
  psumanti(:,{0.0}) = (/ psumanti@_FillValue /)
  psumsym (:,{0.0}) = (/ psumsym@_FillValue /)

  if (debug) then
      printVarSummary( psumanti ) ; (wave,freq)
      printMinMax( psumsym , True)
  end if

; Apply smoothing to the spectrum. smooth over limited wave numbers
; Smoothing in frequency only (check if mean should be smoothed not smoothing now)
; Smoothing parameters set these larger than the plotting
; wavenumbers to avoid smoothing artifacts
  minwav4smth = -27
  maxwav4smth = 27
  do wv=minwav4smth,maxwav4smth
     wk_smooth121( psumanti({wv},N/2+1:N-1) )
     wk_smooth121( psumsym ({wv},N/2+1:N-1) )
  end do

; Log10 scaling

  psumanti_nolog = psumanti
  psumsym_nolog = psumsym

  psumanti = log10(psumanti)
  psumsym = log10(psumsym)

  psumanti_at_long_name = "log10(Asymmetric)"
  psumsym_at_long_name = "log10(Symmetric)"

  if (debug) then
      printVarSummary( psumanti ) ; (wave,freq)
      printMinMax( psumanti , True)
      printVarSummary( psumsym )
      printMinMax( psumsym , True)
  end if

; PLOT CODE follows
; --- set some 'plot variables
; set frequency maximum for plotting
; min(user specified frq, maxfrq in window)
; The following allow DJS variable naming
; to be used with original plot code.
 ;caseName = case
  wkdir = diro

  frqfftwin = peeAS&freq
  frqfftwin&freq = peeAS&freq

  wavep1 = peeAS&wave
  wavep1&wave = peeAS&wave

  if (debug) then
      printVarSummary( frqfftwin )
      printMinMax( frqfftwin, True )
      printVarSummary( wavep1 )
      printMinMax( wavep1, True )
  end if
; plotting parameters freq and wavenumbers to plot
  minfrq4plt = 0.
  maxfrq4plt = 0.8
  minwav4plt = -15
  maxwav4plt = 15
  minfrq = minfrq4plt
  maxfrq = min((/maxfrq4plt,max(frqfftwin)/))

  fillVal = 1e20 ; miscellaneous
; Start Common Graphics Resources
   tmFontHgtF = 0.015 ; not sure why
   tiFontHgtF = 0.018
   lbFontHgtF = 0.015
   txFontHgtF = 0.013

   res = True
   res_at_gsnFrame = False
   res_at_gsnMaximize = True
   res_at_gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait"

   res_at_gsnLeftString = "Westward"
   res_at_gsnRightString = "Eastward"

  ;res_at_lbBoxMinorExtentF = 0.18
   res_at_lbLabelFontHeightF= lbFontHgtF
   res_at_lbOrientation = "vertical"

   res_at_cnFillOn = True
   if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "cnLinesOn") \
           .and. .not.opt_at_cnLinesOn) then
       res_at_cnLinesOn = False
       res_at_cnLineThicknessF = 0.5
   end if

   res_at_tmYLMode = "Explicit"
   res_at_tmYLValues = fspan(minfrq,maxfrq,9)
   res_at_tmYLLabels = fspan(minfrq,maxfrq,9)
   res_at_tmYLMinorValues = fspan(minfrq,maxfrq,17)

   res_at_tmYLLabelFontHeightF = tmFontHgtF
   res_at_tmXBLabelFontHeightF = tmFontHgtF

   res_at_tiXAxisString = "Zonal Wave Number"
   res_at_tiXAxisFontHeightF= tiFontHgtF

   res_at_tiYAxisString = "Frequency (cpd)"
   res_at_tiYAxisFontHeightF= res_at_tiXAxisFontHeightF
   if (.not.(pltTitle.eq."" .or. pltTitle.eq." ")) then
       res_at_tiMainString = pltTitle
       res_at_tiMainFontHeightF = tiFontHgtF
   end if
   res_at_txFontHeightF = tiFontHgtF

; Create a list of variable names that have predefined
; contour intervals.
   varCnLevels = (/"FLUT" ,"OLR", "olr","U200","U850" \
                  ,"PRECT","OMEGA500" /)

   if (any(varCnLevels.eq.varName)) then
       res_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
       res_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "AutomaticLevels"
   end if
; horizontal dashed lines and text for frequency axis [plot only]

   freq = frqfftwin({freq|minfrq:maxfrq})
   wavenumber = wavep1({wave|minwav4plt:maxwav4plt})
   NWVN = dimsizes(wavenumber) ; number of wavenumbers

   x1 = wavenumber
   x1!0 = "wave"
   y1 = new (NWVN,float)
   y1!0 = "freq"
   y1 = 1./3. ; 3 days
   y2 = y1
   y2 = 1./6. ; 6 days
   y3 = y1
   y3 = 1./30. ; 30 days
   x2 = new(25,float)
   x2 = 0.0
   y4 = fspan(0.0,1.0,25)

; dispersion: curves

   rlat = 0.0
   Ahe = (/50.,25.,12./)
   nWaveType = 6
   nPlanetaryWave = 50
   nEquivDepth = dimsizes(Ahe)
   Apzwn = new((/nWaveType,nEquivDepth,nPlanetaryWave/),"double",fillVal)
   Afreq = Apzwn
   genDispersionCurves(nWaveType, nEquivDepth, nPlanetaryWave, rlat, Ahe, Afreq, Apzwn )

; dispersion curve and text plot resources
   dcres = True
   dcres_at_gsLineThicknessF = 2.0
   dcres_at_gsLineDashPattern = 0

   txres = True
   txres_at_txJust = "CenterLeft"
   txres_at_txPerimOn = True
   txres_at_txFontHeightF = 0.013
   txres_at_txBackgroundFillColor = "Background"
; plotting params for fig 1; subset for plot
                                              ; reorder so freq is "y"
   asym = psumanti({freq|minfrq:maxfrq},{wave|minwav4plt:maxwav4plt})
   asym!0 = "freq"
   asym&freq = freq
   asym!1 = "wave"
   asym&wave = wavenumber
   asym_at_long_name = "Fig_1: log10(Asymmetric)"

   sym = psumsym({freq|minfrq:maxfrq},{wave|minwav4plt:maxwav4plt})
   sym_at_long_name = "Fig_1: log10(Symmetric)"

   if (debug) then
       printMinMax(asym, True)
       printMinMax(sym, True)
   end if

; Fig 1: Pre-defined contour levels [15] for selected variables [non-log10]
   nCn = 15

   if (varName .eq. "FLUT" .or. varName .eq. "OLR" .or. varName .eq. "olr") then
       res_at_cnLevels = (/-1.2,-1.1,-1.0,-0.8,-0.6,-0.4,-0.2 \ ; unequal
                       , 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.1,1.2/)
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "PRECT") then
       res_at_cnLevels = (/-18.2,-18.0,-17.8,-17.6,-17.5,-17.4,-17.3 \ ; unequal
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "U200") then
       res_at_cnLevels = fspan(-3.3, 0.9, nCn)
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "U850") then
       res_at_cnLevels = fspan(-3.25, 0.25, nCn)
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "OMEGA500") then
       res_at_cnLevels = fspan(-5.9, -4.5, nCn)
   end if

   if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "Fig_1")) then
       res_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
       res_at_cnLevels = opt_at_Fig_1 ; user specified limits
   end if
  ;print("======> Fig 1a: ASYMMETRIC <=====")
   wks = gsn_open_wks(pltType,wkdir+"/"+"Fig1.Asym."+pltFilTit)
   res_at_gsnCenterString = "Anti-Symmetric"
   plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks,asym,res)
   addHorVertLines(wks, plot, x1,x2,y1,y2,y3,y4 ) ; add dashed lines
   delete(wks) ; not required
  ;print("======> Fig 1b: SYMMETRIC <=====")
   wks = gsn_open_wks(pltType,wkdir+"/"+"Fig1.Sym."+pltFilTit)
   res_at_gsnCenterString = "Symmetric"
   plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks,sym,res)
   addHorVertLines(wks, plot, x1,x2,y1,y2,y3,y4 ) ; add dashed lines

; Is netCDF option set?
   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"netCDF") .and. opt_at_netCDF) then
       if (isatt(opt,"dirNetCDF")) then
           dirNetCDF = opt_at_dirNetCDF
           dirNetCDF = "./"
       end if
       if (isatt(opt,"filNetCDF")) then
           filNetCDF = opt_at_filNetCDF
           filNetCDF = "SpaceTime."+varName+".nc"
       end if
       fNam = dirNetCDF+filNetCDF
       system ("/bin/rm -f "+fNam)
       ncdf = addfile(fNam, "c")

       ncdf->FIG_1_SYM = sym
       ncdf->FIG_1_ASYM = asym
   end if
; ****** now derive and plot the background spectrum (red noise) ************
; [1] Sum power over all latitude
; [2] Put fill value in mean
; [3] Apply smoothing to the spectrum. This smoothing DOES include wavenumber zero.
  ;print("======> BACKGROUND <=====")
   psumb = dim_sum_Wrap(peeAS(wave|:,freq|:,lat|:)) ; sum over all latitudes
   psumb_at_long_name = "Background Spectrum"
   psumb@_FillValue = fillVal
   psumb(wave|:,freq|N/2) = fillVal
   psumb@_FillValue = fillVal

   if (debug) then
       printVarSummary(psumb) ; (wave,freq)
       printMinMax(psumb, True)
   end if
   do tt = N/2+1,N
      smthlen = maxwav4smth-minwav4smth+1
      if (frqfftwin(tt).lt.0.1) then
        do i = 1,5
          wk_smooth121( psumb(freq|tt,{wave|minwav4smth:maxwav4smth}) )
        end do
      end if
      if (frqfftwin(tt).ge.0.1.and.frqfftwin(tt).lt.0.2) then
        do i = 1,10
          wk_smooth121( psumb(freq|tt,{wave|minwav4smth:maxwav4smth}) )
        end do
      end if
      if (frqfftwin(tt).ge.0.2.and.frqfftwin(tt).lt.0.3) then
        do i = 1,20
          wk_smooth121( psumb(freq|tt,{wave|minwav4smth:maxwav4smth}) )
        end do
      end if

      if (frqfftwin(tt).ge.0.3) then
        do i = 1,40
        end do
      end if
   end do
   do nw = minwav4smth,maxwav4smth ; smth frequency up to .8 cycles per day
      pt8cpd = min((/closest_val(.8,frqfftwin),dimsizes(frqfftwin)-1/))
      smthlen = pt8cpd-(N/2+1)+1
     do i = 1,10
        wk_smooth121( psumb({nw},N/2+1:pt8cpd) )
     end do
   end do

; [1] Put fill value in mean (again)
; [2] SAVE the background spectrum for plotting Fig 3
; [3] LOGARITHMIC SCALING for plotting the background spectrum
   psumb(wave|:,freq|N/2) = fillVal
   psumb_nolog = psumb
   psumb = log10(psumb) ; LOG10
   psumb_at_long_name = "log10( background spec )"
   if (debug) then
       print(" ===> Post multiple smoothing by wk_smooth121 <===")
       printMinMax(psumb_nolog, True)

       printMinMax(psumb, True)
   end if
; set up for plotting [ subset of frequencies: not necessary]
   freq = frqfftwin({freq|minfrq:maxfrq})
   spec = psumb({freq|minfrq:maxfrq},{wave|minwav4plt:maxwav4plt})

   if (debug) then
       printVarSummary(spec) ; (freq,wave)
       printMinMax(spec, True)
   end if
; Fig 2: Predefined explicit contour levels BACKGROUND spectrum [LOG10]

   if (isatt(res,"cnLevels")) then
       delete(res_at_cnLevels) ; allow size to change
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "FLUT" .or. varName .eq. "OLR" .or. varName .eq. "olr") then
       res_at_cnLevels = (/-1.2,-1.1,-1.0,-0.8,-0.6,-0.4,-0.2 \ ; unequal 15
                       , 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.1,1.2/)
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "PRECT") then
       res_at_cnLevels = (/-18.2,-18.0,-17.8,-17.6,-17.5,-17.4,-17.3 \ ; unequal
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "U200") then
       res_at_cnLevels = fspan(-3.3, 0.9, nCn)
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "U850") then
       res_at_cnLevels = fspan(-3.25, 0.25, nCn)
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "OMEGA500") then
       res_at_cnLevels = fspan(-5.9,-4.5, nCn)
   end if

   if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "Fig_2")) then
       res_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
       res_at_cnLevels = opt_at_Fig_2 ; user specified
   end if
   wks = gsn_open_wks(pltType,wkdir+"/Fig2."+pltFilTit)

   res_at_gsnCenterString = "Background Power"
   plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks,spec,res)
   addHorVertLines(wks, plot, x1,x2,y1,y2,y3,y4 ) ; add dashed lines
; Fig 3a, 3b: psum_nolog/psumb_nolog [ratio]
   psumsym_nolog = psumsym_nolog /psumb_nolog ; (wave,freq)
   psumanti_nolog = psumanti_nolog/psumb_nolog

   if (debug) then
       printVarSummary(psumanti_nolog) ; (freq,wave)
       printMinMax(psumanti_nolog, True)
       printVarSummary(psumsym_nolog) ; (freq,wave)
       printMinMax(psumsym_nolog, True)
   end if

; ANTI-SYMMETRIC: RATIO ( subset to plot )

   asym = psumanti_nolog({freq|minfrq:maxfrq},{wave|minwav4plt:maxwav4plt})
   sym = psumsym_nolog({freq|minfrq:maxfrq},{wave|minwav4plt:maxwav4plt})

   if (debug) then
       printVarSummary(asym) ; (freq,wave)
       printMinMax(asym, True)
       printVarSummary(sym) ; (freq,wave)
       printMinMax(sym, True)
   end if

   if (isatt(res,"cnLevels")) then
       delete(res_at_cnLevels) ; allow size to change
   end if

   if (varName .eq. "FLUT" .or. varName .eq. "OLR".or. varName .eq. "olr") then
       res_at_cnLevels = fspan(0.3, 1.7, nCn)
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "U200") then
       res_at_cnLevels = fspan(0.4, 1.8, nCn)
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "U850") then
       res_at_cnLevels = fspan(0.4, 1.8, nCn)
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "PRECT") then
       res_at_cnLevels = (/0.6,0.7 ,0.8,0.9 ,1.0,1.1,1.15,1.2,1.25 \
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "OMEGA500") then
       res_at_cnLevels = (/0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0,1.1,1.15,1.2,1.25 \
   end if

   if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "Fig_3a")) then
       res_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
       res_at_cnLevels = opt_at_Fig_3a ; user specified
   end if
   wks = gsn_open_wks(pltType,wkdir+"/Fig3.Asym."+pltFilTit)
   res_at_gsnCenterString = "Anti-Symmetric/Background"
   plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks,asym,res)
   addHorVertLines(wks, plot, x1,x2,y1,y2,y3,y4 ) ; add dashed lines

; draw dispersion line


; dispersion labels

   gsn_text(wks,plot,"n=2 IG",-3.0,.58,txres)
   gsn_text(wks,plot,"n=0 EIG",9.5,.50,txres)

   delete(wks) ; not required

   if (isatt(res,"cnLevels")) then
   end if

   if (varName .eq. "FLUT" .or. varName .eq. "OLR".or. varName .eq. "olr") then
       res_at_cnLevels = (/.3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8,.9,1.,1.1,1.2,1.4,1.7,2.,2.4,2.8/)
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "U200") then
       res_at_cnLevels = (/.4,.6,.8,1.,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,2.,2.2,2.4,2.6/)
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "U850") then
       res_at_cnLevels = (/.4,.6,.8,1.,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,2.,2.2,2.4,2.6/)
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "PRECT") then
       res_at_cnLevels = (/.6,.7,.8,.9,1.,1.1,1.15,1.2,1.25,1.3,1.35,1.4,1.45,1.5,1.6/)
   end if
   if (varName .eq. "OMEGA500") then
       res_at_cnLevels = (/.6,.7,.8,.9,1.,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,2./)
   end if

   if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "Fig_3b")) then
       res_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
       res_at_cnLevels = opt_at_Fig_3b ; user specified
   end if

   wks = gsn_open_wks(pltType, wkdir+"/Fig3.Sym."+pltFilTit)
   gsn_define_colormap(wks ,pltColorMap)
   res_at_gsnCenterString = "Symmetric/Background"
   plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks,sym,res)
   addHorVertLines(wks, plot, x1,x2,y1,y2,y3,y4 ) ; add dashed lines


   gsn_text(wks,plot,"n=1 ER",-10.7,.07,txres)
   gsn_text(wks,plot,"n=1 IG",-3.0,.45,txres)

   if (debug .or. (opt .and. isatt(opt,"Fig_3_statInfo") \
                       .and. opt_at_Fig_3_statInfo) ) then
       statAsymSym( asym, "Fig_3a" )
       statAsymSym( sym, "Fig_3b" )
   end if

; Is netCDF option set?
   if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"netCDF") .and. opt_at_netCDF) then
       ncdf->FIG_3_BACK = spec
       ncdf->FIG_3_SYM = sym
       ncdf->FIG_3_ASYM = asym
   end if

   if (debug) then
       print("********** FINISHED: Space-Time *****************")
   end if

; CAM interface to wkSpaceTime
procedure wkSpaceTime_cam \
                     ( diri[1]:string \ ; input directory
                     , fili[*]:string \ ; input file
                     , diro[1]:string \ ; output directory [plots]
                     , caseName[1]:string \ ; case name
                     , varName[1]:string \ ; variable name
                     , latBound[1]:numeric \ ; NH lat bound [positive]
                     , spd[1]:numeric \ ; samples per day
                     , level[1]:numeric \ ; if 4D ... what level?
                     , nDayWin[1]:integer \ ; temporal window length [days]
                     , nDaySkip[1]:integer \ ; days between time windows
                     , opt[1]:logical \ ; future options
; ---- local declarations are *not* required ----
local latN, latS, lonL, lonR, SPD, tskip, debug, fillVal \
          , nfil, f, rank, nMsg, x, dNam, flist, dNamx \
          , TIME, pltId
  latN = latBound
  latS =-latBound ; make symmetric about the equator

  lonL = 0 ; -180
  lonR = 360 ; 180

                     ; OPTIONS
  debug = False ; default
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "debug") ) then
      debug = opt_at_debug
  end if

  SPD = spd ; SPD *actual* "samples per day"
                     ; *after* possible 'decimation'
  tskip = 1 ; used to skip samples on input
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt, "spdSkip") .and. ) then
      SPD = spd/opt_at_spdSkip
      tskip = max( (/1,SPD/) ) ; decimate
  end if

  fillVal = 1e20 ; miscellaneous

; Read data from file(s): maintain meta data and original dim names

  nfil = dimsizes(fili)
  f = addfile (diri+fili(0), "r")
  rank = dimsizes( filevardimsizes(f,varName) )
  if ( .or. then
      print("wkSpaceTime: only 3D and 4D supported: rank="+rank+"D")
  end if

  if (nfil.eq.1) then ; SINGLE FILE
      if (rank.eq.3) then
          x = f->$varName$(::tskip,{latS:latN},{lonL:lonR})
          x = f->$varName$(::tskip,{level},{latS:latN},{lonL:lonR})
      end if
      dNam = getfilevardims(f,varName)
                                                 ; needed for *large*
      setfileoption("nc","SuppressClose",False) ; number of files

      flist = addfiles( diri+fili, "r")
                                             ; make TIME [tedious]
      TIME = flist[:]->$dNam(0)$ ; values
      if (isfilevaratt(flist[0], dNam(0) , "units") ) then
          TIME_at_units = flist[0]->$dNam(0)$@units ; assign units attribute
      end if
      if (isfilevarcoord( flist[0], dNam(0), dNam(0) ) ) then
          TIME!0 = dNam(0) ; name the dimension
          TIME&$dNam(0)$ = TIME ; assign values [coord]
      end if

      if (rank.eq.3) then
          x = flist[:]->$varName$(::tskip,{latS:latN},{lonL:lonR})
          x!0 = dNam(0)
          x!1 = dNam(1)
          x!2 = dNam(2)
          x = flist[:]->$varName$(::tskip,{level},{latS:latN},{lonL:lonR})
          x!0 = dNam(0)
          x!1 = dNam(2)
          x!2 = dNam(3)
      end if
                             ; NOT required but create meta data
      dNamx = getvardims(x)

      x&$dNamx(0)$ = TIME ; assign coordinates
      x&$dNamx(1)$ = flist[0]->$dNamx(1)$({latS:latN})
      x&$dNamx(2)$ = flist[0]->$dNamx(2)$({lonL:lonR})
      if (isfilevaratt( flist[0], varName, "long_name")) then
          x_at_long_name = flist[0]->$varName$@long_name
      end if
      if (isfilevaratt( flist[0], varName, "units" )) then
          x_at_units = flist[0]->$varName$@units
      end if
  end if
; Call the procedure that will do the calculations and plots.
  wkSpaceTime (x, diro, caseName, varName \
              ,latBound, SPD, nDayWin, nDaySkip, opt )
; L2 error norms
 function l2_norma( x[*][*][*][*]:numeric, wy[*], wz )
 local dimx, dimwz, rankwz, ntim, l2a, nt, xzon, xzonc \
     , dif2, wyc, wywz, wywzs
   dimx = dimsizes( x )
   dimwz = dimsizes( wz )
   rankwz = dimsizes( dimwz )
   ntim = dimx(0)
   l2a = new ( ntim, typeof(x), getFillValue(x) )
                                                       ; constant all times
   wyc = conform(x(0,:,:,:), wy, 1) ; (klev,nlat,mlon)
   if (rankwz.eq.1) then ; constant weight
       wywz = wyc*conform( x(0,:,:,:), wz, 0 ) ; (klev,nlat,mlon)
       wywzs = sum(wywz) ; scalar
       delete( wyc )
   end if
   do nt=0,ntim-1
      xzon = dim_avg( x(nt,:,:,:) ) ; (klev,nlat)
      xzonc = conform( x(nt,:,:,:), xzon, (/0,1/)) ; (klev,nlat,mlon)
      dif2 = (x(nt,:,:,:)-xzonc)^2 ; (klev,nlat,mlon)
      if (rankwz.eq.1) then
          l2a(nt) = sqrt( sum(dif2*wywz)/wywzs ) ; (nt)
      else ; variable wgt (nt)
          wywz = wyc*wz(nt,:,:,:) ; (klev,nlat,mlon)
          l2a(nt) = sqrt( sum(dif2*wywz)/sum(wywz) ) ; (nt)
      end if
   end do
   l2a_at_long_name = "l2"
   if (isatt(x, "units")) then
      l2a_at_units = x_at_units
   end if
   return( l2a )
; L2 error norms
 function l2_normb( x[*][*][*][*]:numeric, wy[*], wz )
 local dimx, dimwz, rankwz, ntim, l2b, nt, xzon0, xzonc \
     , dif2, wyc, wywz, wywz
   dimx = dimsizes( x )
   dimwz = dimsizes( wz )
   rankwz = dimsizes( dimwz )
                                                      ; time=0
   xzon0 = dim_avg( x(0,:,:,:) ) ; (klev,nlat)
   xzon0c = conform( x(0,:,:,:), xzon0, (/0,1/)) ; (klev,nlat,mlon)
   wyc = conform( x(0,:,:,:), wy, 1) ; (klev,nlat,mlon)
   if (rankwz.eq.1) then
       wywz = wyc*conform( x(0,:,:,:), wz, 0 ) ; (klev,nlat,mlon)
       wywzs = sum(wywz) ; scalar
       delete( wyc )
   end if
   ntim = dimx(0)
   l2b = new ( ntim, typeof(x), getFillValue(x) )
   do nt=0,ntim-1
      dif2 = (x(nt,:,:,:)-xzon0c)^2 ; (klev,nlat,mlon)
      if (rankwz.eq.1) then
          l2a(nt) = sqrt( sum(dif2*wywz)/wywzs ) ; (nt)
          wywz = wyc*wz(nt,:,:,:) ; (klev,nlat,mlon)
          l2b(nt) = sqrt( sum(dif2*wywz)/sum(wywz) ) ; (nt)
      end if
   end do
   l2b_at_long_name = "l2"
   if (isatt(x, "units")) then
      l2b_at_units = x_at_units
   end if
   l2b_at_info = "x(:,:,:,:)-dimavg(x(0,:,:,:))"
   return( l2b )
; l2 norm written by Mark Taylor
; function || T || on 2D horizontal array
undef ("norml2")
function norml2 (varz[*][*]:numeric,gw[*]:numeric)
local s2, gs, varl
  s2 = dimsizes(varz)
  gs = dimsizes(gw)

  if ( s2(0) .ne. gs(0) ) then
     print ("norml2: error: first dimension does not match weight dimension: " \
            + s2(0) + " " + gs(0))
  end if

  varl = ( gw # (varz^2) )/sum(gw)
  return( sqrt( sum(varl)/s2(1) ))

; Energy
 undef ("energy_a")
 function energy_a(u[*][*][*][*]:numeric, v[*][*][*][*]:numeric\
                  ,t[*][*][*][*]:numeric,phis[*][*][*]:numeric \
                  ,wy[*]:numeric, wz:numeric, opt[1]:integer )
; energy = SUM(0.5*(U^2+V^2) + cp*T + S )*wz
 local dimu, dimwz, rankwz, ntim, e, nt, x, wyc, wywz, wywzs
   dimu = dimsizes( u )
   dimwz = dimsizes( wz )
   rankwz = dimsizes( dimwz )
   ntim = dimu(0)
   e = new ( ntim, typeof(u), getFillValue(u) )
                                                    ; constant all times
   wyc = conform(u(0,:,:,:), wy, 1) ; (klev,nlat,mlon)
   if (rankwz.eq.1) then ; constant weight
       wywz = wyc*conform( u(0,:,:,:), wz, 0 ) ; (klev,nlat,mlon)
       wywzs = sum(wywz) ; scalar
       delete( wyc )
   end if

   a = 6.371229e6 ; m
   g = 9.80616 ; m/s^2
   cp = 1004.64 ; J/(kg-K)
   twopi = 8.*atan(1.0)

   do nt=0,ntim-1
      s = conform(u(nt,:,:,:), phis(nt,:,:), (/1,2/))
      x = (0.5*(u(nt,:,:,:)^2+v(nt,:,:,:)^2) + cp*t(nt,:,:,:) + s )
      if (rankwz.eq.1) then
          e(nt) = sum(x*wywz)
      else ; variable wgt (nt)
          wywz = wyc*wz(nt,:,:,:) ; (klev,nlat,mlon)
          e(nt) = sum(x*wywz)
      end if
   end do

   e = (twopi*a*a/g)*e ; total energy e(t)

   if (opt.eq.0) then
       e_at_long_name = "E: eqn 155"
       e_at_units = "J" ; ==>'kg m^2 / s^2'.
       e = (e-e(0))/e(0) ; normalized
       e_at_long_name = "Normalized Energy Difference"
       e_at_units = "(E-E(0))/E(0)"
   end if
   return( e )
; ====================================================
function mjo_ApplyLanczosWgt_LeftDim(x:numeric, wgt[*]:numeric, opt[1]:integer)
; utility routine ... makes for cleaner code
; Reorder so time is rightmost; applies Lanczos weights, reorder back
local dimx, rank, dNam, xBand
  dimx = dimsizes(x)
  rank = dimsizes( dimx )

  dNam = getvardims( x )

  if (rank.eq.1) then
      return( wgt_runave_Wrap( x, wgt, opt) )
  end if
  if (rank.eq.2) then
      xBand = wgt_runave_Wrap( x($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:), wgt, opt)
      return( xBand($dNam(0)$|:,$dNam(1)$|:) )
  end if
  if (rank.eq.3) then
      xBand = wgt_runave_Wrap( x($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:), wgt, opt)
      return( xBand($dNam(0)$|:,$dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:) )
  end if
  if (rank.eq.4) then
      xBand = wgt_runave_Wrap( x($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(3)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:), wgt, opt)
      return (xBand($dNam(0)$|:,$dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(3)$|:) )
  end if
  if (rank.eq.5) then
      xBand = wgt_runave_Wrap( x($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(3)$|:,$dNam(4)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:), wgt, opt)
      return (xBand($dNam(0)$|:,$dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(3)$|:,$dNam(4)$|:) )
  end if
; ====================================================
function apply_dtrend_LeftDim(x:numeric, wgt[*]:numeric, opt[1]:integer)
; utility routine ... makes for cleaner code
; Reorder so time is rightmost; detrend the time series, reorder back
local dimx, rank, dNam, x_dtrend, xWork
  dimx = dimsizes(x)
  rank = dimsizes( dimx )
  dNam = getvardims( x )

  if (rank.eq.1) then
      x_dtrend = x ; retain meta data
      x_dtrend = dtrend( x, False)
  end if
  if (rank.eq.2) then
      xWork = x($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:) ; retain meta data
      xWork = dtrend( xWork, False)
      return( xWork($dNam(0)$|:,$dNam(1)$|:) )
  end if
  if (rank.eq.3) then
      xWork = x($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:)
      xWork = dtrend( xWork, False)
      return( xWork($dNam(0)$|:,$dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:) )
  end if
  if (rank.eq.4) then
      xWork = x($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(3)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:)
      xWork = dtrend( xWork, False)
      return (xWork($dNam(0)$|:,$dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(3)$|:) )
  end if
  if (rank.eq.5) then
      xWork = x($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(2)$|:,$dNam(3)$|:,$dNam(4)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:)
      xWork = dtrend( xWork, False)
      return (xWork )
  end if
; ====================================================
undef ("band_pass_area_time")
function band_pass_area_time \
                 (x[*][*][*]:numeric, spd[1]:numeric \
                 ,bpf[3]:numeric \
                 ,wy[*]:numeric, opt:logical)
local nMsg, dimx, dimwy, ntim, bpfStrt, bpfLast, bpfNwgt \
    , dumy, save_FillValue, fca, fcb, ihp, sigma, xts
                                      ; error check
  nMsg = num( ismissing(x) )
  if ( then
      print("band_pass_area_time: currently, missing data not allowed: nMsg="+nMsg)
  end if

  dimx = dimsizes(x)
  dimwy = dimsizes(wy)
  if (dimx(1).ne.dimwy(0)) then
      print("band_pass_area_time: sizes of y/lat dimension do not match")
      print(" dimsizes(wy)="+dimwy)
      print(" dimx(1)=nlat="+dimx(1))
  end if

  dimx = dimsizes( x )
  ntim = dimx(0)

  bpfStrt = bpf(0) ; days
  bpfLast = bpf(1)
  bpfNwgt = bpf(2) ; effective # weights

  bpfNwgt = (bpfNwgt/2)*2 + 1 ; make sure it is odd

  if ( then ; safety check
      dumy = bpfLast
      bpfLast = bpfStrt
      bpfStrt = dumy
  end if

  fca = 1.0/(spd*bpfLast) ; freq start/end
  fcb = 1.0/(spd*bpfStrt) ; bpf{Strt/Last}

  if (typeof(x).eq."double" .or. typeof(wy).eq."double") then
      xts = new( (/3,ntim/), "double", getFillValue(x))
      xts = new( (/3,ntim/), "float" , getFillValue(x))
  end if
  xts!0 = "var"
                                       ; weighted area averages
  xts(1,:) = wgt_areaave_Wrap(x, wy, 1., 0) ; (time)

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"detrend") .and. opt_at_detrend) then
      if (isatt(xts,"_FillValue")) then
          save_FillValue = x@_FillValue
          delete(xts@_FillValue) ; avoid annoying warning msg
      end if ; from dtrend

      xts(1,:) = dtrend(xts(1,:), False ) ; detrend

      if (isvar("save_FillValue")) then
          xts@_FillValue = save_FillValue ; reassign
      end if
  end if

  ihp = 2 ; bpf=>band pass filter
  sigma = 1.0 ; Lanczos sigma
  bpfwgt = filwgts_lanczos (bpfNwgt, ihp, fca, fcb, sigma )

  xts(0,:) = wgt_runave_Wrap(xts(1,:), bpfwgt, 0)

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"Nrun")) then
      Nrun = (opt_at_Nrun/2)*2 + 1 ; make sure it is odd
      Nrun = 101
  end if

  len = (Nrun*spd)/2 ; half total length
  do n = len,ntim-(len+1)
     xts(2,n) = variance(xts(0,n-len:n+len)) ; 'local' variance
  end do

  xts_at_bpfStrt = bpfStrt
  xts_at_bpfLast = bpfLast
  xts_at_bpfNwgt = bpfNwgt

  xts_at_var_0 = "band pass"
  xts_at_var_1 = "raw areal means"
  xts_at_var_2 = "local variances: Nrun="+Nrun

  return( xts )
; =================================================================
procedure band_pass_area_time_plot( \
          xts[3][*]:numeric, time[*]:numeric, \
          pltDir[1]:string, pltType[1]:string,\
          pltName[1]:string, opt[1]:logical)
  date = ut_calendar(time, -3)
  yrfrac = yyyymmddhh2yyyyFrac( date)

  pltPath= pltDir+"/"+pltName
  wks = gsn_open_wks(pltType , pltPath)

 ;gsn_draw_colormap(wks) ; draw color map

  plot = new ( 3, "graphic")
; left variable
  res = True
  res_at_gsnDraw = False
  res_at_gsnFrame = False

  res_at_vpXF = 0.15
  res_at_vpYF = 0.3
  res_at_vpWidthF = 0.65
  res_at_vpHeightF = 0.18

  res_at_tmXBLabelsOn = False ; do not draw bottom labels
  res_at_tmXBOn = False ; no bottom tickmarks

  res_at_xyLineThicknessF = 1. ; 1 is default
  res_at_tiYAxisString = "Raw areal Avg"
  plot(0) = gsn_csm_xy(wks,yrfrac,xts(1,:),res)

  res_at_gsnYRefLine = 0.
  res_at_gsnAboveYRefLineColor = "Red"
  res_at_gsnBelowYRefLineColor = "Blue"
  res_at_tiYAxisString = "Band-Pass"
  plot(1) = gsn_csm_xy(wks,yrfrac,xts(0,:),res)


  res_at_tmXBLabelsOn = True
  res_at_tmXBOn = True
  res_at_tmXBFormat = "f" ; remove trailing .0s

  res_at_xyLineColor = "green"
  res_at_xyLineThicknessF = 2. ; 1 is default

  yrfrac_at_long_name = "date as fraction of year"
  res_at_tiYAxisString = "Run Variance"
  plot(2) = gsn_csm_xy(wks,yrfrac,xts(2,:),res)
  resP = True ; modify the panel plot
  resP_at_txString = xts_at_long_name+": Areal Averaged & Filtered: " \
                            +xts_at_bpfStrt+"-"+xts_at_bpfLast+" days: nw=" \
  resP_at_gsnMaximize = True
  resP_at_gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait" ; force portrait
  resP_at_gsnPanelBottom = 0.05 ; add some space at bottom

; +++++
undef ("band_pass_area_time_plot_cam")
procedure band_pass_area_time_plot_cam( \
          xts[3][*]:numeric, date[*]:integer, datesec[*]:integer, \
          pltDir[1]:string, pltType[1]:string, pltName[1]:string)


undef ("band_pass_latlon_time")
function band_pass_latlon_time \
                 (x[*][*][*]:numeric, spd[1]:numeric \
                 ,bpf[3]:numeric, opt:logical)

local nMsg, dimx, ntim, nlat, mlon, dNam, n, tim_taper \
    , bpfStrt, bpfLast, bpfNwgt, fca, fcb, ihp, sigma \
    , bpfWgt, work, WORK, cf, WCF
  nMsg = num( ismissing(x) )
  if ( then
      print("band_pass_latlon_time: currently, missing data not allowed: nMsg="+nMsg)
  end if

  dimx = dimsizes(x)
  ntim = dimx(0)
  nlat = dimx(1)
  mlon = dimx(2)

  bpfStrt = bpf(0) ; days
  bpfLast = bpf(1)
  bpfNwgt = bpf(2) ; effective # weights

  bpfNwgt = (bpfNwgt/2)*2 + 1 ; make sure it is odd

  if ( then ; safety check
      dumy = bpfLast
      bpfLast = bpfStrt
      bpfStrt = dumy
  end if

  fca = 1.0/(spd*bpfLast)
  fcb = 1.0/(spd*bpfStrt)

  dNam = getvardims(x) ; get dimension names
  do n=0,2 ; only used if detrending
     if (ismissing(dNam(n))) then ; or tapering in time
         x!n = "dim"+n ; assign name
         dNam = x!n
     end if
  end do

;;work = x(lat|:,lon|:,time|:) ; reorder so time is rightmost
  work = x($dNam(1)$|:, $dNam(2)$|:, $dNam(0)$|:) ; generic

                                       ; By default ... no detrend
  if (opt .and.(isatt(opt,"detrend") .and. opt_at_detrend)) then
      if (isatt(work,"_FillValue")) then
          delete(work@_FillValue) ; avoid annoying warning msg
      end if
      work = dtrend(work, False ) ; detrend
      work_at_detrend = "data detrended in time"
  end if

  ihp = 2 ; bpf=>band pass filter
  sigma = 1.0 ; Lanczos sigma
  bpfwgt = filwgts_lanczos (bpfNwgt, ihp, fca, fcb, sigma )

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"fft") .and. opt_at_fft) then
                                       ; By default ... no taper
      if (isatt(opt,"taper")) then
          tim_taper = opt_at_taper
          tim_taper = 0.10 ; default taper is 10%
      end if
      work = taper(work, tim_taper, 0)
      work_at_taper = "data tapered in time"
                                           ; fft in time
      cf = ezfftf (work) ; cf(2,nlat,mlon,ntim/2)
                                           ; map response of digitial
                                           ; filter to fft space
      fcf = fspan(0, 0.5, ntim/2) ; fft freq
      wcf = linint1 (bpfwgt_at_freq, bpfwgt_at_resp, False, fcf, 0)
      WCF = conform(cf(0,:,:,:), wcf, 2)
      cf(0,:,:,:) = cf(0,:,:,:)*WCF ; apply response coef
      cf(1,:,:,:) = cf(1,:,:,:)*WCF
      work = ezfftb(cf, 0.0) ; fourier synthesis
      work_at_process = "FFT with digital respoonse mapped tp FFT space"
      work = wgt_runave_Wrap(work,bpfwgt,0)
      work_at_process = "wgt_runave"
  end if

  work_at_band_pass_start = bpfStrt
  work_at_band_pass_last = bpfLast
  work_at_band_pass_Nwgts = bpfNwgt

  X = work($dNam(0)$|:, $dNam(1)$|:, $dNam(2)$|:)
  copy_VarMeta (x, X)
  X_at_long_name = "Band Pass: "
  if (isatt(x,"long_name")) then
      X_at_long_name = "Band Pass: "+x_at_long_name
  end if
  return( X )
; ----------------------------------------------------

undef ("band_pass_hovmueller")
function band_pass_hovmueller( \
                  x[*][*][*]:numeric, spd[1]:numeric \
                 ,bpf[3]:numeric, wy[*]:numeric, opt:logical)

local nMsg, dimx, ntim, nlat, mlon, dNam, n, saveFillV \
    , bpfStrt, bpfLast, bpfNwgt, fca, fcb, ihp, sigma \
    , bpfWgt, wgty, work, WORK, cf, WCF

  nMsg = num( ismissing(x) ) ; error check
  if ( then
      print("band_pass_hovmueller: currently, missing data not allowed: nMsg="+nMsg)
  end if

  dimx = dimsizes(x)
  dimwy = dimsizes(wy) ; size wy
  if ( .and. dimx(1).ne.dimwy(0)) then
      print("band_pass_hovmueller: sizes of y/lat dimension do not match")
      print(" dimsizes(wy)="+dimwy)
      print(" dimx(1) ="+dimx(1))
  end if
  if (dimwy.eq.1) then ; scalar
      wgty = new( dimwy, typeof(wy), getFillValue(wy))
  end if
  wgty = wy

  ntim = dimx(0)
  nlat = dimx(1)
  mlon = dimx(2)

  bpfStrt = bpf(0) ; days
  bpfLast = bpf(1)
  bpfNwgt = bpf(2) ; effective # weights

  bpfNwgt = (bpfNwgt/2)*2 + 1 ; make sure it is odd

  if ( then ; safety check
      dumy = bpfLast
      bpfLast = bpfStrt
      bpfStrt = dumy
  end if

  fca = 1.0/(spd*bpfLast) ; frq corresponding to
  fcb = 1.0/(spd*bpfStrt) ; bpfStrt and bpfLast

  dNam = getvardims(x) ; get dimension names
  do n=0,2 ; only used if detrending
     if (ismissing(dNam(n))) then
         x!n = "dim"+n
         dNam = x!n
     end if
  end do
                                       ; weighted average at each (lon,time)
  work = dim_avg_wgt_Wrap(x($dNam(2)$|:, $dNam(0)$|:, $dNam(1)$|:), wgty, 0)
                                       ; unweighted average at each (lon,time)
 ;work = dim_avg_Wrap(x($dNam(2)$|:, $dNam(0)$|:, $dNam(1)$|:))

                                       ; Remove overall mean
  work = work - avg(work)
                                       ; By default ... no detrend in time
  if (opt .and.(isatt(opt,"detrend") .and. opt_at_detrend)) then
      if (isatt(work,"_FillValue")) then
          saveFillV = work@_FillValue ; avoid annoying warning msg
      end if

      work = dtrend(work, False ) ; detrend in time

      if (isvar("saveFillV")) then
          work@_FillValue = saveFillV ; reassign
      end if
      work_at_detrend = "data detrended in time"
  end if

  ihp = 2 ; bpf=>band pass filter
  sigma = 1.0 ; Lanczos sigma
  bpfwgt = filwgts_lanczos (bpfNwgt, ihp, fca, fcb, sigma )

  work = wgt_runave_Wrap(work,bpfwgt,0) ; apply filter to time

  work_at_band_pass_start = bpfStrt
  work_at_band_pass_last = bpfLast
  work_at_band_pass_Nwgts = bpfNwgt

  return( work($dNam(0)$|:, $dNam(2)$|:) ) ; (time,lon)
; ==============> prototype plot procedure <=================
; create Hovmueller plots
; =============================================================
undef ("band_pass_hovmueller_plot")
procedure band_pass_hovmueller_plot( x[*][*]:numeric \ ; (time,lon)
                                   , pltDir[1]:string \
                                   , pltType[1]:string \
                                   , pltName[1]:string \
                                   , opt[1]:logical )

local date, yrfrac, TIME, ntim, yyyy, mm, dd, hh, pltPath \
    , resH, hplt, nt, ntm, monNam, tValL, tLabL \
    , tValR, tLabR

  pltPath = pltDir+"/"+pltName

  wks = gsn_open_wks(pltType , pltPath)

  resH = True ; plot mods desired
  resH_at_cnFillOn = True ; turn on color fill
  resH_at_cnLinesOn = False ; turn of contour lines
  resH_at_cnLineLabelsOn = False ; turn of contour line labels
  resH_at_gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full range of color map
  resH_at_gsnSpreadColorStart = 2
  resH_at_gsnSpreadColorEnd = 17
  resH_at_lbLabelAutoStride = True ; let NCL figure spacing
  resH_at_pmLabelBarHeightF = 0.1 ; default is taller

  resH_at_trYReverse = True ; reverse the y (time) axis
  resH_at_gsnMaximize = True
  resH_at_gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait"

  symMinMaxPlt (x,16,False,resH) ; nice symmetric range

  resH_at_tmLabelAutoStride = True ; don't let labels overlap

                                        ; TIME RELATED VARIABLES
  time = x&time ; clarity
  date = ut_calendar(x&time, -3) ; gregorian calendar
  yrfrac = yyyymmddhh2yyyyFrac( date)

  TIME = ut_calendar(x&time, 0 ) ; gregorian calendar
  yyyy = floattoint( TIME(:,0) )
  mm = floattoint( TIME(:,1) )
  dd = floattoint( TIME(:,2) )
 ;hh = floattoint( TIME(:,3) )
  ntim = dimsizes(date)
                                        ; Left axis
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"yearFraction")) then
      resH_at_tmYLMode = "Manual"
      if (isatt(opt,"yearFractionSpacingF")) then
          resH_at_tmYLTickSpacingF = opt_at_yearFractionSpacingF
          resH_at_tmYLTickSpacingF = 0.25 ; 0, .25, .50, .75
      end if
    ;;resH_at_tmYLTickStartF = yyyy(0)
    ;;resH_at_tmYLTickEndF = yyyy(ntim-1)
      x&time = yrfrac
      monNam = (/"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun" \
                ,"Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec" /)
      tValL = new(ntim, typeof(x&time) , "No_FillValue") ; bigger than
      tLabL = new(ntim, "string", "No_FillValue") ; needed
     ;tValR = tValL
     ;tLabR = tLabL
      if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"monthLabels")) then
          monthLabels = opt_at_monthLabels
          monthLabels = (/1,4,7,10/)
      end if

      ntm = -1
      do nt=0,ntim-1
         if (dd(nt).eq.1 .and. any(mm(nt).eq.monthLabels)) then
             ntm = ntm + 1
             tValL(ntm) = x&time(nt)
             tLabL(ntm) = monNam(mm(nt)-1)
            ;tValR(ntm) = x&time(nt)
             if (dd(nt).eq.1 .and. mm(nt).eq.1) then
                 tLabL(ntm) = sprinti("%0.4i", yyyy(nt))+" "+tLabL(ntm)
            ; tLabL(ntm) = yyyy(nt)+" "+tLabL(ntm)
            ; ;tLabL(ntm) = tLabL(ntm)+"~C~"+yyyy(nt)
            ; tLabR(ntm) = yyyy(nt)
            ; tLabR(ntm) = ""
             end if
         end if
      end do

      resH_at_tmYLMode = "Explicit"
      resH_at_tmYLValues = tValL(0:ntm)
      resH_at_tmYLLabels = tLabL(0:ntm)
     ;resH_at_tmYRLabelsOn = True ; use for year
     ;resH_at_tmYUseLeft = False
     ;resH_at_tmYRMode = "Explicit"
     ;resH_at_tmYRValues = tValR(0:ntm)
     ;resH_at_tmYRLabels = tLabR(0:ntm)

  end if
 ;resH_at_cnLevelSpacingF = 20
 ;resH_at_cnMaxLevelValF = 80
 ;resH_at_cnMinLevelValF = -80
 ;resH_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
 ;hplt = gsn_csm_hov(wks, x, resH)
  hplt = gsn_csm_contour(wks, x, resH)

  if (isatt(resH,"tmYLMode") .and. resH_at_tmYLMode.eq."Manual") then
      x&time = time ; reassign original time coordinate variable
  end if
; ====================================================
function mjo_spectra_season \
                 (x[*][*][*]:numeric, date[*]:integer, wy[*]:numeric \
                 ,seaName[1]:string, opt:logical)

; MJO CLIVAR: perform segment averaging
; winter starts Nov 1 [180 days]
; summer starts May 1 [180 days]
; annual starts Jan 1 [365 days]

local nMsg, dimx, dimwy, ntim, save_FillValue, xts, nr, ns \
    , nDay, nSea, iSea, mmdd, yyyy, mmddStrt, sdof, z1, smjo \
    , spec, d, sm, pct, xtsVar, xvari
                                      ; error check
  nMsg = num( ismissing(x) )
  if ( then
      print("mjo_spectra: currently, missing data not allowed: nMsg="+nMsg)
  end if

  dimx = dimsizes(x)
  dimwy = dimsizes(wy)
  if (dimx(1).ne.dimwy(0)) then
      print("band_pass_area_time: sizes of y/lat dimension do not match")
      print(" dimsizes(wy)="+dimwy)
      print(" dimx(1)=nlat="+dimx(1))
  end if
  ntim = dimx(0)
  xts = wgt_areaave_Wrap(x, wy, 1., 0) ; (time)

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"detrend") .and. opt_at_detrend) then
      if (isatt(xts,"_FillValue")) then
          save_FillValue = x@_FillValue
          delete(xts@_FillValue) ; avoid annoying warning msg
      end if ; from dtrend

      xts = dtrend(xts, False ) ; detrend

      if (isvar("save_FillValue")) then
          xts@_FillValue = save_FillValue ; reassign
      end if
  end if

  nDay = 180
  if (seaName.eq."winter") then
      mmddStrt = 1101 ; Nov 1
  end if
  if (seaName.eq."summer") then
      mmddStrt = 501 ; May 1
  end if
  if (seaName.eq."annual") then
      nDay = 365
      mmddStrt = 101 ; Jan 1
  end if

  yyyy = date/10000
  mmdd = date - yyyy*10000
  nSea = num(mmdd.eq.mmddStrt) ; number of seasons
  iSea = ind(mmdd.eq.mmddStrt)
  if (seaName.eq."winter") then
      nSea = nSea-1 ; last season not complete
  end if

; calculate spectrum via segment averaging
; MJO Clivar says "no" to detrending/tapering
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"detrend_seg") ) then
      d = opt_at_detrend_seg
      d = 0 ; detrending opt: 0=>remove mean 1=>remove mean and detrend
  end if
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"smooth_seg") ) then
      sm = opt_at_smooth_seg
      sm = 0 ; smooth periodogram: 0 mean no smooth [pure periodgram]
  end if
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"taper_seg") ) then
      pct = opt_at_taper_seg
      pct = 0.0 ; percent tapered: (0.0 <= pct <= 1.0) 0.10 common.
  end if

  spec = new ( nDay/2, typeof(x))
  spec = 0.0
  z1 = 0.0
  xtsVar= 0.0

  do ns=0,nSea-1 ; segment averaging
     iStrt = iSea(ns)
     iLast = iSea(ns)+nDay-1
     sdof = specx_anal(xts(iStrt:iLast),d,sm,pct)
     spec = spec + sdof_at_spcx
     xtsVar = xtsVar + sdof_at_xvari
     z1 = z1 + 0.5*log((1+sdof_at_xlag1)/(1-sdof_at_xlag1)) ; Fischer z-transform
  end do

  spec = spec/nSea ; average spectra
  z1 = z1/nSea ; mean z
  xvari = xtsVar/nSea ; mean variance per segment

  smjo = (/ sdof /)
  smjo = 2*nSea ; # degrees freedom
  smjo_at_bw = sdof_at_bw
  smjo_at_spcx = spec
  smjo_at_xvari = xvari
  smjo_at_frq = sdof_at_frq
  smjo_at_xlag1 = (exp(2*z1)-1)/(exp(2*z1)+1) ; match specx_anal

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"smooth_seg") ) then
      smjo = smjo*opt_at_smooth_seg
      smjo_at_bw = (sdof_at_bw)*(opt_at_smooth_seg)
  end if

  return( smjo )
procedure mjo_spectra \
                 (X[*][*][*]:numeric, date[*]:integer, wy[*]:numeric \
                 ,latS[*]:numeric, latN[*]:numeric \
                 ,lonL[*]:numeric, lonR[*]:numeric, nameRegion[*]:string \
                 ,pltDir[1]:string, pltType[1]:string \
                 ,pltName[1]:string, opt[1]:logical)

; driver for MJO CLIVAR segment averaging

; Plot spectra with x-axis as frequency with log scaling and
; y-axis as power times frequency

local frqmnPlt, frqmxPlt, nameSeason, nSeason, r, resP, tiXAxisString \
    , ns, nr, plot, x, pltNameLocal, pltTypeLocal, pltPath, sMJO, splt\
    , ifrqmxPlt, nRegion, ciLow, ciHigh

  frqmxPlt = 0.15 ; graphics X -axis [frequency]
  frqmnPlt = 1./365.

  nameSeason = (/ "winter", "summer", "annual" /)
  nSeason = dimsizes(nameSeason)

  nRegion = dimsizes(nameRegion)

; general graphics resources
  r = True ; plot mods desired
  r_at_gsnDraw = False ; do not draw
  r_at_gsnFrame = False ; do not advance frame
  r_at_tiYAxisString = "Power x freq" ; yaxis
  r_at_xyLineThicknesses = (/2, 2, 1, 1/) ; Define line thicknesses
  r_at_xyDashPatterns = (/0, 0, 1, 1/) ; Dash patterns
  r_at_xyLineColors = (/"foreground","red","blue","blue"/)
  r_at_vpHeightF = 0.4 ; change aspect ratio of plot
  r_at_vpWidthF = 0.7

  r_at_trXLog = True ; default
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"logXAxis") .and. .not.opt_at_logXAxis) then
      delete(r_at_trXLog) ; linear x (freq) axis
  end if
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"periodXAxis") .and. .not.opt_at_periodXAxis) then
      tiXAxisString = "Frequency (cycles/day)" ; x (freq) axis
      r_at_tmXBMode = "Explicit" ; default
      r_at_tmXBValues = (/0.1, 0.05, 0.0333, 0.0167, 0.01, frqmnPlt/)
      r_at_tmXBLabels = (/ 10, 20, 30 , 60 , 100, 365/)
      tiXAxisString = "Period (days)" ; xaxis
  end if
                                                ; linear Y is default
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"logYAxis") .and. opt_at_logYAxis) then
      r_at_trYLog = True
  end if

  resP = True
  resP_at_gsnMaximize = True
  resP_at_gsnStringFontHeightF = 0.025
  resP_at_gsnPanelBottom = 0.05

  plot = new ( nSeason, "graphic")

  r_at_trXMaxF = frqmxPlt ; X Axis [rightmost freq]

  if (pltType.eq."png") then
      pltTypeLocal = "eps"
      pltTypeLocal = pltType
  end if

  ciLow = 0.05 ; default
  ciHigh = 0.95
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"spcConLim")) then
      if (dimsizes(opt_at_spcConLim).ne.2) then
          print("mjo_spectra: spcConLim attribute must be size 2")
          print(" dimsizes(spcConLim)="+dimsizes(opt_at_spcConLim))
          if (any( .or. then
              print("mjo_spectra: 0 < spcConLim < 1 violation")
              print("spcConLim: "+opt_at_spcConLim)
              ciLow = opt_at_spcConLim(0) ; user specified bounds
              ciHigh = opt_at_spcConLim(1)
          end if
      end if
  end if

  do nr=0,nRegion-1
                                                ; extract region
     x = X(:,{latS(nr):latN(nr)},{lonL(nr):lonR(nr)})
     wgty = wy({latS(nr):latN(nr)})

     pltNameLocal = pltName+"_"+nameRegion(nr)
     pltPath = pltDir+pltNameLocal
     wks = gsn_open_wks(pltTypeLocal,pltPath)

    do ns=0,nSeason-1
       sMJO = mjo_spectra_season(x, date, wgty, nameSeason(ns), opt)
       splt = specx_ci (sMJO, ciLow,ciHigh)

       ifrqmxPlt= ind(sMJO_at_frq .ge. frqmnPlt .and. sMJO_at_frq .le. frqmxPlt)
       r_at_gsnCenterString = nameSeason(ns)

       if (isatt(r,"trXLog") .and. r_at_trXLog) then
           r_at_trXMinF = frqmnPlt
       end if

       if (isatt(r,"trYLog") .and. r_at_trYLog) then
           r_at_trYMinF = 0.95*min(splt(:,ifrqmxPlt))
           r_at_trYMaxF = 1.05*max(splt(:,ifrqmxPlt))
       end if

       if (ns.eq.(nSeason-1)) then
           r_at_tiXAxisString = tiXAxisString
       end if

      ;plot(ns) = gsn_csm_xy(wks,sMJO_at_frq(ifrqmxPlt), splt(:,ifrqmxPlt),r)
       work = splt
       work = work*conform(work,sMJO_at_frq,1)
       plot(ns) = gsn_csm_xy(wks,sMJO_at_frq(ifrqmxPlt), work(:,ifrqmxPlt),r)

       if (ns.eq.(nSeason-1)) then
       end if

    end do
     resP_at_txString = nameRegion(nr)+": "+x_at_long_name

     if (pltType.eq."png") then
         if (isatt(opt,"pltConvert")) then
             pltConvert = opt_at_pltConvert ; convert options
             pltConvert = " " ; default
         end if
         system("convert "+pltConvert+" "+pltPath+".eps "+pltPath+".png")
         system("/bin/rm -f "+pltPath+".eps")
     end if

  end do


function mjo_xcor_lag_season(x[*]:numeric, y[*][*]:numeric, mxlag[1]:integer, opt[1]:logical)
; cross correlations at assorted lags
local dNam, dimy, N, yNew, xNew, y_Lead_x, x_Lead_y, ccr
  dNam = getvardims(y)
  dimy = dimsizes(y)
  N = dimy(1) ; N = mlon or nlat

  yNew = y($dNam(1)$|:,$dNam(0)$|:)
  xNew = conform(yNew,x,1)

  y_Lead_x = esccr(xNew,yNew,mxlag) ; (N,mxlag+1)
  x_Lead_y = esccr(yNew,xNew,mxlag)

  ccr = new ( (/N,2*mxlag+1/), float)
  ccr(:,0:mxlag-1) = x_Lead_y(:,1:mxlag:-1) ; "negative lag", -1 reverses order
  ccr(:,mxlag:) = y_Lead_x(:,0:mxlag) ; "positive lag"

  ccr = where( 1.0, 1.0, ccr)
  ccr = where(,-1.0, ccr)

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"smth9") ) then
      if (abs(opt_at_smth9).eq.0.25) then
          ccr = smth9(ccr, 0.50, opt_at_smth9, False)
          print("mjo_xcor_lag_season: opt_at_smth9 must be 0.25 or -0.25")
          print(" opt_at_smth9="+opt_at_smth9)
          print(" NO SMOOTHING PERFORMED")
      end if
  end if

  ccr!0 = dNam(1)
  ccr&$dNam(1)$ = y&$dNam(1)$
  ccr!1 = "lag"
  ccr&lag = ispan(-mxlag,mxlag,1)
  ccr&lag_at_units = "lag (days)"
  ccr_at_long_name = "cross-correlation"


procedure mjo_xcor_lag_plot_ovly( \
                   ccr_a[*][*]:numeric, ccr_b[*][*]:numeric \
                  ,pltType[1]:string, pltDir[1]:string \
                  ,pltName[1]:string, opt[1]:logical)
local pltPath, pltTypeLocal, res1, res2, CCR_a, CCR_b, plot_a, plot_b

  pltPath = pltDir+"/"+pltName

  if (pltType.eq."png") then
      pltTypeLocal = "eps"
      pltTypeLocal = pltType
  end if

  wks = gsn_open_wks(pltTypeLocal,pltPath)
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"colorTable")) then
  end if

  res1 = True ; color precip
  res1_at_gsnDraw = False
  res1_at_gsnFrame = False
  res1_at_gsnMaximize = True
  res1_at_gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait"

  res1_at_cnFillOn = True ; turn on color
  res1_at_cnLinesOn = False
  res1_at_gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full range of colormap
  res1_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"; set manual contour levels
  res1_at_cnMinLevelValF = -1.0 ; set min contour level
  res1_at_cnMaxLevelValF = 1.0 ; set max contour level
  res1_at_cnLevelSpacingF = 0.1 ; set contour spacing

  res1_at_cnLabelBarEndLabelsOn= True
  res1_at_cnLabelBarEndStyle = "ExcludeOuterBoxes"

  res1_at_lbLabelAutoStride = True
  res1_at_vpWidthF = 0.6 ; change aspect ratio of plot
  res1_at_vpHeightF = 0.4

 ;res1_at_gsnMajorLatSpacing = 10 ; change maj lat tm spacing

  res1_at_tiYAxisString = "lag (days)"
  if (isatt(opt,"tiMainString")) then
      res1_at_tiMainString = opt_at_tiMainString
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"gsnLeftString")) then
      res1_at_gsnLeftString = opt_at_gsnLeftString
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"gsnCenterString")) then
      res1_at_gsnCenterString = opt_at_gsnCenterString
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"gsnRightString")) then
      res1_at_gsnRightString = opt_at_gsnRightString
  end if

; resource list for second data array
  res2 = True ; U
  res2_at_gsnDraw = False
  res2_at_gsnFrame = False
  res2_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ; set manual contour levels
  res2_at_cnMinLevelValF = -1.0
  res2_at_cnMaxLevelValF = 1.0
  res2_at_cnLevelSpacingF = 0.1
  res2_at_cnLineLabelsOn = True
  res2_at_gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF = 0. ; Eliminate 0 line
  res2_at_gsnContourNegLineDashPattern = 1 ; negative contours dash pattern
  res2_at_cnLineThicknessF = 2. ; line thickness
  res2_at_cnInfoLabelOn = False

  CCR_a = ccr_a ; possible smooth and delete of attribute
  CCR_b = ccr_b
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"smth9") .and. abs(opt_at_smth9).eq.0.25) then
      CCR_a = smth9(CCR_a, 0.50, opt_at_smth9, False)
  end if
  plot_a = gsn_csm_contour(wks,CCR_a,res1) ; contour the variable

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"smth9") .and. abs(opt_at_smth9).eq.0.25) then
      CCR_b = smth9(CCR_b, 0.50, opt_at_smth9, False)
  end if
  plot_b = gsn_csm_contour(wks,CCR_b,res2) ; contour the variable

  overlay(plot_a, plot_b)

  if (pltType.eq."png") then
      if (isatt(opt,"pltConvert")) then
          pltConvert = opt_at_pltConvert ; convert options
          pltConvert = " " ; default
      end if
      system("convert "+pltConvert+" "+pltPath+".eps "+pltPath+".png")
      system("/bin/rm -f "+pltPath+".eps")
  end if
procedure mjo_xcor_lag_ovly_panel( \
                   ccr_a[*][*]:numeric, ccr_b[*][*]:numeric \
                  ,ccr_c[*][*]:numeric, ccr_d[*][*]:numeric \
                  ,pltType[1]:string, pltDir[1]:string \
                  ,pltName[1]:string, opt[1]:logical)
local pltPath, pltTypeLocal, res1, res2, CCR1, CCR2 \
    , plt1, plt2, resP, plot

  pltPath = pltDir+"/"+pltName

  if (pltType.eq."png") then
      pltTypeLocal = "eps"
      pltTypeLocal = pltType
  end if

  wks = gsn_open_wks(pltTypeLocal,pltPath)
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"colorTable")) then
  end if

  res1 = True ; color precip
  res1_at_gsnDraw = False
  res1_at_gsnFrame = False
  res1_at_gsnMaximize = True
  res1_at_gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait"

  res1_at_cnFillOn = True ; turn on color
  res1_at_cnLinesOn = False
  res1_at_gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full range of colormap
  res1_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"; set manual contour levels
  res1_at_cnMinLevelValF = -1.0 ; set min contour level
  res1_at_cnMaxLevelValF = 1.0 ; set max contour level
  res1_at_cnLevelSpacingF = 0.1 ; set contour spacing

  res1_at_cnLabelBarEndLabelsOn= True
  res1_at_cnLabelBarEndStyle = "ExcludeOuterBoxes"
  res1_at_cnInfoLabelOn = False

  res1_at_lbLabelBarOn = False ; turn off individual cb's

  res1_at_vpWidthF = 0.6 ; change aspect ratio of plot
  res1_at_vpHeightF = 0.4

 ;res1_at_gsnMajorLatSpacing = 10 ; change maj lat tm spacing

  res1_at_tiYAxisString = "lag (days)"
  if (isatt(opt,"tiMainString")) then
      res1_at_tiMainString = opt_at_tiMainString
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"gsnLeftString")) then
      res1_at_gsnLeftString = opt_at_gsnLeftString
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"gsnCenterString")) then
      res1_at_gsnCenterString = opt_at_gsnCenterString
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"gsnRightString")) then
      res1_at_gsnRightString = opt_at_gsnRightString
  end if

; resource list for second data array
  res2 = True ; U
  res2_at_gsnDraw = False
  res2_at_gsnFrame = False
  res2_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ; set manual contour levels
  res2_at_cnMinLevelValF = -1.0
  res2_at_cnMaxLevelValF = 1.0
  res2_at_cnLevelSpacingF = 0.1
  res2_at_cnLineLabelsOn = True
  res2_at_gsnContourZeroLineThicknessF = 0. ; Eliminate 0 line
  res2_at_gsnContourNegLineDashPattern = 1 ; negative contours dash pattern
 ;res2_at_cnLineThicknessF = 2. ; line thickness
  res2_at_cnInfoLabelOn = False

  plot = new( 2, "graphic")

  do np=0,1
     if (np.eq.0) then
         CCR1 = ccr_a ; possible smooth and delete of attribute
         CCR2 = ccr_b
         CCR1 = ccr_c ; possible smooth and delete of attribute
         CCR2 = ccr_d
     end if
     if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"smth9") .and. abs(opt_at_smth9).eq.0.25) then
         CCR1 = smth9(CCR1, 0.50, opt_at_smth9, False)
         CCR2 = smth9(CCR2, 0.50, opt_at_smth9, False)
     end if
     plt1 = gsn_csm_contour(wks,CCR1,res1) ; contour the variable
     plt2 = gsn_csm_contour(wks,CCR2,res2) ; contour the variable
     overlay(plt1, plt2)
     plot(np) = plt1

     delete(CCR1) ; size may change
  end do

  resP = True ; panel
  resP_at_lbLabelAutoStride = True
  resP_at_gsnPanelLabelBar = True ; add common colorbar
 ;resP_at_lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.007 ; make labels smaller
  if (isatt(opt,"txString")) then
      resP_at_txString = opt_at_txString
  end if
  gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/2,1/),resP) ; now draw as one plot

  if (pltType.eq."png") then
      if (isatt(opt,"pltConvert")) then
          pltConvert = opt_at_pltConvert ; convert options
          pltConvert = " " ; default
      end if
      system("convert "+pltConvert+" "+pltPath+".eps "+pltPath+".png")
      system("/bin/rm -f "+pltPath+".eps")
  end if
function mjo_xcor_lag (xio[*]:numeric , y[*][*]:numeric \
                      ,date[*]:integer, mxlag[1]:integer, seaName:string, opt[1]:logical)

; driver to calculate mean seasonal lags
local ns, ntim, dimy, ntmy, my, nDay, mmddStrt, yyyy, mmdd, nSea, iSea, rtyp
    , rLag, nLag, rr, iStrt, iLast

     ntim = dimsizes(xio)
     dimy = dimsizes(y)
     ntmy = dimy(0)
     my = dimy(1)

     if ( then
         print("mjo_xcor_lag: time dimensions do not match")
         print(" ntim="+ntim+" ntmy="+ntmy)
     end if
     nDay = 180
     if (seaName.eq."winter") then
         mmddStrt = 1101 ; Nov 1
     end if
     if (seaName.eq."summer") then
         mmddStrt = 501 ; May 1
     end if
     if (seaName.eq."annual") then
         nDay = 365
         mmddStrt = 101 ; Jan 1
     end if
     yyyy = date/10000
     mmdd = date - yyyy*10000
     nSea = num(mmdd.eq.mmddStrt) ; number of 'seaNam' seasons
     iSea = ind(mmdd.eq.mmddStrt)
     if (seaName.eq."winter") then
         nSea = nSea-1 ; last season not complete
     end if
     rtyp = "float"
     if (typeof(xio).eq."double" .or. typeof(y).eq."double") then
         rtyp = "double"
     end if

     nLag = 2*mxlag+1
     rz = new ( (/nLag,my/), rtyp, getFillValue(y) )
     rz = 0.0

     do ns=0,nSea-1 ; seasonal averaging
        iStrt = iSea(ns)
        iLast = iSea(ns)+nDay-1
        if ( then
        end if

        rLag = mjo_xcor_lag_season (xio(iStrt:iLast), y(iStrt:iLast,:) ,mxlag, opt)
        rz = rz + 0.5*log((1+rLag)/(1-rLag)) ; Fischer z-transform
     end do

     rz = rz/nSea ; mean Fischer-z
     rz = (exp(2*rz)-1)/(exp(2*rz)+1) ; transform back

     copy_VarMeta(rLag, rz)
     return( rz )

; ====================================================
function mjo_wavenum_freq_season \
                 (X[*][*]:numeric, date[*]:integer \
                 ,seaName[1]:string, opt:logical)
; For each 'seaName' (say, 'winter') over a number
; of different years, calculate the
; pooled space-time spectra

; MJO CLIVAR: wavenumber-frequency spectra
; winter starts Nov 1 [180 days]
; summer starts May 1 [180 days]
; annual starts Jan 1 [365 days]

local nMsg, dimX, ntim, mlon, x, N, pow, xAvg, xSeason \
    , nDay, ny, nYear, iSea, mmdd, yyyy, mmddStrt, work, work1\
    , d, sm, pct, xVarSea, kSea, wave, freq, iStrt, iLast
                                      ; error check
  nMsg = num( ismissing(X) )
  if ( then
      print("mjo_wavenum_freq_season: currently, missing data not allowed: nMsg="+nMsg)
  end if

  dimX = dimsizes(X)

  ntim = dimX(0) ; total times
  mlon = dimX(1)

  x = X ; local copy (time,lon)
                                       ; x may change
  if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
      delete(x@_FillValue) ; avoid annoying warning msg
  end if ; from dtrend

  nDay = 180
  if (seaName.eq."winter") then
      mmddStrt = 1101 ; Nov 1
  end if
  if (seaName.eq."summer") then
      mmddStrt = 501 ; May 1
  end if
  if (seaName.eq."annual") then
      nDay = 365
      mmddStrt = 101 ; Jan 1
  end if

  yyyy = date/10000
  mmdd = date - yyyy*10000
  nYear = num(mmdd.eq.mmddStrt) ; number of seasons
  iSea = ind(mmdd.eq.mmddStrt)

; For a specific season, calculate spectra via averaging
; over each seasonal segment.
; MJO Clivar says "no" to detrending/tapering.
; Hence, the following are just 'place holders'
  x = dtrend_leftdim(x, False ) ; detrend overall series in time

  work = new((/2,mlon ,nDay /), typeof(x), "No_FillValue")
          ; the +1 is for the 0-th component
  pow = new((/ mlon+1,nDay+1/), typeof(x), "No_FillValue")
  pow!0 = "wave"
  pow!1 = "frq"
  pow = 0.0
  xAvgSea = 0.0
  xVarSea = 0.0 ; variance (raw)
  xVarTap = 0.0 ; variance after tapering
  kSea = 0 ; count os seasons used
  N = nDay ; convenience

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"taper_seg") ) then
      pct = opt_at_taper_seg ; over-ride default
      pct = 0.10 ; default; taper 10% of series
  end if

; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; NCL does not have a complex 2D FFT at this time.
; Perform a "poorman's" complex 2D FFT by looping over time and space.
; Also, makes the code more clear (IMHO)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------

  do ny=0,nYear-1 ; season (segment) averaging
     iStrt = iSea(ny) ; start index for current season
     iLast = iSea(ny)+nDay-1 ; last
     if ( then
     end if
    ;print("iStrt="+iStrt+" ("+yyyy(iStrt)+mmdd(iStrt)+"); " \
    ; +"iLast="+iLast+" ("+yyyy(iLast)+mmdd(iLast)+")" )
     xSeason = x(iStrt:iLast,:) ; keep meta data
     xAvg = avg( xSeason ) ; season average all time/lon
     xSeason = xSeason - xAvg ; remove season time-lon mean
     xVarSea = xVarSea + variance( xSeason ) ; overall variance
     kSea = kSea + 1
     xSeason = taper_leftdim( xSeason, pct, 0) ; for each lon detrend in time
     xVarTap = xVarTap + variance( xSeason ) ; variance after tapering

    do nt=0,nDay-1 ; each time perform complex fft(lon)
       work(:,:,nt) = cfftf( xSeason(nt,:), 0.0, 0) ; space
    end do
     work = work/mlon ; normalize by # lon samples

    do ml=0,mlon-1 ; each lon perform complex fft(time)
       work(:,ml,:) = cfftf( work(0,ml,:), work(1,ml,:), 0) ; time
    end do
     work = work/nDay ; normalize by # time samples
                                           ; work(2,wave,freq)

                                           ; unscramble fft+ calculate power
     pow = pow + resolveWavesHayashi( work, nDay, 1) ; (wave,freq)
  end do

  xVarSea = xVarSea/kSea ; pooled seasonal variance
  xVarTap = xVarTap/kSea ; pooled seasonal variance
  pow = pow/kSea ; pooled spectra
  if (isatt(X,"long_name")) then
      pow_at_long_name = x_at_long_name
  end if
            ; add meta data for use upon return
  pow!0 = "wave"
  pow!1 = "freq"
  wave = ispan(-mlon/2,mlon/2,1)
  wave!0 = "wave"
  wave_at_long_name= "zonal wavenumber" ; for plot
  wave&wave = wave
  freq = fspan(-1*nDay/2,nDay/2,nDay+1)/nDay
  freq!0 = "freq"
  freq_at_long_name= "frequency (cycles/day)" ; for plot
  freq_at_units= "cycles/day"
  freq&freq = freq

  pow&wave = wave
  pow&freq = freq
  return( pow )
procedure mjo_wavenum_freq_season_plot (wf[*][*],seaName[1]:string\
                     ,pltDir[1]:string, pltType[1]:string \
                     ,pltName[1]:string, opt[1]:logical)
  pltPath= pltDir+"/"+pltName+"."+seaName
  if (pltType.eq."png") then
      pltTypeLocal = "eps"
      pltTypeLocal = pltType
  end if

  wks = gsn_open_wks(pltTypeLocal, pltPath)
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"colorTable")) then
  end if

  res = True ; plot mods desired
  res_at_gsnFrame = False
 ;res_at_gsnDraw = False
  res_at_cnFillOn = True ; turn on color
  res_at_gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full range of colormap
  res_at_lbLabelAutoStride = True
  if (isatt(opt,"tiMainString")) then
      res_at_tiMainString = opt_at_tiMainString
      res_at_tiMainString = changeCase(seaName, "up")
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"gsnLeftString")) then
      res_at_gsnLeftString = opt_at_gsnLeftString
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"gsnCenterString")) then
      res_at_gsnCenterString = opt_at_gsnCenterString
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"gsnRightString")) then
      res_at_gsnRightString = opt_at_gsnRightString
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"cnLinesOn")) then
      res_at_cnLinesOn = opt_at_cnLinesOn
      if (.not.res_at_cnLinesOn) then
          res_at_cnLineLabelsOn = False
      end if
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"cnLevelSelectionMode")) then
      res_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = opt_at_cnLevelSelectionMode
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"cnLevelSelectionMode")) then
      res_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = opt_at_cnLevelSelectionMode
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"cnMinLevelValF")) then
      res_at_cnMinLevelValF = opt_at_cnMinLevelValF
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"cnMaxLevelValF")) then
      res_at_cnMaxLevelValF = opt_at_cnMaxLevelValF
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"cnLevelSpacingF")) then
      res_at_cnLevelSpacingF = opt_at_cnLevelSpacingF
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"cnLevels")) then
      res_at_cnLevels = opt_at_cnLevels
  end if
  NW = 6
  if (isatt(opt,"maxWavePlot")) then ; wave [Y] axis
      NW = opt_at_maxWavePlot
  end if

  fMin = -0.05
  fMax = 0.05
  if (isatt(opt,"minFreqPlot")) then
      fMin = opt_at_minFreqPlot
  end if
  if (isatt(opt,"maxFreqPlot")) then
      fMax = opt_at_maxFreqPlot
  end if
 ;res_at_trXMinF = fMin
 ;res_at_trXMaxF = fMax
  WORK = wf({0:NW},{fMin:fMax})
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"smth9") .and. opt_at_smth9) then
      WORK = smth9(WORK, 0.50, 0.25, False)
  end if

  izero = ind(WORK&freq .eq. 0.0)
  WORK(:,izero) = min(WORK) ; 0th freq
  plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks, WORK , res)

  resp = True ; polyline mods desired
 ;resp_at_gsLineThicknessF = 2.0 ; thickness of lines
  resp_at_gsLineDashPattern= 11

  tres = True
  tres_at_txFontHeightF = 0.0175

  day = 30
  fline = 1./day
 ;resp_at_gsLineLabelString= day+"d" ; adds a line label string
  gsn_polyline(wks,plot,(/fline,fline/),(/ 0.,NW/), resp)
  gsn_text(wks,plot, (day+"d"),fline+0.005,0.93*NW,tres)

  day = 80
  fline = 1/day
 ;resp_at_gsLineLabelString= day+"d" ; adds a line label string
  gsn_polyline(wks,plot,(/fline,fline/),(/ 0.,NW/), resp)
  gsn_text(wks,plot, (day+"d"),fline+0.005,0.93*NW,tres)

  if (pltType.eq."png") then
      if (isatt(opt,"pltConvert")) then
          pltConvert = opt_at_pltConvert ; convert options
          pltConvert = " " ; default
      end if
      system("convert "+pltConvert+" "+pltPath+".eps "+pltPath+".png")
      system("/bin/rm -f "+pltPath+".eps")
  end if
  if (pltType.eq."x11" .and. isatt(opt,"debug") .and. opt_at_debug) then
      res_at_gsnCenterString = "wf"
      plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks, wf, res)
      res_at_gsnCenterString = "wf({-5:5},{-0.075:0.075})"
      plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks, wf({-5:5},{-0.075:0.075}), res)
  end if
function mjo_cross (X[*][*][*]:numeric, Y[*][*][*]:numeric \
                   ,segLen[1]:integer , segOverLap[1]:integer \

local nMsgX, nMsgY, dimX, dimY, ntim, nlat, mlon, switc \
    , x, y, pct, STC, stc, namStc, kseg, freq, wave \
    , ntStrt, ntLast
                                      ; error check
  dimX = dimsizes(X)
  dimY = dimsizes(Y)
  if (.not.all(dimX.eq.dimY)) then
      print("mjo_cross: X and Y must be same size")
      print(" dimX="+dimX+" dimY="+dimY)
  end if

  nMsgX = num( ismissing(X) )
  nMsgY = num( ismissing(Y) )
 ;if ((nMsgX+nMsgY).gt.0) then ; checked in builin function
 ; print("mjo_cross: currently, missing data not allowed: nMsgX="+nMsgX+" nMsgY="+nMsgY)
 ; exit
 ;end if

  ntim = dimX(0) ; total times
  nlat = dimX(1)
  mlon = dimX(2)

  x = X ; local copy (time,lat,lon)
  y = Y

  x = decompose2SymAsym( x, 0) ; decompose
  y = decompose2SymAsym( y, 0)
                                       ; x may change
  if (isatt(x,"_FillValue")) then
      delete(x@_FillValue) ; avoid annoying warning msg
  end if ; from dtrend
  if (isatt(y,"_FillValue")) then
  end if

  x = dtrend_leftdim(x, False ) ; detrend overall series in time
  y = dtrend_leftdim(y, False )

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"taper_seg") ) then
      pct = opt_at_taper_seg ; over-ride default
      pct = 0.10 ; default; taper 10% of series
  end if

  x = taper_leftdim(x, pct, 0 ) ; taper in time
  y = taper_leftdim(y, pct, 0 )

; -------------------------------------------------------------------

  STC = new ( (/16,segLen/2+1,mlon+1/), "double", 1d20)
  STC = 0.0

  kseg = 0
  ntStrt = 0
  switch = True
  do while (switch)
     ntLast = ntStrt + segLen-1
     if ( then
         switch = False
     end if

     XX = taper_leftdim( x(ntStrt:ntLast,:,:), pct, 0)
     YY = taper_leftdim( y(ntStrt:ntLast,:,:), pct, 0)

     kseg = kseg+1
     STC = STC + mjo_cross_segment(XX,YY,0)

     ntStrt = ntStrt + abs(segOverLap)
  end do

  STC = STC/kseg ; average

                                            ; use averaged power
  mjo_cross_coh2pha(STC, 0) ; to get coh2 / phase

  freq = fspan(0,0.5,segLen/2+1)
  freq_at_long_term = " frq (cycles per day)" ; for plot
  freq_at_units = "cycles per day"
  freq!0 = "freq"
  wave = fspan(-mlon/2,mlon/2,mlon+1)
  wave_at_long_term = "zonal wavenumber"
  wave_at_units = "zonal wavenumber"
  wave!0 = "wave"

  STC!0 = "var"
  STC!1 = "freq"
  STC!2 = "wave"
  STC&freq = freq
  STC&wave = wave

  STC_at_varName = (/"PEE1_SYM" , "PEE1_ASY" \
                  ,"PEE2_SYM" , "PEE2_ASY" \
                  ,"P12_SYM" , "P12_ASY" \
                  ,"Q12_SYM" , "Q12_ASY" \
                  ,"COH2_SYM" , "COH2_ASY" \
                  ,"PHAS_SYM" , "PHAS_ASY" \
                  ,"V1_SYM" , "V1_ASY" \
                  ,"V2_SYM" , "V2_ASY" /)

  STC_at_segmentLength = segLen
  STC_at_segmentOverLap = segOverLap
  STC_at_segmentRepeat = segLen-segOverLap
  STC_at_number_of_segments = kseg
  STC_at_dof = 2.667*kseg ; conservative estimate
                                      ; 2.667 is for 1-2-1 smoother

  p = (/0.80, 0.85, 0.90, 0.925, 0.95, 0.99/); probability levels
  STC_at_prob = p
  STC_at_prob_coh2 = 1.-(1.-p^(0.5*STC_at_dof -1))
  return( STC )
; -----------
function addHorVertLinesCross(wks[1]:graphic, plot[1]:graphic \
                             ,nw[1], dumy[*]:graphic )
; freq [y] axis: Add horizontal lines that explicitly
; print time in days. This assumes the units
; of the freq axis are "cpd" [cycles per day]
local gsres, txres, xx, dely, m\nwl, nwr
    gsres = True
    gsres_at_gsLineDashPattern = 1

    nwl = -nw+3.5 ; left
    nwr = nw ; right
    dumy(0) = gsn_add_polyline(wks, plot, (/ 0, 0/),(/ 0.0 , 0.5 /),gsres)
    dumy(1) = gsn_add_polyline(wks, plot, (/nwl,nwr/),(/ 1./80, 1./80/),gsres)
    dumy(2) = gsn_add_polyline(wks, plot, (/nwl,nwr/),(/ 1./20, 1./20/),gsres)
    dumy(3) = gsn_add_polyline(wks, plot, (/nwl,nwr/),(/ 1./10, 1./10/),gsres)
    dumy(4) = gsn_add_polyline(wks, plot, (/nwl,nwr/),(/ 1./5 , 1./5 /),gsres)
    dumy(5) = gsn_add_polyline(wks, plot, (/nwl,nwr/),(/ 1./3 , 1./3 /),gsres)

    txres = True
    txres_at_txJust = "CenterLeft"
    txres_at_txFontHeightF = 0.013

    xx = -nw+0.3
    dely = 0.000 ; yy
    dumy(6) = gsn_add_text(wks, plot, "3 days" , xx ,(1./3 +dely),txres)
    dumy(7) = gsn_add_text(wks, plot, "5 days" , xx ,(1./5 +dely),txres)
    dumy(8) = gsn_add_text(wks, plot, "10 days", xx ,(1./10+dely),txres)
    dumy(9) = gsn_add_text(wks, plot, "20 days", xx ,(1./20+dely),txres)
    dumy(10)= gsn_add_text(wks, plot, "80 days", xx ,(1./80+dely),txres)

; -----------
procedure mjo_elimIsolatedValues(c2, ph1, ph2, iopt)
; cosmetic and arbitrary ... eliminate isolated points ...
; crude and not complete but 'good enough'
local npts, dimc2, nfreq, nwave, nf, nw
  i = iopt
  if (iopt.le.0) then
      i = 1
  end if

  npts = 0
  dimc2 = dimsizes(c2)
  nfreq = dimc2(0)
  nwave = dimc2(1)

  do nf=i,nfreq-i-1
    do nw=i,nwave-i-1
       if (.not.ismissing(c2(nf,nw))) then
           if (all(ismissing(c2(nf-i,nw )).and.ismissing(c2(nf+i,nw )) .and.\
                   ismissing(c2(nf ,nw-i)).and.ismissing(c2(nf ,nw+i)))) then
               npts = npts + 1
               c2(nf,nw) = c2@_FillValue
               ph1(nf,nw) = ph1@_FillValue
               ph2(nf,nw) = ph2@_FillValue
           end if
       end if
    end do
     nw = 0 ; left (freq) boundary
     if (.not.ismissing(c2(nf,nw))) then
         if (all(ismissing(c2(nf-i,nw )).and.ismissing(c2(nf+i,nw )) .and. \
                 ismissing(c2(nf ,nw+1)))) then
             npts = npts + 1
             c2(nf,nw) = c2@_FillValue
             ph1(nf,nw) = ph1@_FillValue
             ph2(nf,nw) = ph2@_FillValue
         end if
     end if
     nw = nwave-1 ; right (freq) boundary
     if (.not.ismissing(c2(nf,nw))) then
         if (all(ismissing(c2(nf-1,nw )).and.ismissing(c2(nf+i,nw )) .and. \
                 ismissing(c2(nf ,nw-1)))) then
             npts = npts + 1
             c2(nf,nw) = c2@_FillValue
             ph1(nf,nw) = ph1@_FillValue
             ph2(nf,nw) = ph2@_FillValue
         end if
     end if

  end do

 ;print("***** elimIsolatedValues: npts = "+npts+" set to _FillValue")
; -----------
procedure mjo_cross_plot(STC[*][*][*]:numeric \
                        ,pltDir[1]:string, pltType[1]:string \
                        ,pltName[1]:string, opt[1]:logical )
local pltPath, pltTypeLocal,wks, res
  pltPath= pltDir+"/"+pltName
  if (pltType.eq."png") then
      pltTypeLocal = "eps"
      pltTypeLocal = pltType
  end if
  wks = gsn_open_wks(pltTypeLocal, pltPath)
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"colorTable")) then
  end if

  plot = new ( 2, "graphic")

  res = True ; plot mods desired
  res_at_gsnDraw = False
  res_at_gsnFrame = False

  res_at_cnFillOn = True ; turn on color
  res_at_cnFillMode = "RasterFill" ; match WMO Clivar

  res_at_gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full range of colormap
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"gsnSpreadColorStart") ) then
      res_at_gsnSpreadColorStart = opt_at_gsnSpreadColorStart
  end if
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"gsnSpreadColorEnd") ) then
      res_at_gsnSpreadColorEnd = opt_at_gsnSpreadColorEnd
  end if
  res_at_cnLinesOn = False
  res_at_cnLineLabelsOn = False
  res_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
  res_at_cnMinLevelValF = 0.05
  res_at_cnMaxLevelValF = 0.65 ; correlation^2 = 0.8
  res_at_cnLevelSpacingF = 0.05
  res_at_cnInfoLabelOn = False
  res_at_lbLabelBarOn = False ; no individual label bars

  if (.not.opt .or. .not.isatt(opt,"pltPhase") .or. opt_at_pltPhase) then
      plotPhase = True
      res_at_vcRefMagnitudeF = 1.0 ; define vector ref mag
      res_at_vcRefLengthF = 0.01 ; define length of vec ref
      res_at_vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF = -1.0 ; move ref vector
      res_at_vcRefAnnoArrowLineColor = "black" ; change ref vector color
      res_at_vcMinDistanceF = 0.0075 ; thin out vectors
      res_at_vcMapDirection = False ;
      res_at_vcRefAnnoOn = False ; do not draw
      res_at_gsnScalarContour = True ; contours desired
      plotPhase = False
  end if

  res_at_gsnLeftString = "Coh^2: Symmetric"
  res_at_gsnRightString = "10%="+sprintf("%3.2f", STC_at_prob_coh2(2))+" "\
                      +" 5%="+sprintf("%3.2f", STC_at_prob_coh2(4))

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"pltZonalWaveNumber") ) then
      nWavePlt = opt_at_pltZonalWaveNumber
      nWavePlt = 15 ; default
  end if

; dispersion: curves
  rlat = 0.0
  Ahe = (/50.,25.,12./)
  nWaveType = 6
  nPlanetaryWave = 50
  nEquivDepth = dimsizes(Ahe)
  Apzwn = new((/nWaveType,nEquivDepth,nPlanetaryWave/),"double",1e20)
  Afreq = Apzwn
  genDispersionCurves(nWaveType, nEquivDepth, nPlanetaryWave, rlat, Ahe, Afreq, Apzwn )

; dispersion curve and text plot resources
   dcres = True
   dcres_at_gsLineThicknessF = 2.0
   dcres_at_gsLineDashPattern = 0

   txres = True
  ;txres_at_txJust = "CenterLeft"
   txres_at_txPerimOn = True
   txres_at_txFontHeightF = 0.013
   txres_at_txBackgroundFillColor = "Background"

; plot symmetric data
  n = 8

  c2s = STC(n,:,{-nWavePlt:nWavePlt})
  c2s@_FillValue = 1e20
  c2s(0,:) = c2s@_FillValue
  c2s = where(, c2s@_FillValue, c2s) ; mask

  n = 12
  phs1 = STC(n,:,{-nWavePlt:nWavePlt})
  phs1_at_long_name = "symmetric phase-1"
  phs1@_FillValue = c2s@_FillValue
  phs1(0,:) = phs1@_FillValue
  phs1 = where(, phs1@_FillValue, phs1) ; mask

  n = 14
  phs2 = STC(n,:,{-nWavePlt:nWavePlt})
  phs2_at_long_name = "symmetric phase-2"
  phs2@_FillValue = c2s@_FillValue
  phs2(0,:) = phs2@_FillValue
  phs2 = where(, phs2@_FillValue, phs2) ; mask

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"pltProb") ) then
      np = ind(c2s_at_prob_coh2 .eq. opt_at_pltProb)
      if (.not.ismissing(np)) then
          c2s = where(, c2s@_FillValue, c2s)
          phs1 = where(ismissing(c2s), phs1@_FillValue, phs1)
          phs2 = where(ismissing(c2s), phs2@_FillValue, phs2)
      end if
  end if

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"coh2Cutoff") ) then
      c2s = where(, c2s@_FillValue, c2s)
  end if

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"phaseCutoff") ) then
      phs1 = where(, phs1@_FillValue, phs1)
      phs2 = where(, phs2@_FillValue, phs2)
  end if
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"elimIsoVals") .and. .not.opt_at_elimIsoVals) then
      print("mjo_cross_plot: no values eliminated")
      mjo_elimIsolatedValues (c2s, phs1, phs2, 1)
      mjo_elimIsolatedValues (c2s, phs1, phs2, 2)
  end if
 ;res_at_gsnCenterString = "var="+n+" "+STC_at_varName(n)
  if (plotPhase) then
      scl_one = sqrt(1./(phs1^2 + phs2^2))
      phs1 = scl_one*phs1
      phs2 = scl_one*phs2
      plot(0) = gsn_csm_vector_scalar(wks, phs1, phs2, c2s, res)
      plot(0) = gsn_csm_contour(wks, c2s, res)
  end if

  dums = new (25, "graphic") ; for _add_ *s*ymmetric graphical objects
  plot(0) = addHorVertLinesCross(wks, plot(0), nWavePlt, dums)

  dumdcs = new ( 25, "graphic") ; dispersion curves symmetric (dcs)
  dumdcs( 0) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(0),Apzwn(3,0,:),Afreq(3,0,:),dcres)
  dumdcs( 1) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(0),Apzwn(3,1,:),Afreq(3,1,:),dcres)
  dumdcs( 2) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(0),Apzwn(3,2,:),Afreq(3,2,:),dcres)
  dumdcs( 3) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(0),Apzwn(4,0,:),Afreq(4,0,:),dcres)
  dumdcs( 4) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(0),Apzwn(4,1,:),Afreq(4,1,:),dcres)
  dumdcs( 5) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(0),Apzwn(4,2,:),Afreq(4,2,:),dcres)
  dumdcs( 6) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(0),Apzwn(5,0,:),Afreq(5,0,:),dcres)
  dumdcs( 7) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(0),Apzwn(5,1,:),Afreq(5,1,:),dcres)
  dumdcs( 8) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(0),Apzwn(5,2,:),Afreq(5,2,:),dcres)

  dumdcs( 9) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot(0),"Kelvin",11.5,.40,txres)
  dumdcs(10) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot(0),"n=1 ER",-10.7,.07,txres)
  dumdcs(11) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot(0),"n=1 IG",-3.0,.45,txres)
  dumdcs(12) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot(0),"h=50",-14.0,.78,txres)
  dumdcs(13) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot(0),"h=25",-14.0,.60,txres)
  dumdcs(14) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot(0),"h=12",-14.0,.46,txres)

; plot asymmetric data

  n = 9
  res_at_gsnLeftString = "Coh^2: Asymmetric"
  res_at_gsnRightString = "10%="+sprintf("%3.2f", STC_at_prob_coh2(2))+" "\
                      +" 5%="+sprintf("%3.2f", STC_at_prob_coh2(4))
  c2a = STC(n,:,{-nWavePlt:nWavePlt})
  c2a@_FillValue = 1e20
  c2a(0,:) = c2a@_FillValue
  c2a = where(, c2a@_FillValue, c2a) ; mask

  n = 13
  pha1 = STC(n,:,{-nWavePlt:nWavePlt})
  pha1_at_long_name = "asymmetric phase-1"
  pha1@_FillValue = c2a@_FillValue
  pha1(0,:) = pha1@_FillValue
 ;pha1 = where(, pha1@_FillValue, pha1) ; mask

  n = 15
  pha2 = STC(n,:,{-nWavePlt:nWavePlt})
  pha2_at_long_name = "asymmetric phase-2"
  pha2@_FillValue = c2a@_FillValue
  pha2(0,:) = pha2@_FillValue
  pha2 = where(, pha2@_FillValue, pha2) ; mask

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"pltProb") ) then
      np = ind(c2a_at_prob_coh2 .eq. opt_at_pltProb)
      if (.not.ismissing(np)) then
          c2a = where(, c2a@_FillValue, c2s)
          pha1 = where(ismissing(c2a), pha1@_FillValue, pha1)
          pha2 = where(ismissing(c2a), pha2@_FillValue, pha2)
      end if
  end if

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"coh2Cutoff") ) then
      c2a = where(, c2s@_FillValue, c2s)
  end if
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"phaseCutoff") ) then
      pha1 = where(, pha1@_FillValue, pha1)
      pha2 = where(, pha2@_FillValue, pha2)
  end if

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"elimIsoVals") .and. .not.opt_at_elimIsoVals) then
      mjo_elimIsolatedValues (c2a, pha1, pha2, 2)
      mjo_elimIsolatedValues (c2a, pha1, pha2, 1)
  end if

  if (plotPhase) then
      scl_one = sqrt(1./(pha1^2 + pha2^2))
      pha1 = scl_one*pha1
      pha2 = scl_one*pha2
      plot(1) = gsn_csm_vector_scalar(wks, pha1, pha2, c2a, res)
      plot(1) = gsn_csm_contour(wks, c2a, res)
  end if

  duma = new (25, "graphic") ; for _add_ *a*symmetric graphical objects
  plot(1) = addHorVertLinesCross(wks, plot(1), nWavePlt, duma)

  dumdca = new ( 25, "graphic") ; dispersion curves asymmetric (dcs)
  dumdca( 0) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(1),Apzwn(0,0,:),Afreq(0,0,:),dcres)
  dumdca( 1) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(1),Apzwn(0,1,:),Afreq(0,1,:),dcres)
  dumdca( 2) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(1),Apzwn(0,2,:),Afreq(0,2,:),dcres)
  dumdca( 3) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(1),Apzwn(1,0,:),Afreq(1,0,:),dcres)
  dumdca( 4) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(1),Apzwn(1,1,:),Afreq(1,1,:),dcres)
  dumdca( 5) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(1),Apzwn(1,2,:),Afreq(1,2,:),dcres)
  dumdca( 6) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(1),Apzwn(2,0,:),Afreq(2,0,:),dcres)
  dumdca( 7) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(1),Apzwn(2,1,:),Afreq(2,1,:),dcres)
  dumdca( 8) = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plot(1),Apzwn(2,2,:),Afreq(2,2,:),dcres)

  dumdca(10) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot(1),"MRG",-10.0,.15,txres)
  dumdca(11) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot(1),"n=2 IG",-3.0,.58,txres)
  dumdca(12) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot(1),"n=0 EIG",6.5,.40,txres)
  dumdca(13) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot(1),"h=50",-10.0,.78,txres)
  dumdca(14) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot(1),"h=25",-10.0,.63,txres)
  dumdca(15) = gsn_add_text(wks,plot(1),"h=12",-10.0,.51,txres)

  resP = True
  resP_at_gsnMaximize = True
  resP_at_gsnPanelLabelBar = True
 ;resP_at_lbLabelAutoStride = True
  resP_at_lbLabelStride = 2 ; every other one
 ;resP_at_lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.007 ; make labels smaller
  resP_at_cnLabelBarEndLabelsOn= True
  resP_at_cnLabelBarEndStyle = "ExcludeOuterBoxes"

  resP_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = res_at_cnLevelSelectionMode
  resP_at_cnMinLevelValF = res_at_cnMinLevelValF
  resP_at_cnMaxLevelValF = res_at_cnMaxLevelValF ; correlation^2 = 0.8
  resP_at_cnLevelSpacingF = res_at_cnLevelSpacingF

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"txString") ) then
      resP_at_txString = opt_at_txString
  end if
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"gsnPaperOrientation") ) then
      resP_at_gsnPaperOrientation = opt_at_gsnPaperOrientation
  end if

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"lbOrientation") ) then
      resP_at_lbOrientation = "vertical"
  end if

  if (pltType.eq."png") then
      if (isatt(opt,"pltConvert")) then
          pltConvert = opt_at_pltConvert ; convert options
          pltConvert = "-rotate -90" ; default
      end if
      system("convert "+pltConvert+" "+pltPath+".eps "+pltPath+".png")
      system("/bin/rm -f "+pltPath+".eps")
  end if
; ---------------------
undef ("mjo_phase_background")
function mjo_phase_background (wks:graphic , opt[1]:logical )
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"axisExtent") .and. then
      axisExtent = opt_at_axisExtent
      axisExtent = 4
  end if
  nPhase = 8

  res = True
  res_at_gsnDraw = False
  res_at_gsnFrame = False
 ;res_at_gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait"

  res_at_vpXF = 0.1 ; default=0.2
  res_at_vpYF = 0.8 ; default=0.8

  res_at_trYMinF = -axisExtent
  res_at_trYMaxF = axisExtent
  res_at_trXMinF = -axisExtent
  res_at_trXMaxF = axisExtent + 0.05

  vpExtent = 0.45
  res_at_vpWidthF = vpExtent ; default=0.6
  res_at_vpHeightF = vpExtent ; default=0.6

  res_at_tmXBFormat = "f" ; integer, no decimal
  res_at_tmYLFormat = "f" ; 3 rather than 3.0

  res_at_tmXBLabelDeltaF = -0.75 ; move label closer to tm
  res_at_tmYLLabelDeltaF = -0.75

  labelFontHeightF = 0.0167 ; default=0.0167
  res_at_tiXAxisFontHeightF= labelFontHeightF
  res_at_tiYAxisFontHeightF= labelFontHeightF
  res_at_tiDeltaF = 1.25 ; default=1.5

  res_at_xyLineThicknessF = 1

  rad = 4.*atan(1.0)/180.
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"radius") .and. then
      radius = opt_at_radius
      radius= 1.0 ; unit length (default)
  end if
  nCirc = 361
  xCirc = radius*cos(fspan(0, 360, nCirc)*rad)
  yCirc = radius*sin(fspan(0, 360, nCirc)*rad)

  xCirc_at_long_name = "Phase 2 (Indian Ocean) Phase 3"
  yCirc_at_long_name = "Phase 1 (Western Hem, Africa) Phase 8"

 ;res_at_gsnCenterStringOrthogonalPosF =
  res_at_gsnCenterStringFontHeightF = labelFontHeightF
  res_at_gsnCenterString = "Phase 7 (Western Pacific) Phase 6"

  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"tiMainString")) then
      res_at_tiMainString = opt_at_tiMainString
  end if

  plt = gsn_csm_xy (wks, xCirc, yCirc, res) ; base plot

  txres = True
  txres_at_txFontHeightF = labelFontHeightF
  txres_at_txAngleF = -90
  txid = gsn_create_text(wks, "Phase 5 (Maritime) Phase 4", txres)

  amres = True
  amres_at_amParallelPosF = 0.575
  amres_at_amOrthogonalPosF = 0.0
  amres_at_amJust = "CenterCenter"
  ann3 = gsn_add_annotation(plt, txid, amres)

; Add the phase separator lines.
; Each line must be associated with a unique dummy variable.
; Draw each line separately. Each line must contain two
; points (begin/end).
  plres = True ; polyline mods desired
 ;plres_at_gsLineColor = "red" ; color of lines
  plres_at_gsLineThicknessF = 1.0 ; thickness of lines
  if (opt .and. isatt(opt,"gsLineDashPattern")) then
      plres_at_gsLineDashPattern = opt_at_gsLineDashPattern
      plres_at_gsLineDashPattern = 1
  end if

  c45 = radius*cos(45*rad)
  E = axisExtent ; convenience
  R = radius

  phaLine = new ( (/nPhase,4/), "float", "No_FillValue")
  phaLine(0,:) = (/ R, E, 0, 0/) ; (xBegin,xEnd,yBegin,yEnd)
  phaLine(1,:) = (/ c45, E, c45, E/)
  phaLine(2,:) = (/ 0, 0, R, E/)
  phaLine(3,:) = (/-c45, -E, c45, E/)
  phaLine(4,:) = (/ -R, -E, 0, 0/)
  phaLine(5,:) = (/-c45, -E,-c45, -E/)
  phaLine(6,:) = (/ 0, 0, -R, -E/)
  phaLine(7,:) = (/ c45, E,-c45, -E/)

  do i =0,nPhase-1
     plt@$unique_string("dum")$ = gsn_add_polyline(wks,plt \
                                 ,(/phaLine(i,0),phaLine(i,1)/) \
                                 ,(/phaLine(i,2),phaLine(i,3)/) ,plres)
  end do


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