30 year average

From: Cecille M. Villanueva Birriel <cvillanu_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 13:00:07 -0400


   I am trying to compute 30 year seasonal averages for some variables using
monthly average files but I am getting an unusual error and I don't know how
to fix it. The error that is giving me is the following

ncl: posixio.c:412: px_get: Assertion `extent != 0' failed.

This is just with one of the monthly files, it works if I do it with all
other files excluding the one with the problems. What does it mean? Here is
my script.

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"

; this script takes the monthly averaged CAM data
; and computes seasonal averages

; 3/25/08 - updated for the T85 members
; this particular version computes a composite - or mean
; from the ensemble members
nf = 4
path = new(nf,string)

; add your own paths

path(0) = "~cvillanu/Future/2070-2099_p_z/"

; get some initial information from one of the grb files

;Set Path
; path to a file

; add your path here
; add your file here

f = addfile(main1+file1, "r")

;Read Variables
; mainly to extract some metadata, to get dimensions
lon = f->lon
lat = f->lat
lev = f->lev
tt = f->uavg
;dum = f->uavg
; read ps, the hybrid coordinate arrays, and geopotential height (see
simple.ncl) to compute P
nlat = dimsizes(lat)
nlon = dimsizes(lon)
nlev = dimsizes(lev)
;dimdum = dimsizes(dum)
;nlev = dimdum(2)

monstrng =

;Set Path

t_mam = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
t_jja = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)

q_mam = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
q_jja = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)

u_mam = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
u_jja = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)

v_mam = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
v_jja = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)

p_mam = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
p_jja = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)

z_mam = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)
z_jja = new((/nlev,nlat,nlon/), float)

t_mam = 0.
t_jja = 0.
q_mam = 0.
q_jja = 0.
u_mam = 0.
u_jja = 0.
v_mam = 0.
v_jja = 0.
p_mam = 0.
p_jja = 0.
z_mam = 0.
z_jja = 0.

mamcnt = 0
jjacnt = 0

; loop through files and extract the monnthly data

;ybeg = 1978
;yend = 1998
ybeg = 2077
yend = 2078

do ny = ybeg,yend

do nm = 2, 7 ;March-August

  file3 = ny+monstrng(nm)+".nc"

  f3 = addfile(path(0)+file3, "r")

; check for missing data (essentially, a missing file)
  if(any(.not.ismissing(f3))) then

print (file3)

; read your variables here: T, Q, U, V, Z, P
; these are dimensions: nlev, nlat, nlon
  t = f3->tavg
  q = f3->qavg
  u = f3->uavg
  v = f3->vavg
  p = f3->pavg
  z = f3->zavg
  sev = f3->sev

  if (nm.ge.2.and.nm.le.4) then
     t_mam = t_mam + t
     q_mam = q_mam + q
     u_mam = u_mam + u
     v_mam = v_mam + v
     p_mam = p_mam + p
     z_mam = z_mam + z
     mamcnt = mamcnt +1
  end if

; add the same variables here...
  if (nm.ge.5.and.nm.le.7) then
     ;mcape_jja = mcape_jja + mcape
     t_jja = t_jja + t
     q_jja = q_jja + q
     u_jja = u_jja + u
     v_jja = v_jja + v
     p_jja = p_jja + p
     z_jja = z_jja + z
     jjacnt = jjacnt +1
  end if

end if

end do
end do

; final averages
; do final averages on other variables

t_mam =t_mam/mamcnt
t_jja =t_jja/jjacnt

q_mam =q_mam/mamcnt
q_jja =q_jja/jjacnt

u_mam =u_mam/mamcnt
u_jja =u_jja/jjacnt

v_mam =v_mam/mamcnt
v_jja =v_jja/jjacnt

p_mam =p_mam/mamcnt
p_jja =p_jja/jjacnt

z_mam =z_mam/mamcnt
z_jja =z_jja/jjacnt

delete (f3)

; dump out data
; now, dump out the monthly averages to a
; netcdf file

  ncfile = "jjafields.nc"
  ncdf = addfile(ncfile ,"c") ; open output netCDF file
; create global attributes of the file
  fAtt = True ; assign file attributes
  fAtt_at_title = "Summer Averages"
  fAtt_at_domxmin = lon(0)
  fAtt_at_domxmax = lon(nlon-1)
  fAtt_at_domymin = lat(0)
  fAtt_at_domymax = lat(nlat-1)
  fileattdef( ncdf, fAtt ) ; define file attributes
  dimNames = (/"lat","lon"/)
  dimSizes = (/nlat,nlon/)
  dimUnlim = (/False,False/)

  ncdf->u_jja = u_jja ; lat, lon
  ncdf->v_jja = v_jja ; lat, lon
  ncdf->p_jja = p_jja ; lat, lon
  ncdf->z_jja = z_jja ; lat, lon
 ncdf->t_jja = t_jja ; lat, lon
  ncdf->q_jja = q_jja ; lat, lon

  ncdf->lon = lon
  ncdf->lat = lat

  ncfile2 = "mamfields.nc"
  ncdf2 = addfile(ncfile2 ,"c") ; open output netCDF file
; create global attributes of the file
  fAtt = True ; assign file attributes
  fAtt_at_title = "Spring Averages"
  fAtt_at_domxmin = lon(0)
  fAtt_at_domxmax = lon(nlon-1)
  fAtt_at_domymin = lat(0)
  fAtt_at_domymax = lat(nlat-1)
  fileattdef( ncdf2, fAtt ) ; define file attributes
  dimNames = (/"lat","lon"/)
  dimSizes = (/nlat,nlon/)
  dimUnlim = (/False,False/)

  ncdf2->u_mam = u_mam ; lat, lon
  ncdf2->v_mam = v_mam ; lat, lon
  ncdf2->p_mam = p_mam ; lat, lon
  ncdf2->z_mam = z_mam ; lat, lon
  ncdf2->t_mam = t_mam ; lat, lon
  ncdf2->q_mam = q_mam ; lat, lon

  ncdf2->lon = lon
  ncdf2->lat = lat


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