Re: RasterModeOn = True ... and stippling

From: Caspar Ammann <ammann_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Thu Oct 08 2009 - 11:33:41 MDT

Thanks Mary,

yeah, go get some German Chocolate and keep telling them that they
really should sell Swiss chocolate. Tell them, your fine sensory
system keeps alarming you that it is exposed to the wrong stuff ...
Swiss chocolate on the other hand ... well leave it at that or I start
worrying about your safety!

Thanks for the script. Its impressive how you throw this together even
on the road. Too bad that raster doesn't know about transparency. So
either we composite a raster background with a simple contour stippled
foreground (Laura got that bang on!), or we generate two figures, use
photoshop to convert the background of the stippled figure into
transparent, and then overlay them in photoshop. I'm tending to the
second a bit. Two examples, none really completely satisfying are here:

In the contour on contour we lose the edges and given the small grid
one doesn't quite see exactly what the numbers might be. The second
(lower graph) shows better spatial (raster) pattern of the temperature
anomalies, yet the contoured stippling leaves sometimes unclear which
boxes are really significant...

Thanks again and hope you get time to enjoy your trip. Remember, we
almost have snow here...


On Oct 8, 2009, at 2:41 AM, Mary Haley wrote:

> <stipple.ncl>

Caspar M. Ammann
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Climate and Global Dynamics Division - Paleoclimatology
1850 Table Mesa Drive
Boulder, CO 80307-3000
email: tel: 303-497-1705 fax: 303-497-1348
Received on Thu, 8 Oct 2009 11:33:41 -0600

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