Re: How to put data of wrf model and data of persiann side by side in a same pannel

From: Rolande Tchouaken <tnrolande_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Fri Oct 30 2009 - 10:21:44 MDT

Good afternoon,

I saw a tempory page in ncl which makes  panel data of wrf model; But I would like to put side by side the data of wrf  model and the data of persiann . When I make I  have l' following error:

 ERROR **** IN GKS ERROR REPORTED FROM libhlu.a(Error.o)                                                           
warning:WorkstationFill:libncarg Error:SFSGFA/SET - UNCLEARED PRIOR ERROR                                          
warning:GKS:GFA: --PostScript error: Encapsulated PostScript can have only one page                                
 ERROR **** IN GKS ERROR REPORTED FROM libhlu.a(Error.o)                                                           
warning:WorkstationFill:libncarg Error:SFSGFA/SET - UNCLEARED PRIOR ERROR                                          
warning:GKS:GFA: --PostScript error: Encapsulated PostScript can have only one page                                
 ERROR **** IN GKS ERROR REPORTED FROM libhlu.a(Error.o)                                                           
warning:WorkstationFill:libncarg Error:SFSGFA/SET - UNCLEARED PRIOR ERROR                                          
warning:GKS:GFA: --PostScript error: Encapsulated PostScript can have only one page                                
 ERROR **** IN GKS ERROR REPORTED FROM libhlu.a(Error.o)                                                           
warning:WorkstationFill:libncarg Error:SFSGFA/SET - UNCLEARED PRIOR ERROR                                          
warning:GKS:GFA: --PostScript error: Encapsulated PostScript can have only one page                                
 ERROR **** IN GKS ERROR REPORTED FROM libhlu.a(Error.o)                                                           
warning:WorkstationFill:libncarg Error:SFSGFA/SET - UNCLEARED PRIOR ERROR                                          
warning:GKS:GFA: --PostScript error: Encapsulated PostScript can have only one page                                
 ERROR **** IN GKS ERROR REPORTED FROM libhlu.a(Error.o)                                                           
warning:WorkstationFill:libncarg Error:SFSGFA/SET - UNCLEARED PRIOR ERROR                                          
warning:GKS:GFA: --PostScript error: Encapsulated PostScript can have only one page                                
 ERROR **** IN GKS ERROR REPORTED FROM libhlu.a(Error.o)                                                           
warning:WorkstationFill:libncarg Error:SFSGFA/SET - UNCLEARED PRIOR ERROR                                          
warning:GKS:GFA: --PostScript error: Encapsulated PostScript can have only one page

 ERROR **** IN GKS ERROR REPORTED FROM libhlu.a(Error.o)                                                           
warning:WorkstationFill:libncarg Error:SFSGFA/SET - UNCLEARED PRIOR ERROR                                          
warning:GKS:GFA: --PostScript error: Encapsulated PostScript can have only one page                                
 ERROR **** IN GKS ERROR REPORTED FROM libhlu.a(Error.o)                                                           
warning:WorkstationFill:libncarg Error:SFSGFA/SET - UNCLEARED PRIOR ERROR                                          
warning:GKS:GFA: --PostScript error: Encapsulated PostScript can have only one page                                
 ERROR **** IN GKS ERROR REPORTED FROM libhlu.a(Error.o)                                                           
warning:WorkstationFill:libncarg Error:SFSGFA/SET - UNCLEARED PRIOR ERROR                                          

That is my script:

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"  
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"

load "gsn_code_new.ncl"  
load "WRFUserARW_new.ncl"

; read in netCDF file
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;pr lire les fichiers de 6h ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  a1  = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_CU3_MP8_BL1_SF1_RALW1_RASW1_180709/","r")
  a2  = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_cu2_mp8_blp2_ssp1_ralw1_rasw1_180709/","r")
  a3  = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_cu1_mp8_blp1_ssp1_ralw1_rasw1_180709/","r")

;;;;;;;;;;;;pr lire les fichiers de 12h ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   a4  = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_CU3_MP8_BL1_SF1_RALW1_RASW1_180709/","r")
   a5  = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_cu2_mp8_blp2_ssp1_ralw1_rasw1_180709/","r")
   a6 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_cu1_mp8_blp1_ssp1_ralw1_rasw1_180709/","r")

;;;;;;;;pr lire les fichiers de 18h;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 a7 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_CU3_MP8_BL1_SF1_RALW1_RASW1_180709/","r")
 a8 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_cu2_mp8_blp2_ssp1_ralw1_rasw1_180709/","r")
 a9 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_cu1_mp8_blp1_ssp1_ralw1_rasw1_180709/","r")

 a10 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/persiannnc/","r")

;;;;;;;;;;;pr extraire les donne de 6h a 12h le 18 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 a11 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/persiannnc/","r")

;;;;;;;;;;;;pr extraire les donnees de 12h a 18h;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

  a12 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/persiannnc/","r")

prepper6 = a10->Prc
prepper12 = a11->Prc
prepper18 = a12->Prc


prepwrfb6 = wrf_user_getvar(a2,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a2,"RAINC",0)  ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

prepwrfk6 =wrf_user_getvar(a3,"RAINNC",0)+ wrf_user_getvar(a3,"RAINC",0)  ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

  prepwrfg6 = wrf_user_getvar(a1,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a1,"RAINC",0)   ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

 prepwrfg12 =  wrf_user_getvar(a4,"RAINNC",0) +wrf_user_getvar(a4,"RAINC",0)- (wrf_user_getvar(a1,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a1,"RAINC",0) )  ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

prepwrfb12 =  (wrf_user_getvar(a5,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a5,"RAINC",0)) - (wrf_user_getvar(a2,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a2,"RAINC",0))   ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

prepwrfk12 =  (wrf_user_getvar(a6,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a6,"RAINC",0))   - (wrf_user_getvar(a3,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a3,"RAINC",0))   ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h


prepwrfg18 =  (wrf_user_getvar(a7,"RAINNC",0)+ wrf_user_getvar(a7,"RAINC",0) ) - (wrf_user_getvar(a4,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a4,"RAINC",0))  ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h
prepwrfb18 =  (wrf_user_getvar(a8,"RAINNC",0)+ wrf_user_getvar(a8,"RAINC",0)) - (wrf_user_getvar(a5,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a5,"RAINC",0))   ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

prepwrfk18 =  (wrf_user_getvar(a9,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a9,"RAINC",0) )  - (wrf_user_getvar(a6,"RAINNC",0)+ wrf_user_getvar(a6,"RAINC",0))   ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

wks = gsn_open_wks("eps" ,"wrfmp8mo") 
pltres = True
  mpres = True
res = True
opts_r = True

res@gsnSpreadColors      = True               ; use full range of colors
res@gsnSpreadColorStart  = 7
res@gsnSpreadColorEnd  = 101
res@NoTitles = True
;res@mpLabelBarOrthogonalPost = -0.1
 res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
       res@cnLevels             = (/  .5, 1., 2.,5., 10.,15.,20. , \
                                       30., 50, 75, 100, 110./)
      ;opts_r@pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = -0.05
         ;opts_r@lbTitleOn        = True                  ; turn on title
      ; opts_r@lbTitleString    = ""
      ;opts_r@cnLineLabelFontHeightF = 0.02
       ; opts_r@cnInfoLabelOn        = False
       ; opts_r@cnConstFLabelOn      = False
       ; opts_r@cnFillOn             = True

;res@gsnAddCyclic   = False  
    res                       = True               ; plot mods desired
        res@cnLineLabelsOn              = True                    ; no line labels
       res@lbLabelBarOn        = False         ; turn off individual cb's
    res@cnFillOn               = True
    ;res@cnLinesOn              = False
    res@cnLineLabelsOn         = False   
    res@gsnSpreadColors        = True
       res@cnLineLabelDensityF      = 1.5
    ;res@mpGridAndLimbOn        = False              ; lat/lon lines on
    ;res@mpGridSpacingF         = 10.0               ; lat/lon lines every 10 deg
    ;res@mpGridLineDashPattern  = 2                  ; lat/lon lines as dashed
    ;res@pmTickMarkDisplayMode  = "Always"           ; turn on tickmarks
        ;res@mpPerimOn            =   True
        ;res@mpFillOn             =    False              ; turn off map fill
    ;mpres@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "GeophysicalAndUSStates"
        res@mpOutlineBoundarySets       = "National"   ; turn on country boundaries
       ; res@mpGeophysicalLineColor      = "Black"       ; color of cont. outlines
       ; res@mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 1.8       ; thickness of outlines
     mpres@gsLineDashPattern                           = 1.8  
    ;res@lbOrientation            = "Vertical"     ; vertical label bar
    ;res@pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = -0.01          ; move label bar closer
    ;res@lbLabelStride            =   2
       ; res@cnLevelSelectionMode        = "ManualLevels"       ; manual levels
    res@cnLevelSelectionMode        = "ExplicitLevels"       ; manual levels
     ;res@cnLevels          =(/  .5, 1., 2.,5., 10.,15.,20. , \
         ;                             30., 50, 75, 85, 100./)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;to add national boundary country;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,,,,

 resm = True

       resm@mpOutlineBoundarySets       = "National"   ; turn on country boundaries
        resm@mpGeophysicalLineColor      = "Black"       ; color of cont. outlines
        resm@mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 1.8       ; thickness of outlines
     resm@gsLineDashPattern                          = 1.8  
  resm@mpDataBaseVersion           = "Ncarg4_1"    ; use finer database             ;
  resm@mpOutlineOn                 = True                                           ;
  resm@mpFillOn                    = False        ; turn off gray fill              ;
  resm@mpOutlineBoundarySets       = "National"   ; turn on country boundaries      ;

  resm@mpNationalLineColor          = "Black"     ;"Red"
  resm@mpNationalLineDashPattern    = 0                 ;1 ;for dashpattern
  resm@mpNationalLineThicknessF     = 1.5

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;to select my region;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, 
 ; resm@mpLeftCornerLatF            = 1
  ;  resm@mpLeftCornerLonF            = 1
  ; resm@mpRightCornerLatF           = 14
   ; resm@mpRightCornerLonF           = 22
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  resource for my first plot;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,,
res1 = res
res1@cnFillon = True
prepwrfb6@description = ""
cont_wrfb6 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfb6, res1)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;res for my second plot;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
res2 = res
prepwrfk6@description = ""
res2@cnFillon = True
cont_wrfk6 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfk6, res2)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;resource for my third plot;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,

res3 = res
prepwrfg6@description = ""
res3@cnFillon = True
res3@gsnLeftString   = " " 
cont_wrfg6 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfg6, res3)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;resource for my four plot;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,

res4 = res
prepwrfb12@description = ""
res4@cnFillon = True
cont_wrfb12 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfb12, res4)

res5 = res
prepwrfk12@description = ""
res5@cnFillon = True
 cont_wrfk12 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfk12, res5)

res6 = res
prepwrfg12@description = ""
res6@cnFillon = True
 cont_wrfg12 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfg12, res6)

res7 = res
prepwrfb18@description = ""
res7@cnFillon = True
 cont_wrfb18 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfb18, res7)

res8 = res
prepwrfk18@description = ""

res8@cnFillon = True
cont_wrfk18= wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfk18, res8)

res9 = res
prepwrfg18@description = ""
res9@cnFillon = True
cont_wrfg18 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfg18, res9)


; Generate maps.
  resm = True
map = new(12,graphic)
 map0 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
  map1 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
  map2 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
  map3 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
map4 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
map5 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
map6 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
map7 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
map8 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)

 res@tmXBLabelsOn          =True
 res@tmXBTickSpacingF      = 2.
 res@tmYLLabelsOn         =True
res@tmYLTickSpacingF     = 2.

res@mpGridAndLimbOn   = True              ; turn on lat/lon lines
  res@mpPerimOn         = False             ; turn off box around plot
 ; pltres@mpGridLatSpacingF = 2.               ; spacing for lat lines
  ;pltres@mpGridLonSpacingF = 2.               ; spacing for lon lines

 wrfres           = True
  wrfres@PanelPlot = True      ; Indicate these plots are to be paneled.








;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;to plot data persiann data cumul of 00-06h;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
res10 =res
res10@cnFillon = True
 res10@mpLimitMode                 = "Corners" 
res10@mpLeftCornerLatF            = 1
 res10@mpLeftCornerLonF            = 1
 res10@mpRightCornerLatF           = 14
 res10@mpRightCornerLonF           = 22
map9=gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks, prepper6(0,:,:), res10)   ; create plot ;object
; eleven plot
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;to plot data persiann cumul of 06-12h;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,
res11 = res
res11@cnFillon = True
 res11@mpLimitMode                 = "Corners" 
res11@mpLeftCornerLatF            = 1
 res11@mpLeftCornerLonF            = 1
 res11@mpRightCornerLatF           = 14
 res11@mpRightCornerLonF           = 22
map10= gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks, prepper12(0,:,:), res11)   ; create plot ;object

; twelve plot
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;to plot persiann data at 12-18h;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
res12 = res
res12@cnFillon = True
 res12@mpLimitMode                 = "Corners" 
res12@mpLeftCornerLatF            = 1
 res12@mpLeftCornerLonF            = 1
 res12@mpRightCornerLatF           = 14
 res12@mpRightCornerLonF           = 22
map11= gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks, prepper18(0,:,:), res12)   ; create plot ;object


    pnlres = True
   pnlres@gsnMaximize         = True
  pnlres@txString   = ""
  pnlres@gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent = 10.
  pnlres@gsnPanelYF                 = (/0.95,0.95,5.5,5.5/)
  pnlres@gsnPanelLabelBar          = True                    ; add common colorbar
 ; pnlres@txString         = "13-18 juillet 2009"       ; add common title
   pnlres@gsnPanelBottom   = 0.10                   ; add space at bottom
  pnlres@pmLabelBarWidthF           = .6
   pnlres@tmYRLabelsOn         = False              ; no right labels
    pnlres@tmYROn               = False              ; no right tickmarks
   pnlres@amJust       = "BottomLeft"
  pnlres@gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF = 0.008
;  pnlres@gsnPanelFigureStrings= (/"BMJ 00h-06h","BMJ 06h-12h","BMJ 12h-18h","KF 00h-06h","KF 06h-12h","KF 12h-18","GD 00h-06h",\
;"GD 06h-12h","GD 12h-18h"/) ; add strings to panel



load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"  
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"

load "gsn_code_new.ncl"  
load "WRFUserARW_new.ncl"

; read in netCDF file
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;pr lire les fichiers de 6h ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  a1  = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_CU3_MP8_BL1_SF1_RALW1_RASW1_180709/","r")
  a2  = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_cu2_mp8_blp2_ssp1_ralw1_rasw1_180709/","r")
  a3  = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_cu1_mp8_blp1_ssp1_ralw1_rasw1_180709/","r")

;;;;;;;;;;;;pr lire les fichiers de 12h ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
   a4  = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_CU3_MP8_BL1_SF1_RALW1_RASW1_180709/","r")
   a5  = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_cu2_mp8_blp2_ssp1_ralw1_rasw1_180709/","r")
   a6 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_cu1_mp8_blp1_ssp1_ralw1_rasw1_180709/","r")

;;;;;;;;pr lire les fichiers de 18h;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 a7 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_CU3_MP8_BL1_SF1_RALW1_RASW1_180709/","r")
 a8 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_cu2_mp8_blp2_ssp1_ralw1_rasw1_180709/","r")
 a9 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/wrfprd_cu1_mp8_blp1_ssp1_ralw1_rasw1_180709/","r")

 a10 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/persiannnc/","r")

;;;;;;;;;;;pr extraire les donne de 6h a 12h le 18 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
 a11 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/persiannnc/","r")

;;;;;;;;;;;;pr extraire les donnees de 12h a 18h;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

  a12 = addfile("/home/romeowrf/simulation_rolande/persiannnc/","r")

prepper6 = a10->Prc
prepper12 = a11->Prc
prepper18 = a12->Prc


prepwrfb6 = wrf_user_getvar(a2,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a2,"RAINC",0)  ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

prepwrfk6 =wrf_user_getvar(a3,"RAINNC",0)+ wrf_user_getvar(a3,"RAINC",0)  ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

  prepwrfg6 = wrf_user_getvar(a1,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a1,"RAINC",0)   ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

 prepwrfg12 =  wrf_user_getvar(a4,"RAINNC",0) +wrf_user_getvar(a4,"RAINC",0)- (wrf_user_getvar(a1,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a1,"RAINC",0) )  ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

prepwrfb12 =  (wrf_user_getvar(a5,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a5,"RAINC",0)) - (wrf_user_getvar(a2,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a2,"RAINC",0))   ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

prepwrfk12 =  (wrf_user_getvar(a6,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a6,"RAINC",0))   - (wrf_user_getvar(a3,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a3,"RAINC",0))   ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h


prepwrfg18 =  (wrf_user_getvar(a7,"RAINNC",0)+ wrf_user_getvar(a7,"RAINC",0) ) - (wrf_user_getvar(a4,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a4,"RAINC",0))  ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h
prepwrfb18 =  (wrf_user_getvar(a8,"RAINNC",0)+ wrf_user_getvar(a8,"RAINC",0)) - (wrf_user_getvar(a5,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a5,"RAINC",0))   ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

prepwrfk18 =  (wrf_user_getvar(a9,"RAINNC",0) + wrf_user_getvar(a9,"RAINC",0) )  - (wrf_user_getvar(a6,"RAINNC",0)+ wrf_user_getvar(a6,"RAINC",0))   ;pr extraire les donnees du 18 de 0 a 6h

wks = gsn_open_wks("eps" ,"wrfmp8mo") 
pltres = True
  mpres = True
res = True
opts_r = True

res@gsnSpreadColors      = True               ; use full range of colors
res@gsnSpreadColorStart  = 7
res@gsnSpreadColorEnd  = 101
res@NoTitles = True
;res@mpLabelBarOrthogonalPost = -0.1
 res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
       res@cnLevels             = (/  .5, 1., 2.,5., 10.,15.,20. , \
                                       30., 50, 75, 100, 110./)
      ;opts_r@pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = -0.05
         ;opts_r@lbTitleOn        = True                  ; turn on title
      ; opts_r@lbTitleString    = ""
      ;opts_r@cnLineLabelFontHeightF = 0.02
       ; opts_r@cnInfoLabelOn        = False
       ; opts_r@cnConstFLabelOn      = False
       ; opts_r@cnFillOn             = True

;res@gsnAddCyclic   = False  
    res                       = True               ; plot mods desired
        res@cnLineLabelsOn              = True                    ; no line labels
       res@lbLabelBarOn        = False         ; turn off individual cb's
    res@cnFillOn               = True
    ;res@cnLinesOn              = False
    res@cnLineLabelsOn         = False   
    res@gsnSpreadColors        = True
       res@cnLineLabelDensityF      = 1.5
    ;res@mpGridAndLimbOn        = False              ; lat/lon lines on
    ;res@mpGridSpacingF         = 10.0               ; lat/lon lines every 10 deg
    ;res@mpGridLineDashPattern  = 2                  ; lat/lon lines as dashed
    ;res@pmTickMarkDisplayMode  = "Always"           ; turn on tickmarks
        ;res@mpPerimOn            =   True
        ;res@mpFillOn             =    False              ; turn off map fill
    ;mpres@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "GeophysicalAndUSStates"
        res@mpOutlineBoundarySets       = "National"   ; turn on country boundaries
       ; res@mpGeophysicalLineColor      = "Black"       ; color of cont. outlines
       ; res@mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 1.8       ; thickness of outlines
     mpres@gsLineDashPattern                           = 1.8  
    ;res@lbOrientation            = "Vertical"     ; vertical label bar
    ;res@pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = -0.01          ; move label bar closer
    ;res@lbLabelStride            =   2
       ; res@cnLevelSelectionMode        = "ManualLevels"       ; manual levels
    res@cnLevelSelectionMode        = "ExplicitLevels"       ; manual levels
     ;res@cnLevels          =(/  .5, 1., 2.,5., 10.,15.,20. , \
         ;                             30., 50, 75, 85, 100./)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;to add national boundary country;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,,,,

 resm = True

       resm@mpOutlineBoundarySets       = "National"   ; turn on country boundaries
        resm@mpGeophysicalLineColor      = "Black"       ; color of cont. outlines
        resm@mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF = 1.8       ; thickness of outlines
     resm@gsLineDashPattern                          = 1.8  
  resm@mpDataBaseVersion           = "Ncarg4_1"    ; use finer database             ;
  resm@mpOutlineOn                 = True                                           ;
  resm@mpFillOn                    = False        ; turn off gray fill              ;
  resm@mpOutlineBoundarySets       = "National"   ; turn on country boundaries      ;

  resm@mpNationalLineColor          = "Black"     ;"Red"
  resm@mpNationalLineDashPattern    = 0                 ;1 ;for dashpattern
  resm@mpNationalLineThicknessF     = 1.5

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;to select my region;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, 
 ; resm@mpLeftCornerLatF            = 1
  ;  resm@mpLeftCornerLonF            = 1
  ; resm@mpRightCornerLatF           = 14
   ; resm@mpRightCornerLonF           = 22
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  resource for my first plot;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,,
res1 = res
res1@cnFillon = True
prepwrfb6@description = ""
cont_wrfb6 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfb6, res1)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;res for my second plot;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,
res2 = res
prepwrfk6@description = ""
res2@cnFillon = True
cont_wrfk6 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfk6, res2)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;resource for my third plot;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,

res3 = res
prepwrfg6@description = ""
res3@cnFillon = True
res3@gsnLeftString   = " " 
cont_wrfg6 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfg6, res3)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;resource for my four plot;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,

res4 = res
prepwrfb12@description = ""
res4@cnFillon = True
cont_wrfb12 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfb12, res4)

res5 = res
prepwrfk12@description = ""
res5@cnFillon = True
 cont_wrfk12 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfk12, res5)

res6 = res
prepwrfg12@description = ""
res6@cnFillon = True
 cont_wrfg12 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfg12, res6)

res7 = res
prepwrfb18@description = ""
res7@cnFillon = True
 cont_wrfb18 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfb18, res7)

res8 = res
prepwrfk18@description = ""

res8@cnFillon = True
cont_wrfk18= wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfk18, res8)

res9 = res
prepwrfg18@description = ""
res9@cnFillon = True
cont_wrfg18 = wrf_contour(a1,wks, prepwrfg18, res9)


; Generate maps.
  resm = True
map = new(12,graphic)
 map0 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
  map1 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
  map2 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
  map3 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
map4 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
map5 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
map6 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
map7 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)
map8 = wrf_map(wks,a1,resm)

 res@tmXBLabelsOn          =True
 res@tmXBTickSpacingF      = 2.
 res@tmYLLabelsOn         =True
res@tmYLTickSpacingF     = 2.

res@mpGridAndLimbOn   = True              ; turn on lat/lon lines
  res@mpPerimOn         = False             ; turn off box around plot
 ; pltres@mpGridLatSpacingF = 2.               ; spacing for lat lines
  ;pltres@mpGridLonSpacingF = 2.               ; spacing for lon lines

 wrfres           = True
  wrfres@PanelPlot = True      ; Indicate these plots are to be paneled.








;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;to plot data persiann data cumul of 00-06h;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
res10 =res
res10@cnFillon = True
 res10@mpLimitMode                 = "Corners" 
res10@mpLeftCornerLatF            = 1
 res10@mpLeftCornerLonF            = 1
 res10@mpRightCornerLatF           = 14
 res10@mpRightCornerLonF           = 22
map9=gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks, prepper6(0,:,:), res10)   ; create plot ;object
; eleven plot
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;to plot data persiann cumul of 06-12h;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,,,
res11 = res
res11@cnFillon = True
 res11@mpLimitMode                 = "Corners" 
res11@mpLeftCornerLatF            = 1
 res11@mpLeftCornerLonF            = 1
 res11@mpRightCornerLatF           = 14
 res11@mpRightCornerLonF           = 22
map10= gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks, prepper12(0,:,:), res11)   ; create plot ;object

; twelve plot
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;to plot persiann data at 12-18h;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
res12 = res
res12@cnFillon = True
 res12@mpLimitMode                 = "Corners" 
res12@mpLeftCornerLatF            = 1
 res12@mpLeftCornerLonF            = 1
 res12@mpRightCornerLatF           = 14
 res12@mpRightCornerLonF           = 22
map11= gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks, prepper18(0,:,:), res12)   ; create plot ;object


    pnlres = True
   pnlres@gsnMaximize         = True
  pnlres@txString   = ""
  pnlres@gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent = 10.
  pnlres@gsnPanelYF                 = (/0.95,0.95,5.5,5.5/)
  pnlres@gsnPanelLabelBar          = True                    ; add common colorbar
 ; pnlres@txString         = "13-18 juillet 2009"       ; add common title
   pnlres@gsnPanelBottom   = 0.10                   ; add space at bottom
  pnlres@pmLabelBarWidthF           = .6
   pnlres@tmYRLabelsOn         = False              ; no right labels
    pnlres@tmYROn               = False              ; no right tickmarks
   pnlres@amJust       = "BottomLeft"
  pnlres@gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF = 0.008
;  pnlres@gsnPanelFigureStrings= (/"BMJ 00h-06h","BMJ 06h-12h","BMJ 12h-18h","KF 00h-06h","KF 06h-12h","KF 12h-18","GD 00h-06h",\
;"GD 06h-12h","GD 12h-18h"/) ; add strings to panel



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