Re: ncl-talk Digest, Vol 77, Issue 72

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue Apr 27 2010 - 11:28:38 MDT

Please .... in the future ... add a pertinent "Subject"
The above Subject gives no idea what the issue might be.

Did you look at

Not sure of the dimensions of your MOC

if x(time,lat,lon) ; (0,1,2)

xMax = dim_max_n( x, (/1,2/)) ; ==> xMax(time)

x(time, transport_reg, moc_comp, moc_z, lat_aux_grid) ; (0,1,2,3,4)

xMax = dim_max_n( x, 4)
      ; ==> xMax(time, transport_reg, moc_comp, moc_z)

Dood luck

On 04/27/2010 10:50 AM, Ioana Colfescu wrote:
> Hi ,
> Could someone please help me with the following question:
> I calculated the meridional overturning circulation and then I need to get its maximum and plot the time series of maximas.
> I seen in the documentation this function MinMax and used it to visualize the Min and Max but I don't manage to save the values with it.Besides, I don't get the associated time for each maxima/minima and the latitude where is occuring etc. Could someone tell me how to save these values or if there is another simpler way of doing this ? Is there any other way ?
> Thank you,
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