line dash patterns in the legend

From: Basit Khan <basit.khan_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon Feb 07 2011 - 21:48:33 MST

Hi ncl friends,

I am trying to allocate and plot particular dash pattern in the legend
of my xy plots. But I am unable to control or plot line dash pattern in
the legend. I guess lgDashIndex or lgDashIndexes should be able to
do the trick but for some reason its not working for me. I would
greatly appreciate if somebody could help me to fix this problem.


My ncl code is copied below:







load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"




bh22_h = addfile

bh23_h = addfile

bh24_b = addfile

bh25_nh = addfile

bh26_nh = addfile

bh27_nh = addfile

bh28_h = addfile

bh29_h = addfile

bh30_h = addfile



wks = gsn_open_wks ("x11","timeseries") ; open workstation

pnl_plot = new(4,graphic) ; create a plot array


time = (/58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74/)







 pbl_bh22_h = wrf_user_getvar(bh22_h,"PBLH",time)

pbl_bh23_h = wrf_user_getvar(bh23_h,"PBLH",time)

pbl_bh24_nh1 = wrf_user_getvar(bh24_b,"PBLH",time)

pbl_bh24_h1 = wrf_user_getvar(bh24_b,"PBLH",time1)

pbl_bh24_nh2 = wrf_user_getvar(bh24_b,"PBLH",time2)

 pbl_bh24_h2 = wrf_user_getvar(bh24_b,"PBLH",time3)

 pbl_bh25_nh = wrf_user_getvar(bh25_nh,"PBLH",time)

 pbl_bh26_nh = wrf_user_getvar(bh26_nh,"PBLH",time)

 pbl_bh27_nh = wrf_user_getvar(bh27_nh,"PBLH",time)

pbl_bh28_h = wrf_user_getvar(bh28_h,"PBLH",time)

 pbl_bh29_h = wrf_user_getvar(bh24_b,"PBLH",time)

 pbl_bh30_h = wrf_user_getvar(bh30_h,"PBLH",time)



;;; C A L C U L A T E A V E R A G E PBLH O V E R Auckland D O M A I N




   istart = 0

   iend = 16


      pbl_bh22_h_avg = new((/17/),float)

      pbl_bh23_h_avg = new((/17/),float)

      pbl_bh24_h1_avg = new((/17/),float)

      pbl_bh24_nh1_avg = new((/17/),float)

      pbl_bh24_h2_avg = new((/17/),float)

      pbl_bh24_nh2_avg = new((/17/),float)

      pbl_bh25_nh_avg = new((/17/),float)

      pbl_bh26_nh_avg = new((/17/),float)

      pbl_bh27_nh_avg = new((/17/),float)

      pbl_bh28_h_avg = new((/17/),float)

      pbl_bh29_h_avg = new((/17/),float)

      pbl_bh30_h_avg = new((/17/),float)



   do itime = istart,iend


      pbl_bh22_h_avg(itime) = avg(pbl_bh22_h(itime,:,:))

      pbl_bh23_h_avg(itime) = avg(pbl_bh23_h(itime,:,:))

      pbl_bh24_nh1_avg(itime) = avg(pbl_bh24_nh1(itime,:,:))

      pbl_bh24_h1_avg(itime) = avg(pbl_bh24_h1(itime,:,:))

      pbl_bh24_nh2_avg(itime) = avg(pbl_bh24_nh2(itime,:,:))

      pbl_bh24_h2_avg(itime) = avg(pbl_bh24_h2(itime,:,:))

      pbl_bh25_nh_avg(itime) = avg(pbl_bh25_nh(itime,:,:))

      pbl_bh26_nh_avg(itime) = avg(pbl_bh26_nh(itime,:,:))

      pbl_bh27_nh_avg(itime) = avg(pbl_bh27_nh(itime,:,:))

      pbl_bh28_h_avg(itime) = avg(pbl_bh28_h(itime,:,:))

      pbl_bh29_h_avg(itime) = avg(pbl_bh29_h(itime,:,:))

      pbl_bh30_h_avg(itime) = avg(pbl_bh30_h(itime,:,:))



   end do



; plotting parameters


res = True ; plot mods desired

res@gsnDraw = False ; Don't draw individual plot

res@gsnFrame = False ; Don't advance frame.

res@tmXTOn = False ; turn off the top tick marks

;res@tmYLMode = "Manual" ; Define own tick mark labels.

res@tmXBMode = "Explicit" ; Define own tick mark labels.

res@tmXBLabelsOn =True

res@tmXBValues =

res@tmXBLabels = (/"5","", "6", "", "7", "", "8", "", "9", "",
"10", "", "11", "", "12", "", "13"/)

res@tmYLMajorOutwardLengthF= 0.0 ; set to 0.0 draw minor ticks

res@tmYLMinorOutwardLengthF= 0.0 ; set to 0.0 draw minor ticks

res@tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF= 0.0 ; set to 0.0 draw minor ticks

res@tmXBMinorOutwardLengthF= 0.0 ; set to 0.0 draw minor ticks

res@tmYLPrecision = 4 ; Control total number of
digits incl. decimals

res@tmXBPrecision = 2 ; Control total number of
digits incl. decimals

res@tiXAxisString = "Hour (NZST)" ; X axes label

res@tmXBTickSpacingF = 2 ; X axis tick marks interval,
only uses with Manual option

res@tmXBMinorPerMajor = 2 ; # of minor tick marks per

res@tmYLTickSpacingF = 300 ; Y axis tick marks interval,
only uses with Manual option

res@trYMaxF = 1200 ; X axis max

res@trYMinF = 0

; res@trXMaxF = 16 ; X axis max

; res@trXMinF = 0 ; X axis min

res@tmXBMinorOn = True ; X Minor tick marks is on

 res@tmYLMinorOn = True ; X Minor tick marks is on


res@xyLineColor = "Red"

res@vpWidthF = 0.35 ; panel width

res@vpHeightF = 0.39 ; panel height


 res@tiYAxisString = "PBL Height (m)" ; (~S~o~N~C)", watts m-2:
(~N~Wm~S~-2~N~)" Y-axis label;




; R E S O U R C E S




res1@vpXF = 0.1 ; x location

res1@vpYF = 0.96 ; y location

res1@xyDashPatterns = 0


res2=res1 ; res1 is red color (hd)

res2@xyLineColor = "Blue" ; res2 is blue color(nhd)

res2@xyDashPatterns = 0


res3=res ; res3 is red color (hd)

res3@vpXF = 0.56 ; x location

res3@vpYF = 0.96 ; y location


res4@xyLineColor = "Blue" ; res4 is blue color(nhd)



res5=res ; res5 redcolor hd

res5@vpXF = 0.1 ; x location

res5@vpYF = 0.47 ; y location

res6=res5 ; res6 blue color nhd

res6@xyLineColor = "Blue"

res7=res5 ; res 7 redcolor hd

res7@xyDashPatterns = 16



res8=res ; linecolor for res8 will be red

res8@vpXF = 0.56 ; x location

res8@vpYF = 0.47 ; y location



res9@xyLineColor = "Blue"


res10=res8 ; linecolor will be red

res10@xyDashPatterns = 16


res11=res8 ; linecolor will be blue

res11@xyLineColor = "Blue"

res11@xyDashPatterns = 16



plot1 = gsn_csm_xy (wks, hour, pbl_bh23_h_avg, res1) ; create plot

plot2 = gsn_csm_xy (wks,hour, pbl_bh25_nh_avg , res2) ; create plot

overlay (plot1 , plot2)

pnl_plot (0) = plot1



plot3 = gsn_csm_xy (wks,hour, pbl_bh22_h_avg , res3) ; create plot

plot4 = gsn_csm_xy (wks,hour, pbl_bh26_nh_avg , res4) ; create plot

overlay (plot3 , plot4)

 pnl_plot (1) = plot3


plot5 = gsn_csm_xy (wks,hour, pbl_bh30_h_avg, res5) ; create plot

plot6 = gsn_csm_xy (wks,hour, pbl_bh27_nh_avg, res6) ; create plot

plot7 = gsn_csm_xy (wks,hour, pbl_bh28_h_avg, res7) ; create plot


overlay (plot5 , plot6)

overlay (plot5 , plot7)

pnl_plot (2) = plot5



plot8 = gsn_csm_xy (wks,hour, pbl_bh24_h1_avg , res8) ; create plot

plot9 = gsn_csm_xy (wks,hour, pbl_bh24_nh1_avg , res9) ; create plot

plot10 = gsn_csm_xy (wks,hour, pbl_bh24_h2_avg , res10) ; create plot

plot11 = gsn_csm_xy (wks,hour, pbl_bh24_nh2_avg , res11) ; create plot


overlay(plot8, plot9)

overlay(plot8, plot10)

overlay(plot8, plot11)


pnl_plot (3) = plot8



; legend resources


  lgres = True

  lgres@lgLineColors = (/"Red","Blue"/)

  lgres@lgDashIndex = (/0., 16./) ; line paterns

  lgres@lgLineLabelStrings = (/"",""/)

  lgres@lgLineThicknessF = res@cnLineThicknessF ; legend line
thickness = contour line thickness

  lgres@lgItemType = "Lines" ; show lines only (default)

  lgres@lgLabelFontHeightF = .14 ; set the legend label font

  lgres@vpWidthF = 0.10 ; width of legend (NDC) -
may also be used to inc. or dec. dist

  lgres@vpHeightF = 0.03 ; height of legend (NDC)-
b/w legend rows + font size

  lgres@lgPerimColor = "Black" ; draw the box perimeter in

  lgres@lgPerimThicknessF = 1.0 ; thicken the box perimeter

; lgres@lgBoxLinesOn = False

  lgres@lgPerimOn = False ; don't display preimeter
box around legend

; lgres@pmLegendWidthF = 0.10

; lgres@pmLegendHeightF = 0.10

; lgres@lgLabelFontHeightF= 0.010 ; chane font height

; lgres@@pmLegendDisplayMode = "Always"

; lgres@xyExplicitLegendLabels = (/")



  lgres1 = True

  lgres1@lgLineColors = (/"Red","Blue","Red"/)

  lgres1@lgDashIndex = (/0., 0., 0./) ; line paterns

  lgres1@lgLineLabelStrings = (/"","",""/)

  lgres1@lgLineThicknessF = res@cnLineThicknessF ; legend line
thickness = contour line thickness

  lgres1@lgItemType = "Lines" ; show lines only (default)

  lgres1@lgLabelFontHeightF = .14 ; set the legend label font

  lgres1@vpWidthF = 0.10 ; width of legend (NDC) -
may also be used to inc. or dec. dist

  lgres1@vpHeightF = 0.04 ; height of legend (NDC)-
b/w legend rows + font size

  lgres1@lgPerimColor = "Black" ; draw the box perimeter in

  lgres1@lgPerimThicknessF = 1.0 ; thicken the box perimeter

; lgres1@lgBoxLinesOn = False

  lgres1@lgPerimOn = False ; don't display preimeter
box around legend

  ;lgres1@lgLabelFontHeightF= 0.005



  lgres2 = True

  lgres2@lgLineColors = (/"Blue","Red","Blue","Red"/)

  lgres2@lgMonoDashIndex = False

  lgres2@lgItemCount = 4

; lgres2@cnLineDashPattern = (/0,0,16,16/)

  lgres2@lgDashIndex = (/0,0,16,16/) ; line paterns

  lgres2@lgLineLabelStrings = (/"","","",""/)

  lgres2@lgLineThicknessF = res@cnLineThicknessF ; legend line
thickness = contour line thickness

  lgres2@lgItemType = "Lines" ; show lines only

  lgres2@lgLabelFontHeightF = .14 ; set the legend
label font thickness

  lgres2@vpWidthF = 0.10 ; width of legend
(NDC) - may also be used to inc. or dec. dist

  lgres2@vpHeightF = 0.05 ; height of legend
(NDC)- b/w legend rows + font size

  lgres2@lgPerimColor = "Black" ; draw the box
perimeter in Black

  lgres2@lgPerimThicknessF = 1.0 ; thicken the box

; lgres2@lgBoxLinesOn = False

  lgres2@lgPerimOn = False ; don't display
preimeter box around legend

  ;lgres2@lgLabelFontHeightF= 0.005




  lbid = gsn_create_legend(wks,2,(/" 6-Jun-2006 (HD)"," 10-Jun-2006
(NHD)"/),lgres) ; create legend

  amres = True

  amres@amParallelPosF = 0.34 ; move
legend to the right

  amres@amOrthogonalPosF = -0.43 ; move the legend up

  annoid1 = gsn_add_annotation(plot1,lbid,amres) ; add legend to plot



  lbid2 = gsn_create_legend(wks,2,(/" 8-May-2006(HD)","
26-May-2006(NHD)"/),lgres) ; create legend

  amres2 = True

  amres2@amParallelPosF = 0.34 ; move
legend to the right

  amres2@amOrthogonalPosF = -0.43 ; move the legend up

  annoid2 = gsn_add_annotation(plot3,lbid2,amres2) ; add legend to



  lbid3 = gsn_create_legend(wks,3,(/" 1-Jun-2006(HD)","
16-Jul-2006(NHD)"," 4-Jul-2001(HD)"/),lgres1) ; create legend

  amres3 = True

  amres3@amParallelPosF = 0.34 ; move
legend to the right

  amres3@amOrthogonalPosF = -0.43 ; move the legend

  annoi3 = gsn_add_annotation(plot5,lbid3,amres3) ; add legend to plot



  lbid4 =
006(NHD)","31-May-2006(HD)"/),lgres2) ; create legend

  amres4 = True

  amres4@amParallelPosF = 0.34 ; move
legend to the right

  amres4@amOrthogonalPosF = -0.43 ; move the legend

  annoid4 = gsn_add_annotation(plot8,lbid4,amres4) ; add legend to



; Panel the WRF plots



  resP= True

; resP@gsnDraw = False ; Don't draw individual plot

  resP@gsnFrame = False ; don't advance panel

  resP@gsnPanelLabelBar = True ; time, pbl_bh30_h_avg;
add common colorbar

; resP@gsnPanelBottom = 0.05 ; add space at bottom

  resP@gsnMaximize = False ; maximize plots

  resP@vpWidthF = 0.36 ; panel width

  resP@vpHeightF = 0.36 ; panel height

  resP@gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent = 6 ; Add white space b/w plots

  resP@gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent = 6 ; Add white space b/w plots

  resP@gsnPanelScalePlotIndex = 1


  resP@gsnPanelFigureStrings= (/"a) HNW","b) HE","c) HSE","d) H"/) ; add
strings to panel

  resP@amJust = "TopLeft"

  res@txFontHeightF = .24

  gsn_panel(wks,pnl_plot,(/2,2/),resP) ; now draw as one






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