Re: Map with Divergence

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue May 28 2013 - 06:26:03 MDT

Since you have a global gaussian grid, use

    div = uv2dvG_Wrap(u,v)

To get a nice symmetric contour range for the divergence, use
     symMinMaxPlt (div,20,False,res)  ; all levels
       symMinMaxPlt (div(nt,{250},:,:),20,False,res)
for a specific time (nt=0 means the 1st time)
Please note: there is a Portuguese manual at
Also, a tutorial by Guilherme Martins which has not
yet been added to the NCL WWW yet. I wll send offline.
On 5/27/13 2:01 PM, Prof. Mônica Senna wrote:
> Hi Dennis,
> My data is on global grid at a spectral resolution of T42 (~2.81 X 2.81
> latitude–longitude grid), from CCM3. I want to make a figure like this
> below (streamlines with divergence):
> [image: Imagem inline 1]
> I will start with the script below (that plots streamlines with omega, I
> will change omega for divergence...), and I think I should use this
> operator uv2dvG, but what will I plot? dv or uvd (
> I did
> not understand the difference between these two...
> Thanks a lot!!
> Mônica
> --------------------------
> ;================================================;
> ;  stream_10.ncl
> ;================================================;
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
> ; ================================================;
> begin
> ;=================================================;
> ; open file and read in data
> ;=================================================;
>   f1    = addfile("","r")
>   u     = f1->U(0,10,:,:)    ; read in example data [2D only here]
>   f2    = addfile("","r")
>   v     = f2->V(0,10,:,:)
>   f3    = addfile("","r")
>   o     = f3->OMEGA(0,10,:,:)
> ;=================================================;
> ; Create plot
> ;=================================================;
> ; this data only has an missing_value, so we are
> ; copying this to _FillValue for plotting purposes
> ;
>    ;assignFillValue(v,u)
>    ;assignFillValue(u,v)
> ;---create plot
>    wks = gsn_open_wks("pdf" ,"stream5")            ; open a ps file
>    gsn_define_colormap(wks,"gui_default")             ; choose colormap
>    res            = True                         ; plot mods desired
>    res@mpFillOn   = False
>    res@cnFillOn          = True                  ; color fill
>    ;res@cnLevelSpacingF   = 3.                    ; interval spacing
>    res@cnLinesOn         = False                 ; no contour lines
>    res@stLineColor = "white"
>    res@stLineThicknessF = 2
>    res@gsnSpreadColors     = True                ; use full colormap
>    res@gsnSpreadColorStart = -1
>    res@gsnSpreadColorEnd   = 4
>    res@stArrowLengthF     = 0.008                ; default is dynamic
>    res@stLengthCheckCount = 5                    ; default is 35
>    res@stArrowStride      = 1
>    res@stLineStartStride  = 1                    ; default is 2
>    res@stMinArrowSpacingF = 0.03                 ; default is 0.0
>    res@stStepSizeF        = 0.001                ; default is dynamic
>    res@stMinDistanceF     = 0.02                 ; distance between lines
>    res@stMinLineSpacingF  = 0.009
> ; because this is ice data, which has a gap in the tropics, we need to
> ; explicitly pass the range of the data to plot.  Since we are coloring
> ; the vectors, this range should also match the MinLatF above, since the
> ; range for the colors is chosen over the full data passed, and not the
> ; map limits.
> res@mpDataSetName         = "Earth..4"   ; This new database contains
> (inserir delimitações dos estados)
>                                             ; divisions for other
> countries.(inserir delimitações dos estados)
>    res@mpDataBaseVersion     = "MediumRes"  ; Medium resolution database.
> (inserir delimitações dos estados)
>    res@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "allBoundaries"
>    res@mpOutlineOn           = True         ; Turn on map outlines
>    res@mpOutlineSpecifiers   =(/"Brazil:states"/)
>    ;res@mpOutBoundarySets    = "National"
>    res@mpFillOn              = False         ; Turn on map fill
>    res@mpFillBoundarySets    = "National"
>    res@mpFillAreaSpecifiers  = (/"Brazil:states"/)   ; divisao dos paises
>    ;res@cnFillMode       = "RasterFill"    ; nao interpolar..
>    res@mpGridLineDashPattern  = 2                  ; lat/lon lines as dashed
>    res@pmTickMarkDisplayMode  = "Always"           ; turn on tickmarks
>    ;res@tiMainString           = "Teste"
>    ;res@tiMainFontHeightF      = 0.020             ; smaller title
>    ;res@mpMaxLatF             =  15          ;  South America limits
>    res@gsnAddCyclic           = False              ; regional data (Deve
> ficar como falso, true altera as cores de cada estado)
>    res@mpDataBaseVersion     = "MediumRes"
>    ;res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
>    ;res@cnLevels             = (/2.,4.,6.,8.,10.,12./)
>    res@lbOrientation            = "Vertical"
>    res@pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = -0.01          ; move label bar closer
>    ;res@lbLabelStride            = 4
>    res@mpMaxLatF                   = 15
>    res@mpMinLatF                   = -60
>    res@mpMaxLonF                   = -33
>    res@mpMinLonF                   = -82
>    plot = gsn_csm_streamline_contour_map(wks,u,v,o,res)
> end
> ------------------------------------------
> 2013/5/23 Dennis Shea <>
>> You did not say what your data looked like!
>> printVarSummary(u)
>> If your data is on a *global* grid, the you can use spherical
>> harmonic operators:
>> or
>> -------
>> Otherwise, for rectilinear grids:
>> Good luck
>> On 5/23/13 9:37 AM, Prof. Mônica Senna wrote:
>>> Hi NCL users,
>>> I want to make a map of streamlines with divergence (the divergence must
>>> be
>>> only colors), but I don´t know how. I did one with streamlines and omega
>>> (figure below), the appeareance is similar of the map of divergence I want
>>> to make. The script will be similar?
>>> [image: Imagem inline 1]
>>> Thanks a lot for your attention!
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