Clarification on Taylor diagram

From: louis Vonder <appopson_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue Mar 18 2014 - 00:58:07 MDT

Dear members of the NCL community,

Here a script than I am trying to use to compare datasets.
It is a Taylor diagram snipped from ncl example page.

I want know there is no mistake.
Particularly where I am computing pattern correlation and standard deviation normalization.


load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
load "taylor_diagram.ncl"
;load "taylor_metrics_table.ncl"

;************ data reading ***************************************

                data0 = addfile("", "r") ; CRU
                data1 = addfile("", "r") ;
                data2 = addfile("", "r")
                data3 = addfile("", "r")
                data4 = addfile("", "r")

              pre0 = data0->pre
              pre1 = data1->data
              pre2 = data2->precip
              pre3 = 10*data3->precip
              pre4 = data4->precip
              copy_VarAtts(data3->precip, pre3)

;******************Pattern correlation ************************************
cor1 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(pattern_cor( pre0, pre1, 1.0, 0), 0)
cor2 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(pattern_cor( pre0, pre2, 1.0, 0), 0)
cor3 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(pattern_cor( pre0, pre3, 1.0, 0), 0)
cor4 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(pattern_cor( pre0, pre4, 1.0, 0), 0)

mmd= (/cor1, cor2, cor3, cor4/)
;****************** Standard deviation **************************

pre0_Std = dim_avg_n_Wrap( dim_stddev_n_Wrap( pre0, (/1,2/)), 0)
pre1_Std = dim_avg_n_Wrap( dim_stddev_n_Wrap( pre1, (/1,2/)), 0)
pre2_Std = dim_avg_n_Wrap( dim_stddev_n_Wrap( pre2, (/1,2/)), 0)
pre3_Std = dim_avg_n_Wrap( dim_stddev_n_Wrap( pre3, (/1,2/)), 0)
pre4_Std = dim_avg_n_Wrap( dim_stddev_n_Wrap( pre4, (/1,2/)), 0)

print(dimsizes(dim_stddev_n_Wrap( pre4, (/1,2/))))

;**************** Standard deviations normalisation *********************

std1 = pre1_Std/pre0_Std
std2 = pre2_Std/pre0_Std
std3 = pre3_Std/pre0_Std
std4 = pre4_Std/pre0_Std

fud = (/std1, std2, std3, std4/)

 ; Cases [Model]
  case = (/ "precipitation" /)
  nCase = dimsizes(case )
; variables compared
  var = (/ "GPCP", "CMAP", "UDEL", "GPCC"/)

  nVar = dimsizes(var)

  p_rat = (/std1, std2, std3, std4/)

  p_cc = (/cor1, cor2, cor3, cor4/)

; Put the ratios and pattern correlations into
; arrays for plotting

  nDataSets = 1 ; number of datasets
  npts = dimsizes(p_rat)

  ratio = new ((/nCase, nVar/), typeof(p_rat) )
  cc = new ((/nCase, nVar/), typeof(p_cc) )

  ratio(0,:) = p_rat
  cc(0,:) = p_cc

;***************************** create plot ************************************************
  res = True ; diagram mods desired
  res@tiMainString = "precipitation" ; title
  res@Colors = (/"blue"/) ; ; marker colors
  res@Markers = (/14/) ;,9,2,3,8/) ; marker styles
  res@markerTxYOffset = 0.03 ; offset btwn marker & label
  res@gsMarkerSizeF = 0.018 ; marker size
  res@txFontHeightF = 0.018 ; text size**************taille des lettres et chiffres******

  res@stnRad = (/ 0.75, 1.25 /) ; additional standard radii
  res@ccRays = (/ 0.6, 0.9 /) ; correllation rays
  ;res@ccRays_color = "LightGray" ; default is "black"

  res@varLabels = var
  res@caseLabels = case ; affiche la liste des variables chargées
  res@varLabelsYloc = 1.5 ; Move location of variable labels [pour taylor]
 ;res@varLabelsYloc = 1.65 ; Move location of variable labels [pour taylor2]
 ;res@varLabelsYloc = 2.04 ; Move location of variable labels [pour taylor1]
  res@caseLabelsFontHeightF = 0.10 ; make slight larger [default=0.12 ]
  res@varLabelsFontHeightF = 0.01 ; make slight smaller [default=0.013]

  res@centerDiffRMS = True ; RMS 'circles'
  res@centerDiffRMS_color = "LightGray" ; default is "black"

  wks = gsn_open_wks("eps", "pre_tailor_annual")
   plot = taylor_diagram(wks, ratio, cc, res)


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