Re: Clarification on Taylor diagram

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Sun Mar 23 2014 - 17:27:48 MDT

At the top of the Taylor Diagram WWW page

A link is provides to Karl Taylor's "Taylor Diagram Primer"

It is an 'easy read.' This summarizes the important aspects of these
useful plots.
The top of the NCL Taylor Diagram WWW page, it states:

"The pertinent statistics are the weighted pattern
  correlation (pattern_cor) and the normalized
  root-mean-square (RMS) differences."

If u have the above quantities, it is simple to plot.
EG: Look at Example 1.
xc(nlat,mlon), xo(nlat,mlon)
(1) You need centered pattern correlations. NCL provides
     a function for this computation:
     (a) if the variables are on different grids, you *must* interpolate
         to a common grid. Generally, the 'common grid' is
         the control grid. Then calculate the pattern correlation.
[2] You need the area weighted centered variances. Not necessary but
     for consistency, they should use the same grid. The following
     assumes that xo and xc are on the same grids. Taylor states:
     "... the centered root-mean-square (RMS) difference between
      the simulated and observed patterns ..."
     (a) Compute the weighted area means for each grid
                                           ; areal mean: rectilinear grid
         xavgc = wgt_areaave(xc,...,gw,..) ; control
         xavgo = wgt_areaave(xo,...,gw,..) ; 'other' dataset
                                           ; gw could be cos(lat)
                                           ; areal mean: curvilinear grid
         xavgc = wgt_areaave2(xc,..,w2,..) ; control
         xavgo = wgt_areaave2(xo,..,w2,.)  ; 'other' dataset
                                           ; w2 could be cos(lat2d)
or, more explicitly, for xc and xo on the same grid: wgtc=wgto
         wgtc  = conform_dims(dimsizes(xc), gw, 0)    ; make 2d for gw[*]
         xavgc = sum(wgtc*xc)/sum(wgtc)   ; control centered mean
         xavgo = sum(wgtc*xo)/sum(wgtc)
     (b) compute the sum of the centered area weighted variances.
         dc2   = sum(wgtc*(xc-xavgc)^2) ; control ; centered about xavgc
         do2   = sum(wgtc*(xo-xavgo)^2)
         rat   = sqrt(do2/dc2)
On 3/18/14, 12:58 AM, louis Vonder wrote:
> Dear members of the NCL community,
> Here a script than I am trying to use to compare datasets.
> It is a Taylor diagram snipped from ncl example page.
> I want know there is no mistake.
> Particularly where I am computing pattern correlation and standard deviation normalization.
> Regards,
> ;**********************************
> ;**********************************
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
> load "taylor_diagram.ncl"
> ;load "taylor_metrics_table.ncl"
> ;**********************************
> ;**********************************
> begin
> ;************ data reading ***************************************
>                  data0  = addfile("", "r")  ;  CRU
>                  data1  = addfile("", "r")   ;
>                  data2  = addfile("", "r")
>                  data3  = addfile("", "r")
>                  data4  = addfile("", "r")
>                pre0 =  data0->pre
>                pre1 =  data1->data
>                pre2 =  data2->precip
>                pre3 =  10*data3->precip
>                pre4 =  data4->precip
>                copy_VarAtts(data3->precip, pre3)
> ;******************Pattern correlation ************************************
> cor1         = dim_avg_n_Wrap(pattern_cor( pre0, pre1, 1.0, 0), 0)
> cor2         = dim_avg_n_Wrap(pattern_cor( pre0, pre2, 1.0, 0), 0)
> cor3         = dim_avg_n_Wrap(pattern_cor( pre0, pre3, 1.0, 0), 0)
> cor4         = dim_avg_n_Wrap(pattern_cor( pre0, pre4, 1.0, 0), 0)
> mmd= (/cor1, cor2, cor3, cor4/)
> print(mmd)
> ;****************** Standard deviation **************************
> pre0_Std = dim_avg_n_Wrap( dim_stddev_n_Wrap( pre0, (/1,2/)), 0)
> pre1_Std = dim_avg_n_Wrap( dim_stddev_n_Wrap( pre1, (/1,2/)), 0)
> pre2_Std = dim_avg_n_Wrap( dim_stddev_n_Wrap( pre2, (/1,2/)), 0)
> pre3_Std = dim_avg_n_Wrap( dim_stddev_n_Wrap( pre3, (/1,2/)), 0)
> pre4_Std = dim_avg_n_Wrap( dim_stddev_n_Wrap( pre4, (/1,2/)), 0)
> print(dimsizes(dim_stddev_n_Wrap( pre4, (/1,2/))))
> ;****************  Standard deviations normalisation *********************
> std1       = pre1_Std/pre0_Std
> std2       = pre2_Std/pre0_Std
> std3       = pre3_Std/pre0_Std
> std4       = pre4_Std/pre0_Std
> fud    = (/std1, std2, std3, std4/)
>   ; Cases [Model]
>    case      = (/ "precipitation" /)
>    nCase     = dimsizes(case )
> ; variables compared
>    var       = (/ "GPCP", "CMAP", "UDEL", "GPCC"/)
>    nVar      = dimsizes(var)
>    p_rat    = (/std1, std2, std3, std4/)
>    p_cc     = (/cor1, cor2, cor3, cor4/)
> ;**********************************
> ; Put the ratios and pattern correlations into
> ; arrays for plotting
> ;**********************************
>    nDataSets  = 1                               ; number of datasets
>    npts       = dimsizes(p_rat)
>    ratio      = new ((/nCase, nVar/), typeof(p_rat) )
>    cc         = new ((/nCase, nVar/), typeof(p_cc) )
>    ratio(0,:) = p_rat
>    cc(0,:)    = p_cc
> ;**********************************************************************************************************************
> ;*****************************               create plot               ************************************************
> ;**********************************************************************************************************************
>    res                 = True                                       ; diagram mods desired
>    res@tiMainString    = "precipitation"                ; title
>    res@Colors          = (/"blue"/) ;                               ; marker colors
>    res@Markers         = (/14/) ;,9,2,3,8/)                         ; marker styles
>    res@markerTxYOffset = 0.03                                       ; offset btwn marker & label
>    res@gsMarkerSizeF   = 0.018                                       ; marker size
>    res@txFontHeightF   = 0.018                                       ; text size**************taille des lettres et chiffres******
>    res@stnRad          = (/ 0.75, 1.25 /)     ; additional standard radii
>    res@ccRays          = (/ 0.6, 0.9 /)      ; correllation rays
>    ;res@ccRays_color    = "LightGray"        ; default is "black"
>    res@varLabels    = var
>    res@caseLabels   = case                   ; affiche la liste des variables chargées
>    res@varLabelsYloc = 1.5                 ; Move location of variable labels [pour taylor]
>   ;res@varLabelsYloc = 1.65                ; Move location of variable labels [pour taylor2]
>   ;res@varLabelsYloc = 2.04                ; Move location of variable labels [pour taylor1]
>    res@caseLabelsFontHeightF = 0.10        ; make slight larger   [default=0.12 ]
>    res@varLabelsFontHeightF  = 0.01        ; make slight smaller  [default=0.013]
>    res@centerDiffRMS   = True               ; RMS 'circles'
>    res@centerDiffRMS_color = "LightGray"    ; default is "black"
>    wks   = gsn_open_wks("eps", "pre_tailor_annual")
>     plot  = taylor_diagram(wks, ratio, cc, res)
> ;**********************************************************************************************************************
> ;**********************************************************************************************************************
> ;**********************************************************************************************************************
> end
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