How to fix the error "NclNetCDF4: Error to define dim"

From: Yi-Chih Huang <dscpln_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Sat Apr 12 2014 - 16:52:18 MDT


    I am trying to output an NetCDF-4 file; but I ran into the error
"NclNetCDF4: Error to define dim: <ncl_000> with length: 201" at the
command "f->lon = (/newlon/)". The variable name and dimension for both
lat and lon are similar in the script. I don't understand why there is no
error about lat; but an error about lon. Could anyone explain the error
and show me the solution?

##### output
(0) Defining file attributes
(0) Defining file variables
(0) Defining file variable attributes
(0) Creating coordinate arrays
fatal:["NclNetCDF4.c":4940]:NclNetCDF4: Error to define dim: <ncl_000> with
length: 201

^Mfatal:["Execute.c":8128]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 164 in
file edgarRegd.ncl

##### NCL script
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

  latS = 35.0
  latN = 50.0
  lonE = -80.0 +360
  lonW = -105.0 +360

  in= addfile("/home/fas/xhlee/yh387/EDGAR/TOT/","r")
  emi_n2o= in->emi_n2o

  em_n2o = emi_n2o({latS:latN},{lonW:lonE})
; newgrid = g2gsh_Wrap(em_n2o,(/181,201/), 0)
; newgrid = g2gsh_Wrap(em_n2o,(/ 64,128/), 0)

; interpolate to new grid
  lat = fspan(35,50,150)
  lon = fspan(-105,-80,250)
  newlat = fspan(35,50,181)
  newlon = fspan(-105,-80,201)
  newlat@units = "degrees_north"
  newlon@units = "degrees_east"

  newgrid = linint2(lon,em_n2o&lat,em_n2o,True,newlon,newlat,0)

  newgrid!0 = "lat"
  newgrid!1 = "lon"
  newgrid&lat = newlat
  newgrid&lon = newlon

; Output netCDF with one unlimited dimension, plus chunking and compression
  theflnm = "./"
; setfileoption("nc","defineMode",True)

; Remove the file if it already existed.
  if (isfilepresent(theflnm)) then
        system("rm " + theflnm)
  end if

; Create the file:

  f = addfile(theflnm,"c")

; Define dimensions:
; (Note ONLY time dimension is unlimited, and its current value is 1.)

  ctim = 1
  ntim = 250 ;1000 will be little bit too much
  ds = dimsizes(newgrid)
  nlat = ds(0)
  nlon = ds(1)
  dim_names = (/"time","lat","lon"/)
; time dimension is unlimited, but currently set to 1.
  dim_sizes = (/ctim,nlat,nlon/)
  dim_unlimited = (/True,False,False/)

; print("Defining dimension sizes to be " + dim_sizes)

; Define some file properties:
  atts = True
  atts@description = "This file tests NCL's ability to create >2GB
  atts@timestamp = systemfunc("date")
  print("Defining file attributes")

; Define file variables:
  print("Defining file variables")

; Define file variables attributes:
  print("Defining file variable attributes")
  tatts = True
  tatts@long_name = "elapsed time"
  tatts@units = "hours since 01-01-2000"

  latatts = True
  latatts@long_name = "latitude"
  latatts@units = "degrees_north"

  lonatts = True
  lonatts@long_name = "longitude"
  lonatts@units = "degrees_east"

  n2oatts = 0.0
  n2oatts@long_name = "Emissions of N2O - "
  n2oatts@units = "kg m-2 s-1"
  n2oatts@_FillValue = 1e32

  ntim = 365*8 ; every 3 hr
  time = fspan(0,ntim-1,ntim)
; chunk_sizes = (/1,ds(0)/10,ds(1)/10/)
; filechunkdimdef(f,dim_names,chunk_sizes,dim_unlimited)
; filevarchunkdef(f, "time_n2o", chunk_sizes)
  filevarcompressleveldef(f, "time_n2o", 2)

; Create coordinate arrays:

  print("Creating coordinate arrays")
  f->time= (/time/)
  f->lat = (/newlat/)
  f->lon = (/newlon/)

  pi = 3.14159265
  time_n2o= new((/ntim,ds(0),ds(1)/),float);,n2oatts@_FillValue)
  do i= 0,ntim-1
    f->time_n3o(i,:,:)= newgrid(:,:) *cos(pi/180*(i/8))
  end do



    Many thanks,


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