Box and whiskers

From: Modise Wiston <modise.wiston_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon Jun 02 2014 - 03:48:17 MDT

Hi 'NCL-talkers'

I want to plot the box and whiskers for average concentration (aerosols) vs pressure level. The average concentration is interpolated per pressure level (1000 - 100 hPa) from the WRF-Chem model output. I have done the statistical calculation for the median, max, min, IQR's 5th, etc. for each pressure level. How can I plot this data (x-y plot) for the calculated static against vertical pressure at every time interval of my model output? [plotting Pressure along the y-axis and Concentration along the x-axis]

Below is the data I have calculated:
-00001 00048 00054 00060 00066 00072

1000.0 0.07685 0.07876 0.07662 0.07625 0.07781
 850.0 0.11857 0.12207 0.12101 0.11989 0.11870
 700.0 0.13153 0.13172 0.13315 0.13145 0.12998
 500.0 0.08571 0.08544 0.08443 0.08408 0.08450
 400.0 0.08540 0.08547 0.08515 0.08509 0.08513
 300.0 0.08506 0.08481 0.08445 0.08427 0.08445
 250.0 0.08177 0.08155 0.08131 0.08152 0.08197
 200.0 0.07668 0.07684 0.07683 0.07787 0.07859
 150.0 0.07175 0.07265 0.07297 0.07368 0.07441
 100.0 0.05387 0.05402 0.05366 0.05384 0.05415

The left (first) column is the pressure level, while the 2nd -6th columns are the average concentrations. The top row (except the first element '-00001') are the output time intervals. Data is output every 6 hrs (herein 48, 54, 60 & 72 hrs from the initialisation time. part of the script I am trying to use is:
;list the species/variables to output
 specieslist = (/"co"/)
 nspecies = dimsizes(specieslist)

 stat_list = (/"avg","stddev","min","max","median","x25","x75","x5","x95"/)
 nstat = dimsizes(stat_list)
 nspec = dimsizes(specieslist)
 fName_list = new((/nspec, nstat/), "string")

 pressure_levels = (/1000., 850., 700., 500., 400., 300., 250., 200., 150., 100./)
 nlevels = dimsizes(pressure_levels)

 dt = 6 ; calculate stats every 6 files

 do ifil = 0, numFILES-1, dt

  ; do level = 0, nlevels-1
  ; pressure = pressure_levels(level)

       do spec = 0, nspecies-1
               species = specieslist(spec)
               print("starting the process")

                 level = new(11,float)
                 Avg = new(11,float)

 ;define to filepath to where the data is
 filepath_avg = datadir+"/"+species+ "/"+ "avg" +"_"+species+".txt"
 filepath_stddev = datadir+"/"+species+ "/"+ "stddev" +"_"+species+".txt"
 filepath_min = datadir+"/"+species+ "/"+ "min" +"_"+species+".txt"
 filepath_x5 = datadir+"/"+species+ "/"+ "x5" +"_"+species+".txt"
 filepath_x25 = datadir+"/"+species+ "/"+ "x25" +"_"+species+".txt"
 filepath_median = datadir+"/"+species+ "/"+ "median" +"_"+species+".txt"
 filepath_x75 = datadir+"/"+species+ "/"+ "x75" +"_"+species+".txt"
 filepath_x95 = datadir+"/"+species+ "/"+ "x95" +"_"+species+".txt"
 filepath_max = datadir+"/"+species+ "/"+ "max" +"_"+species+".txt"

 ;all_avg_data = asciiread("avg_co.txt", -1, "float")
  all_avg_data = asciiread(filepath_avg, -1, "float")
  all_stddev_data = asciiread(filepath_stddev , -1, "float")
  all_min_data = asciiread(filepath_min, -1, "float")
  all_x5_data = asciiread(filepath_x5, -1, "float")
  all_x25_data = asciiread(filepath_x25, -1, "float")
  all_median_data = asciiread(filepath_median, -1, "float")
  all_x75_data = asciiread(filepath_x75, -1, "float")
  all_x95_data = asciiread(filepath_x95, -1, "float")
  all_max_data = asciiread(filepath_max, -1, "float")

 ;find out how many elements there are
 data_size = dimsizes(all_avg_data)

 ;Assume there are two columns in each file:
  columns_tot =6
  rows_tot = data_size/columns_tot

  all_avg_data_ =6D onedtond(all_avg_data, (/rows_tot,columns_tot/) )
  all_stddev_data_6D = onedtond(all_stddev_data, (/rows_tot,columns_tot/) )
  all_min_data_6D = onedtond(all_min_data, (/rows_tot,columns_tot/) )
  all_x5_data_6D = onedtond(all_x5_data, (/rows_tot,columns_tot/) )
  all_x25_data_6D = onedtond(all_x25_data, (/rows_tot,columns_tot/) )
  all_median_data_6D = onedtond(all_median_data, (/rows_tot,columns_tot/))
  all_x75_data_6D = onedtond(all_x75_data, (/rows_tot,columns_tot/) )
  all_x95_data_6D = onedtond(all_x95_data, (/rows_tot,columns_tot/) )
  all_max_data_6D = onedtond(all_max_data, (/rows_tot,columns_tot/) )

;level is the left column:
level = all_avg_data_6D(:, 1)

 ;Avg is the right:
 Avg = all_avg_data_6D(:, 1)
 Stddev = all_stddev_data_6D(:, 1)
 Min = all_min_data_6D(:, 1)
 x5 = all_x5_data_6D(:, 1)
 x25 = all_x25_data_6D(:, 1)
 Median = all_median_data_6D(:, 1)
 x75 = all_x75_data_6D(:, 1)
 x95 = all_x95_data_6D(:, 1)
 Max = all_max_data_6D(:, 1)
 conv = Median*1000
  xval = new((/11,5/),"float",-.001)
  xval(:,0) = x5 ;bottom value
  xval(:,1) = x25 ;bottom value of box
  xval(:,2) = Median ;mid-value of box
  xval(:,3) = x75 ;top-value of box
  xval(:,4) = x95 ;top value


 ;xval ;denotes the X-axis values where the boxes are drawn
  y = level

  ; end do
 end do

; set the plotting options for the graphs (plot background)

  res = True ; plot mods desired
  llres = True ; to draw boxes
  opti = True ; to control color and width of boxes
  tres = True ; text modes desired
  mpres = True ; desired marker modes
  res@tiMainString = "Time series for: " + species ; plot title
  res@tiYAxisString = "level" ; y axis lable
  res@tiXAxisString = "Contn (ppb)" ; time (x) axis
 ; res@cnLevelSpacingF = 2. ; contour interval
 ; res@tmYLMode = "Explicit"
  res@tmYLLabels = (/"1000","850","700","500","400","300","250","200","150","100"/)
  res@tmYLLabels(:) = " "

  ;res@tiXAxisFontHeightF = 0.02
  ;res@tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.02
  ;res@tmXMinF = 0.0 ; min'm
  ;res@tmXMaxF = 2.400 ; max
  ;res@tmXValues = "Explicit"
  res@tmXUseBottom = True
  res@tmXTLabelsOn = False
  res@tmXTOn = True
  res@tmYROn = True
  ;res@tmXBTickStartF = Time(0)
  ;res@tmXBTickEndF = 100
  ;res@tmXBTickSpacingF = 6.0
  llres@gsLineThicknessF = 2.5 ; box line thickness
  res@tmXBLabelStride = 2
  mpres@gsMarkerIndex = 3
  mpres@gsMarkerSizeF = 20.
  mpres@gsMarkerColor = "red"
  tres@txFontHeightF = 0.024 ; change font height
  opti@boxWidth = 1.8 ; Width of box (x units)
  Firsttime = True

 ;make the plots
   opts = res
   opts@cnLineColor = "White"
   opts@cnFillOn = True
   opts@cnFillMode = "AreaFill"

  if (species .eq. "co")
   opts@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
   opti@boxColors = (/"blue"/) ; Color of box(es)
   xval = (xval*1000)
   xi = Avg*1000
   print("ploting data for:"+ species)

end if

 plot = boxplot(wks,y,xval,opti,res,llres) ; All 3 options used...
; dum1 = gsn_add_polymarker(wks, y, x, xi,mpres)
  draw(wks) ; box plot does not call
  frame(wks) ; these for you
  print("plotting the profiles")
 end do


Any help would be appreciated please,
Thank you,

M. Wiston, Postgraduate
Centre for Atmospheric Science (School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Science),
University of Manchester,
M13 9PL,

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