Strange pattern fill issue with stippling when plotting wind barbs.

From: Philippe Papin <ppapin_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Sun Jun 08 2014 - 21:43:05 MDT

Hi NCL talk,

I've been making a series of images that use the stipple pattern fill
option for a contour interval. However, I've encountered some strange
behavior when this stippling is used for multiple images created using a do
loop. I am using *NCL* *v.6.1.2* to make these images.

The datasets and resources used to create these two figures are identical,
the only difference being that a counter was incremented using a do loop to
make another image.

Here are two images:

*First image: *

*Second image (after incrementing looper by one)*

As you can see, the stippling does not display the same way, with the
second image having "hollow" stipple dots rather than the filled stipple
dots of the first image.

Here are the resources used to create the pattern fill stippling:

* cssres@cnLinesOn = True*
* cssres@cnFillOn = True*
* cssres@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"*
* cssres@cnLevels = (/95/) ; set the contour levels*
* cssres@cnFillColors = (/"transparent","gray20"/)*
* cssres@cnLineLabelPlacementMode = "Constant"*
* cssres@cnLineThicknessF = 3.0 *

* cssres@cnFillPattern = 17*
* cssres@cnFillScaleF = .7*
* cssres@cnFillDotSizeF = .0045*
* cssres@cnLineColor = "gray20"*
* cssres@cnLineLabelsOn = False*
* cssres@cnInfoLabelOn = False *
* cssres@lbLabelBarOn = False*

And when plotting:

*do i=0,1*

*mpid = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres)*
*vcid = gsn_csm_vector(wks,u850_anom,v850_anom,vcres)*
*ssid = gsn_csm_contour(wks,g850_ss,cssres)*



*end do*

My hypothesis after a little bit of testing is that the vector plot
option *vcres@vcGlyphStyle
= "WindBarb"* is modifying the way the stippling is displayed,
transforming the stipple dot objects from solid to hollow (so that the calm
hollow circle for wind barbs can be plotted). The problem is these dots
don't change back to solid for the *cssres* resource the next time the
image is plotted.

Is there away around this? I can just rearrange the way I am overlaying the
patterned contour so that the two images plot the same way, but I'd rather
have solid filled stippling dots, and that doesn't seem possible when I am
also plotting wind barb vector objects.

I'd be happy to provide more code to troubleshoot, although the script this
is from is a bit cumbersome, so I hope these snippets are enough to
diagnose my problem.


P.S. I dug around the ncl-talk archives, and saw a previous thread stating
there currently is no way to make *thicker* pattern lines from the available
options <>
than just changing the scaling. Count me as one of those that would like to
see an option to make thicker patterned lines.

Philippe P. Papin
Dept. of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
University at Albany, SUNY
1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12222

Received on Mon Jun 09 03:43:39 2014

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