F90 and stub code

From: Jan F. Dutton (jfd AT XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Mar 08 2001 - 11:13:59 MST


I have attached the f90 code, the f77 stub file, and

my comp_f90.sh file which I used to compile

the code.

I recently purchased the PG compiliers and assume

I have the latest version.

It occured the me that I never tested the cormat.f90

code to make sure it acually works. I can report,

however, that it does.

Thanks for your help,


! a subroutine to create a correlation matrix for use in NCL
! this routine will be used in conjunction with an another subr
! to EOF decompose
       subroutine cormat(M,N, A, cor)
       integer, intent(in) :: M,N
       real, dimension(1:M,1:N), intent(in) :: A
       real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: A_t
       real, dimension(1:N,1:N), intent(out) :: cor

! begin Executable

! transpose the matrix
       A_t = transpose(A)

! calculate the correlation matrix
       cor = matmul(A_t,A) / real(N)

       deallocate (A_t)


       subroutine cormat(M,N, A, cor)
       integer M
       integer N
       real A(M,N)
       real A_t(N,M)
       real cor(N,N)


C a stub file to accompany cormat.F90
C a correlation matrix muliplication subr for use in NCL

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