Re: f90 and stub code

From: Jan F. Dutton (jfd AT XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Mar 09 2001 - 06:35:16 MST

  • Next message: Jason Evans: "dim_min & dim_max"

    Hello all,

    With the help of Mary Haley and Dennis Shea

    (thanks again) a solution has been found to

    the creating shared object

    files with Portland Group compilers problem.

    Instead of liniking the object files with the

    "ld" command, you should use the pgf90 command

    with the -shared command line option enabled.

    (Section 8.3 of the Online Docs at

    This commands pgf90 to create a shared object

    and links in a library that would other wise would not

    be linked in. Below, please find the

    final script for compiling f90 code and it's

    accompanying f77 stub file.




    #! /bin/csh -fx

    # a script to compile (for both fortran and C)
    # the code necessary to create an NCL executable
    # shared object using the Portland Group Compilers

    # The scirpt sould be fed the xxx of xxx.f

    # i.e. " xxx" creates
    set name = $1
    set file_f90 = $name'.f90'
    set file_f77 = $name'_stub.f'
    wrapit77 <$file_f77>! $name'_W.c'

    # note libraries are required for fortan IO
    pgcc -I/usr/local/ncarg/include/ -c $name'_W.c'

    pgf90 -I/usr/local/ncarg/include -c $file_f90 -lfortran

    # Note: when using the Portland Group Compiliers
    # you have to use pgf90 -shared instead of the Linux "ld" command

    pgf90 -shared -o $name'.so' $name'_W.o' $name'.o' \
                   -L/usr/pgi/linux86/lib -lpgf90

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