Re: Plotting curvi linear grids

From: Mary Haley (haley AT XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Oct 11 2002 - 10:20:29 MDT

  • Next message: Qiaozhen Mu: "Re: plotting bar charts"

    > Hello
    > I've been one of those loking forward to the feature of plotting
    > curvi-linear grids being implemented in ncl. So when I realised it was
    > in 4.2.0.a026 I downloaded and installed and tried to plot the
    > bathymetry of the North Sea (the curvi-linear grid was generated using
    > the seagrid program).
    > I could not make it work....
    > Here is the output of running the attached script on the data file also
    > provided:
    > orca% ncl < topo.ncl
    > .
    > .
    > .
    > fatal:Attributes only have one dimension, 2 subscripts used
    > fatal:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 2752 in file
    > $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg
    > /nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl

    Dear Karsten,

    This error message looks like an old bug that we already
    fixed. However, you appear to be running the latest version of NCL, so
    you should have the bug fix that goes with this version. You can look
    at the second line of the gsn_code.ncl and gsn_csm.ncl scripts and see
    their version numbers. They should be 1.93 and 1.105 respectively.

    If you don't seem to have the latest versions, you can download them

    Here are some things I changed in your script to make it run properly,
    and to have the plot look a little cleaner:

     1) Your data seems to contain missing values, but no _FillValue
        attribute was set. I looked at your netCDF file, and saw that
        a *global* _FillValue attribute had been set, so I did the

           t@_FillValue = f@_FillValue
     2) Since your data is not global, you don't want "gsnAddCyclic" to
        be on, so I set this to False.

     3) I zoomed in on the part of the map that contains the data, because
        otherwise it's too hard to see the plot.

     4) I set "gsnMaximize" to True so that the plot is maximized in the

     5) I set "lbLabelStride" to 2 so that the labelbar labels don't run
        into each other.

     6) I set "mpFillDrawOrder" to "PostDraw" so that you get the land
        filled (in a light gray). Since "LightGray" is not part of the
        "gui_default" colormap, I added it by using the
        "gsn_merge_colormaps" procedure.

        If you do not desire filled land, then remove the setting of
        "mpFillDrawOrder", and also set "mpFillOn" to False.

    There's one thing I don't like about the new script, however, and that
    is that it takes a long time to run. I think it's a problem at our
    end, so I'm going to pass it on to our developers.

    Below is your script with all the modifications I made. If you have
    any questions, feel free to email me directly.


    --Mary Haley

    ; commonly loaded
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

    ; open netCDF file: read in selected variables
      diri = "./"
      fili = ""
      f = addfile(diri+fili,"r")

      lat2d = f->latc
      lon2d = f->lonc


      t = f->h
      t@_FillValue = f@_FillValue ; Set t's _FillValue to global _FillValue

      t@lon2d = lon2d
      t@lat2d = lat2d

    ; open graphic wkstation
       wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","topo")
    ; wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","topo")
       gsn_merge_colormaps (wks, "gui_default","LightGray")

    ; plot options (NCL refers to these as resources)
      res = True ; options desired
      res@gsnAddCyclic = False
      res@gsnMaximize = True ; maximize size of plot

      res@tiMainString = "North Sea Bathymetry (curvi)"

      res@mpFillDrawOrder = "PostDraw"
      res@mpMinLatF = min(lat2d) ; zoom in on map
      res@mpMaxLatF = max(lat2d)
      res@mpMinLonF = min(lon2d)
      res@mpMaxLonF = max(lon2d)

      res@cnFillOn = True
      res@cnRasterModeOn = True
      res@cnLinesOn = False
      res@cnLineLabelsOn = False

      res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
      res@cnMinLevelValF = 0.
      res@cnMaxLevelValF = 400.
      res@cnLevelSpacingF = 25.

      res@lbLabelStride = 2 ; Only label every other label box.

      plot = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,t,res) ; Draw a contour plot.


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