Contours not filled on part of plot

From: Andrew J. Conley (aconley AT XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Aug 18 2004 - 10:27:20 MDT

I am trying to plot contours from a field from a CAM run.

I have three plots on one page and the middle plot does
not fill some of the contours on the left hand portion of the page.
Does anyone know why?

The problem is present if I set gsnAddCyclic or not.

I do not know what would be different between the first and
second plot.

Thanks for the clues.

Andrew Conley

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
; read in netCDF file
  ftotal = addfile("","r")
  fsntc = ftotal->FSNTC(0,:,:)
  fsntc_rf = ftotal->FSNTC_RF(0,:,:)
  fsnsc = ftotal->FSNSC(0,:,:)
  fsnsc_rf = ftotal->FSNSC_RF(0,:,:)
  surface = fsnsc - fsnsc_rf
  surface!0 = "lat"
  surface!1 = "lon"
  surface&lat = ftotal->lat
  surface&lon = ftotal->lon
  top = fsntc - fsntc_rf
  top!0 = "lat"
  top!1 = "lon"
  top&lat = ftotal->lat
  top&lon = ftotal->lon
  absorbed = top - surface
  absorbed!0 = "lat"
  absorbed!1 = "lon"
  absorbed&lat = ftotal->lat
  absorbed&lon = ftotal->lon
  gw = ftotal->gw(:)
  surface_avg = wgt_areaave(surface, gw, 1.0, 0)
  top_avg = wgt_areaave(top, gw, 1.0, 0)
  absorbed_avg = wgt_areaave(absorbed, gw, 1.0, 0)
; create plot
  type = "ps" ; create variable to hold info
  type@wkColorModel = "cmyk" ; make output cmyk
  wks = gsn_open_wks(type,"Sulfate_forcing_T31_dev87") ; open a ps file
  cmap =(/ (/255 ,255 ,255/),\
           (/0 ,0 ,0 /),\
           (/0,0,175/), (/0, 0, 215/), (/0, 55, 255/), (/0, 100, 225/), (/0, 125, 165/),\
           (/0, 170, 100/), (/0, 205, 60/), \
           (/0, 240, 0/), \
           (/100,240,100/), (/180, 255, 180/), (/225,255,225/),\
           (/255, 255, 190/), (/255,255,60/), \
           (/255, 0, 0/),\
            /) / 255.0
  gsn_define_colormap(wks,cmap) ; choose colormap
  res = True ; Use plot options
  res@cnFillOn = True ; Fill contours
  res@cnLinesOn = True ; Fill contours
  res@gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full range of colors
  res@gsnAddCyclic = True
  res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ; set manual contour levels
  res@gsnDraw = False ; Do not draw plot
  res@gsnFrame = False ; Do not advance frome
  res@gsnTickMarksOn = False
  res@sfXCStartV = 0
  res@sfXCEndV = 360
; res@lbLabelFontAspectF = 1.8
   res@trYReverse = True
    res@txFontHeightF = 0.020
    res@tiMainFontHeightF = 0.025
    res@lbOrientation = "Vertical"
    res@lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.015
    res@lbTitleFontHeightF = 0.018
  plot = new(3, graphic)
  res@gsnLeftString = "Top"
  res@gsnCenterString = ""
  res@gsnRightString = "Average = " + sprintf("%6.2f", top_avg) + " W m-2"
  res@cnMinLevelValF = -14.0 ; set min contour level
  res@cnMaxLevelValF = -1.0 ; set max contour level
  res@cnLevelSpacingF = 1.0 ; set contour spacing
  plot(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,top,res)
  res@gsnLeftString = "Surface"
  res@gsnCenterString = ""
  res@gsnRightString = "Average = " + sprintf("%6.2f", surface_avg) + " W m-2"
  res@cnMinLevelValF = -14.0 ; set min contour level
  res@cnMaxLevelValF = -1.0 ; set max contour level
  res@cnLevelSpacingF = 1.0 ; set contour spacing
  plot(1) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,surface,res)
  res@gsnLeftString = "Atmospheric Absorption"
  res@gsnCenterString = ""
  res@gsnRightString = "Average = " + sprintf("%6.2f", absorbed_avg) + " W m-2"
  res@cnMinLevelValF = -.2 ; set min contour level
  res@cnMaxLevelValF = 0.5 ; set max contour level
  res@cnLevelSpacingF = 0.1 ; set contour spacing
  plot(2) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,absorbed,res)
; now create panel plot with its own resources
  resPanel = True ; panel mods desired
  resPanel@gsnPanelLabelBar= False
  resPanel@gsnMaximize = True ; fill up the page
  resPanel@txString = "Sulfate Aerosol Forcing Clear-Sky, T31, annual"
  gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/3,1/),resPanel) ; draw: (/down,across/)

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