Re: ncl-talk Digest, Vol 16, Issue 11

From: Mike Notaro (mnotaro AT
Date: Wed Mar 16 2005 - 12:58:07 MST

Thanks for your response Jing. Unless I am misreading the website,
only unrotated eof provides percent variance and time series.
Under the description of eofunc_varimax, it states that it doesn't
return the percent variance. But I am not sure about the time series.
Without the % variance and time series, NCL still can not be used
for rotated eof.

Does anyone know of a script in matlab/ferret/grads/etc
that easily performs rotated eof? It is a very important stats
tool but so hard to find a code to perform it. Particularly, I need to be able
to work around missing data.

I assume the examples on
are incorrectly using the function "eof", which doesn't exist. I assume
they mean "eoffunc".


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