NCL binaries comment

From: Louis Wicker (Louis.Wicker AT
Date: Fri Apr 08 2005 - 09:17:19 MDT

  • Next message: Paul Thomas Quelet: "Text highlighting schemes"


    I find the new system irritating as well - but as a government
    employee, I understand the evolving requirements of tracking your
    "customers" etc. If that helps
    to keep the support of NCL alive and (somewhat) well - I can handle

    However, I do agree that once one gets into the site, that the path to
    the binaries should be as short as humanly possible.



    |  Dr. Louis J. Wicker
    |  Research Scientist, National Severe Storms Lab
    | 1313 Halley Cir, Norman, OK 73069
    | E-mail:
    | HTTP:
    | Phone:    (405) 366-0416
    | Fax:       (405) 366-0472
    | "The contents  of this message are mine personally and
    | do not reflect any position of  the Government or NOAA."

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