External Fortran Subroutines on SGI Altix running Linux

From: Hauss Reinbold (hauss.reinbold AT dri.edu)
Date: Tue Jul 19 2005 - 14:24:09 MDT

Hi all,

We recently installed NCL on an SGI Altix machine running Linux. We've
used it to successfully, make plots, read in netCDF and GRIB files and
so forth. The one thing we have a problem with is including Fortran
subroutines. WRAPIT seems to create the .so file fine, but the ncl
script chokes on the external line:

external EX "./flamep.so"

It gives the error:

warning:An error occurred loading the external file ./flamep.so, file
not loaded
./flamep.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I have run this on a sun server running NCL, the exact same script, and
it works fine. I have checked the path and syntax endlessly, even
entering the full path of the .so file. I suspect it could be a
problem with how we installed NCL on our Altix. But why would it just
be a path error every time instead of some sort of library issue or
segmentation fault? The file is there, why can't NCL see it? The
other NCL functions that read files find them just fine. Any thoughts
on why an SGI server running Linux would have a problem solely with
finding the .so file for external fortran subroutines?


Hauss Reinbold

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