Re: lat and lon information setting in Lambert Conformal Native Grid

From: Dennis Shea (shea AT
Date: Thu Jul 28 2005 - 15:35:05 MDT

  • Next message: Micah David Sklut: "passing a string through WRAPIT"

    See below

    > I am wondering how to set dimension information for a seconadry variable
    >in Lambert Conformal Native Grid . My program is like this:
    >gridx_221 = 277
    >gridy_221 = 349
    >LAT2d = f->gridlat_221
    >LON2d = f->gridlon_221
    > P=f->PRMSL_221_MSL_113
    > p = P(gridy_221|:,gridx_221|:)
    > delete(P)
    > Q=f->PRATE_221_SFC_113
    > q = Q(gridy_221|:,gridx_221|:)
    > delete(Q)
    > ccr = escorc(p(50,100),q) ;***1-pt correlation***
    >Now, if I want to plot "ccr", how should I set the lat and lon information
    >so that it can be plotted properly. I tried something like this, but it
    >I aslo have these settings before plotting:
    > res@mpLimitMode = "Corners" ; choose range of map
    > res@mpLeftCornerLatF = lat2d@corners(0)
    > res@mpLeftCornerLonF = lon2d@corners(0)
    > res@mpRightCornerLatF = lat2d@corners(2)
    > res@mpRightCornerLonF = lon2d@corners(2)
    > res@mpProjection = "LambertConformal"
    > res@mpLambertParallel1F = lat2d@Latin1 ; ncl adds from grib file
    > res@mpLambertParallel2F = lat2d@Latin2 ; ncl adds from grib file
    > res@mpLambertMeridianF = lat2d@Lov ; ncl adds from grib file
    > res@pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"
    >But when I run it, the program complains there's no lat/lon information for
    >plotting. And there are also warning messages like:
    >warning:mpProjection is not a valid resource in slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour at
    >this time
    >warning:mpLimitMode is not a valid resource in slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour at
    >this time
    >warning:mpLeftCornerLonF is not a valid resource in slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour
    >at this time
    >warning:mpRightCornerLonF is not a valid resource in slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour
    >at this time
    >warning:mpLeftCornerLatF is not a valid resource in slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour
    >at this time
    >warning:mpRightCornerLatF is not a valid resource in slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour
    >at this time
    >warning:mpLambertMeridianF is not a valid resource in
    >slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour at this time
    >warning:mpLambertParallel1F is not a valid resource in
    >slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour at this time
    >warning:mpLambertParallel2F is not a valid resource in
    >slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour at this time
    >By the way, the information of my data file is following:
    >~>ncdump -h
    >netcdf narrmon-a_221_20031001 {
    > gridx_221 = 277 ;
    > gridy_221 = 349 ;
    > float gridlon_221(gridx_221, gridy_221) ;
    > gridlon_221:corners = -145.5f, -68.320045f, -2.5698934f,
    >148.64182f ;
    > gridlon_221:GridType = "Lambert Conformal Secant or Tangent,
    >Conical or bipolar" ;
    > gridlon_221:units = "degrees_east" ;
    > gridlon_221:Latin2 = 50.f ;
    > gridlon_221:Latin1 = 50.f ;
    > gridlon_221:Dy = 32463.f ;
    > gridlon_221:Dx = 32463.f ;
    > gridlon_221:Lov = -107.f ;
    > gridlon_221:Lo1 = -145.5f ;
    > gridlon_221:La1 = 1.f ;
    > float gridlat_221(gridx_221, gridy_221) ;
    > gridlat_221:corners = 1.0000008f, 0.89794505f, 46.354397f,
    >46.634327f ;
    > gridlat_221:GridType = "Lambert Conformal Secant or Tangent,
    >Conical or bipolar" ;
    > gridlat_221:units = "degrees_north" ;
    > gridlat_221:Latin2 = 50.f ;
    > gridlat_221:Latin1 = 50.f ;
    > gridlat_221:Dy = 32463.f ;
    > gridlat_221:Dx = 32463.f ;
    > gridlat_221:Lov = -107.f ;
    > gridlat_221:Lo1 = -145.5f ;
    > gridlat_221:La1 = 1.f ;
    > float PRATE_221_SFC_113(gridx_221, gridy_221) ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:sub_center = "The North American Regional
    >Reanalysis (NARR) Project" ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:center = "US National Weather Service -
    >NCEP (WMC)" ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:long_name = "Precipitation rate" ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:units = "kg/m^2/s" ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:_FillValue = -999.f ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:coordinates = "gridlat_221 gridlon_221" ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:level_indicator = 1 ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:grid_number = 221 ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:parameter_number = 59 ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:model = "North American Regional
    >Reanalysis (NARR)" ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:forecast_time = 0 ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:initial_time = "10/01/2003 (00:00)" ;
    > float PRMSL_221_MSL_113(gridx_221, gridy_221) ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:sub_center = "The North American Regional
    >Reanalysis (NARR) Project" ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:center = "US National Weather Service -
    >NCEP (WMC)" ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:long_name = "Pressure reduced to MSL" ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:units = "Pa" ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:_FillValue = -999.f ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:coordinates = "gridlat_221 gridlon_221" ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:level_indicator = 102 ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:grid_number = 221 ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:parameter_number = 2 ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:model = "North American Regional
    >Reanalysis (NARR)" ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:forecast_time = 0 ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:initial_time = "10/01/2003 (00:00)" ;

    "lat2d" and "lon2d" are reserved attribute names.

    what is it you are tring to calculate? There is no
    "time" dimension. You are trying to compute
    a correlation with p(50,100) which is *one* point.
    By definition, a correlation involves dividing
    by a standard deviation, For one pt that is 0.
    It can not be done.

    If you did "ccr = escorc(p,q)" that would be an
    unweighted map correlation. It would be one value.

    if u had a time dimenion it would look like

    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
    load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
     diri = "/remote/beautemps/raid1/users/mjosman/NARR/NC/"
     f = addfile(diri+"","r")
     LAT2d = f->gridlat_221
     LON2d = f->gridlon_221
     p = f->PRMSL_221_MSL_113 ; (time,gridx_221, gridy_221)
     q = f->PRATE_221_SFC_113
    ;reorder so time is the rightmos dimension

     ccr = escorc(p(gridx_221|50, gridy_221|100,time|:) \ ; one pt
                   ,q(gridx_221|: , gridy_221|: ,time|:)) ; all pts
    [SNIP ... assuming you have declared wk station and res= True]
      res@mpLimitMode = "Corners" ; choose range of map
      res@mpLeftCornerLatF = LAT2d@corners(0)
      res@mpLeftCornerLonF = LON2d@corners(0)
      res@mpRightCornerLatF = LAT2d@corners(2)
      res@mpRightCornerLonF = LON2d@corners(2)
      res@mpProjection = "LambertConformal"
      res@mpLambertParallel1F = LAT2d@Latin1 ; ncl adds from grib file
      res@mpLambertParallel2F = LAT2d@Latin2 ; ncl adds from grib file
      res@mpLambertMeridianF = LAT2d@Lov ; ncl adds from grib file
      res@pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"


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