Re: lat and lon information setting in Lambert Conformal Native Grid

From: Mary Haley (haley AT
Date: Thu Jul 28 2005 - 15:25:43 MDT

  • Next message: Dennis Shea: "Re: lat and lon information setting in Lambert Conformal Native Grid"

    On Jul 28, 2005, at 2:59 PM, MUHTARJAN osman wrote:

    > Hello,
    > I am wondering how to set dimension information for a seconadry
    > variable in Lambert Conformal Native Grid . My program is like this:
    > ......
    > gridx_221 = 277
    > gridy_221 = 349
    > diri="/remote/beautemps/raid1/users/mjosman/NARR/NC/"
    > f=addfile(diri+"","r")
    > LAT2d = f->gridlat_221
    > LON2d = f->gridlon_221
    > lon2d=LON2d(gridy_221|:,gridx_221|:)
    > lat2d=LAT2d(gridy_221|:,gridx_221|:)
    > P=f->PRMSL_221_MSL_113
    > p = P(gridy_221|:,gridx_221|:)
    > delete(P)
    > Q=f->PRATE_221_SFC_113
    > q = Q(gridy_221|:,gridx_221|:)
    > delete(Q)
    > ccr = escorc(p(50,100),q) ;***1-pt correlation***
    > Now, if I want to plot "ccr", how should I set the lat and lon
    > information so that it can be plotted properly. I tried something like
    > this, but it failed:
    > ccr!0="lat"
    > ccr@lat=lat2d
    > ccr!1="lon"
    > ccr@lon=lon2d

    Hi Muhtarjan,

    I think what you want, instead of the above four lines, is the

       ccr@lat2d = lat2d
       ccr@lon2d = lon2d

    > I aslo have these settings before plotting:
    > res@mpLimitMode = "Corners" ; choose range of map
    > res@mpLeftCornerLatF = lat2d@corners(0)
    > res@mpLeftCornerLonF = lon2d@corners(0)
    > res@mpRightCornerLatF = lat2d@corners(2)
    > res@mpRightCornerLonF = lon2d@corners(2)
    > res@mpProjection = "LambertConformal"
    > res@mpLambertParallel1F = lat2d@Latin1 ; ncl adds from grib file
    > res@mpLambertParallel2F = lat2d@Latin2 ; ncl adds from grib file
    > res@mpLambertMeridianF = lat2d@Lov ; ncl adds from grib file
    > res@pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always"
    > But when I run it, the program complains there's no lat/lon
    > information for plotting. And there are also warning messages like:
    > warning:mpProjection is not a valid resource in
    > slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour at this time
    > warning:mpLimitMode is not a valid resource in slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour
    > at this time

    You didn't mention which plotting routine you are calling, but these
    errors look like you are calling a non-map routine, like
    This would cause you to get error messages about your map resources not
    being valid. You probably want to call something like

    Also, it is important to note that if your data is native to a lambert
    conformal projection, you should also set:

         res@tfDoNDCOverlay = True

    This tells NCL to *not* apply a transformation to the data to get it
    into a lambert conformal projection, since
    with native grids, the transformation has already been applied. You
    can go to:

    to see some examples of generating contours on a lambert conformal
    projection. This page also talks
    a bit about native grids.


    > warning:mpLeftCornerLonF is not a valid resource in
    > slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour at this time
    > warning:mpRightCornerLonF is not a valid resource in
    > slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour at this time
    > warning:mpLeftCornerLatF is not a valid resource in
    > slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour at this time
    > warning:mpRightCornerLatF is not a valid resource in
    > slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour at this time
    > warning:mpLambertMeridianF is not a valid resource in
    > slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour at this time
    > warning:mpLambertParallel1F is not a valid resource in
    > slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour at this time
    > warning:mpLambertParallel2F is not a valid resource in
    > slpMA_prcp_NARR_contour at this time
    > By the way, the information of my data file is following:
    > ~>ncdump -h
    > netcdf narrmon-a_221_20031001 {
    > dimensions:
    > gridx_221 = 277 ;
    > gridy_221 = 349 ;
    > variables:
    > float gridlon_221(gridx_221, gridy_221) ;
    > gridlon_221:corners = -145.5f, -68.320045f,
    > -2.5698934f, 148.64182f ;
    > gridlon_221:GridType = "Lambert Conformal Secant or
    > Tangent, Conical or bipolar" ;
    > gridlon_221:units = "degrees_east" ;
    > gridlon_221:Latin2 = 50.f ;
    > gridlon_221:Latin1 = 50.f ;
    > gridlon_221:Dy = 32463.f ;
    > gridlon_221:Dx = 32463.f ;
    > gridlon_221:Lov = -107.f ;
    > gridlon_221:Lo1 = -145.5f ;
    > gridlon_221:La1 = 1.f ;
    > float gridlat_221(gridx_221, gridy_221) ;
    > gridlat_221:corners = 1.0000008f, 0.89794505f,
    > 46.354397f, 46.634327f ;
    > gridlat_221:GridType = "Lambert Conformal Secant or
    > Tangent, Conical or bipolar" ;
    > gridlat_221:units = "degrees_north" ;
    > gridlat_221:Latin2 = 50.f ;
    > gridlat_221:Latin1 = 50.f ;
    > gridlat_221:Dy = 32463.f ;
    > gridlat_221:Dx = 32463.f ;
    > gridlat_221:Lov = -107.f ;
    > gridlat_221:Lo1 = -145.5f ;
    > gridlat_221:La1 = 1.f ;
    > float PRATE_221_SFC_113(gridx_221, gridy_221) ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:sub_center = "The North American
    > Regional Reanalysis (NARR) Project" ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:center = "US National Weather Service
    > - NCEP (WMC)" ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:long_name = "Precipitation rate" ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:units = "kg/m^2/s" ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:_FillValue = -999.f ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:coordinates = "gridlat_221
    > gridlon_221" ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:level_indicator = 1 ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:grid_number = 221 ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:parameter_number = 59 ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:model = "North American Regional
    > Reanalysis (NARR)" ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:forecast_time = 0 ;
    > PRATE_221_SFC_113:initial_time = "10/01/2003 (00:00)" ;
    > float PRMSL_221_MSL_113(gridx_221, gridy_221) ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:sub_center = "The North American
    > Regional Reanalysis (NARR) Project" ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:center = "US National Weather Service
    > - NCEP (WMC)" ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:long_name = "Pressure reduced to MSL"
    > ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:units = "Pa" ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:_FillValue = -999.f ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:coordinates = "gridlat_221
    > gridlon_221" ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:level_indicator = 102 ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:grid_number = 221 ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:parameter_number = 2 ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:model = "North American Regional
    > Reanalysis (NARR)" ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:forecast_time = 0 ;
    > PRMSL_221_MSL_113:initial_time = "10/01/2003 (00:00)" ;
    > }
    > Thank you.
    > Regards,
    > Muhtarjan Osman
    > ASGG
    > LAWR
    > UC Davis
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