working with memory

From: Micah Sklut <micahs2005_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 12:55:40 -0500


I am creating plots of different regions along the US coastline.
I am reading in 29 data files (which vary in time), joining them
together,and then plotting
the different regions per time. So, for example, there are 29 plots for the
delmarva coastline, 29 plots for
the new jersey coastline, etc.

When I try to plot all the regions in the same program I am encountering
memory problems. I get the following error:
Fatal: NhlMalloc Failed: [errno=12]: Cannot allocate Memory

If I only plot one region, then I am successful in creating all 29 plots. I
am wondering if there is anything I can do to allocate more memory, so that
I don't have to run individual programs for each region?


I am currently working with a Linux box using 384 MB ram.
Program is below: (I load the same plot routines for each region
- nam_graphs.ncl)


nam_files = systemfunc("ls ./data/*.tm00")
f = addfiles(nam_files+".grb","r")

u = f[:]->U_GRD_218_HTGL * 1.944
v = f[:]->V_GRD_218_HTGL * 1.944
lt = f[0]->gridlat_218
ln = f[0]->gridlon_218

; convert u and v into speed
spd = (u^2+v^2)^(.5)

u_at_lat2d = lt
u_at_lon2d = ln
v_at_lat2d = lt
v_at_lon2d = ln
spd_at_lat2d = lt
spd_at_lon2d = ln


do i = 0,28

hr = i*3

if (hr .lt. 10) then
  ext = "0"+hr
  ext = hr
end if

latmin = 25.512
lonmin = -98.5
latmax = 28.4
lonmax = -94.5
load "$SWELLINFO_ROOT/wind/nam_graphs.ncl"

latmin = 27.3
lonmin = -97.
latmax = 30.188
lonmax = -93.
load "$SWELLINFO_ROOT/wind/nam_graphs.ncl"

latmin = 28.
lonmin = -88.
latmax = 30.888
lonmax = -84.
load "$SWELLINFO_ROOT/wind/nam_graphs.ncl"

.....(more regions).....

end do


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