
From: Bithi De <bde_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Fri Sep 06 2013 - 12:44:46 MDT

I am having some problem with reading data.
I have total 384 files for each month for 32years. Print Variable
summary for each file is like this:
Variable: PEdec_mean
Type: float
Total Size: 42048 bytes
            10512 values
Number of Dimensions: 2
Dimensions and sizes: [lat | 73] x [lon | 144]
            lat: [90..-90]
            lon: [ 0..357.5]
Number Of Attributes: 3
  average_op_ncl : dim_avg_n over dimension(s): time
  sum_op_ncl : dim_sum_n over dimension(s): level
  _FillValue : -32767

I need to make an array with dimension (month,year, lat, lon) . When i
am trying to read the files , I am having some error.

the part of my code is as follows:

 PeT= new((/12,32,73,144/),"float")
  n = 0
  do y =1979,2010

  PeT(0,n,:,:) = asciiread("/data/home/bithi/R2/NCL/PE/PEjan_"+y,
(/73,144/), "float")
  PeT(1,n,:,:) = asciiread("/data/home/bithi/R2/NCL/PE/PEfeb_"+y,
(/73,144/), "float")
  PeT(2,n,:,:) = asciiread("/data/home/bithi/R2/NCL/PE/PEmar_"+y,
(/73,144/), "float")
  PeT(3,n,:,:) = asciiread("/data/home/bithi/R2/NCL/PE/PEapr_"+y,
(/73,144/), "float")
  PeT(4,n,:,:) = asciiread("/data/home/bithi/R2/NCL/PE/PEmay_"+y,
(/73,144/), "float")
  PeT(5,n,:,:) = asciiread("/data/home/bithi/R2/NCL/PE/PEjun_"+y,
(/73,144/), "float")
  PeT(6,n,:,:) = asciiread("/data/home/bithi/R2/NCL/PE/PEjul_"+y,
(/73,144/), "float")
  PeT(7,n,:,:) = asciiread("/data/home/bithi/R2/NCL/PE/PEaug_"+y,
(/73,144/), "float")
  PeT(8,n,:,:) = asciiread("/data/home/bithi/R2/NCL/PE/PEsep_"+y,
(/73,144/), "float")
  PeT(9,n,:,:) = asciiread("/data/home/bithi/R2/NCL/PE/PEoct_"+y,
(/73,144/), "float")
  PeT(10,n,:,:) = asciiread("/data/home/bithi/R2/NCL/PE/PEnov_"+y,
(/73,144/), "float")
  PeT(11,n,:,:) = asciiread("/data/home/bithi/R2/NCL/PE/PEdec_"+y,
(/73,144/), "float")
  end do

   PeT!2 = "lat"
   PeT!3 = "lon"
   PeT&lat = lat
   PeT&lon = lon

  printVarSummary (PeT)
  printMinMax (PeT, True)

And the error is like this:
warning:asciiread: End of file reached and only (10452) elements were
read from the file, filling remaining elements with the default
missing value for the requested type
warning:asciiread: End of file reached and only (10459) elements were
read from the file, filling remaining elements with the default
missing value for the requested type
warning:asciiread: End of file reached and only (10510) elements were
read from the file, filling remaining elements with the default
missing value for the requested type
warning:asciiread: End of file reached and only (10466) elements were
read from the file, filling remaining elements with the default
missing value for the requested type
warning:asciiread: End of file reached and only (10335) elements were
read from the file, filling remaining elements with the default
missing value for the requested type

I tried to find if there is any missing value with
if(any(ismissing(data))) then
    print("Your data contains some missing values. Beware.")
  end if
But it did not give any warning.


Bithi De
Graduate Student , Research Assistant
International Arctic Research Center , University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks , Alaska -99775
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