Re: gsn_csm_contour_map_ce help

From: Mary Haley <haley_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 10:09:07 -0600 (MDT)


Given that your plots are rather different shapes and sizes, gsn_panel
is not a good option to use here.

However, you might still be able to fix this.

First, if you set:

   resP_at_gsnPanelDebug = True

and run the script again, it will echo the values being
used for the X,Y positions of each plot in the panel

You'll see output like this:

(0) plot #3
(0) new x,y = 0.542527,0.488193
(0) orig wdt,hgt = 0.7,0.385
(0) new wdt,hgt = 0.440428,0.242235

The "new x,y" line tells you what X,Y positions are being used for
each plot. Here, the Y position is 0.488193. If we use a value that
is smaller than this for the 3rd and 4th plots, they will be moved
down on the page.

So, try:

   resP_at_gsnPanelYF = (/-1.,-1.,0.42,0.42/)

The "-1." means for the first two plots, just use the value already
being calculated. For the 3rd and 4th plots, however, a value of 0.42
will be used.

See the attached script and resultant PNG image. I used the same map
limits that you did.


On Tue, 26 May 2009, Erik Noble wrote:

> Hi Mary. As always, Thank you, I didn't mean to cause confusion; in my last
> script I first tried plotting with the vpXF/vpYF resources for individual
> plots and then I tried plotting a panel plot to see the difference. When I
> first asked NCL-talk this question 4 days ago, I was only doing a panel plot
> and I was was getting the same result. Somebody suggested I look at example
> 9 and example 20. Example 9 uses this along with the vpXF/vpYF resources and
> example 20 does not, so...I tried using both resources.
> I'll try your suggestion of using the vpXF/vpYF resources for individual
> plots method along with gsn_labelbar_ndc
> BUT.... I just want to confirm. In this case, is my only option to "not use"
> gsn_panel?
> It just seems awkward that I have to go through another tedious route even
> though all of my plots, save one, are the same.
> Please, here, I tried making it clearer by doing the panel plot part of the
> script in command-line.
> 1. First, I first create the panel plot using the TRMM data. The result is
> attached as "test_TRMM_panel.jpg"
> I do the panel commands from ncl 40> onward.
> noble:TRMM3B42 enoble$ #NCL Panel
> noble:TRMM3B42 enoble$ ncl
> Copyright (C) 1995-2009 - All Rights Reserved
> University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
> NCAR Command Language Version 5.1.0
> The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
> See for more details.
> ncl 0> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> ncl 1> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
> ncl 2> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> ncl 3> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
> ncl 4> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"
> ncl 5> a = addfile("","r")
> ncl 6> rNEW = a->precipitation
> ncl 7> printVarSummary(rNEW)
> Variable: rNEW
> Type: float
> Total Size: 138240000 bytes
> 34560000 values
> Number of Dimensions: 3
> Dimensions and sizes: [Time | 240] x [lat | 200] x [lon | 720]
> Coordinates:
> Time: [1..240]
> lat: [-49.875..49.625]
> lon: [-179.875..179.625]
> Number Of Attributes: 1
> _FillValue : -999
> ncl 8> ;DATA to Plot
> ncl 9> total_rain = dim_sum_Wrap(rNEW(lat|:, lon|:, Time|:) )
> ncl 10> total_TRMM_R1=total_rain({5:11},{-30:-20})
> ncl 11> total_TRMM_R2=total_rain({7:18},{-20:-10})
> ncl 12> total_TRMM_R3=total_rain({7:18},{-10:10})
> ncl 13> total_TRMM_R4=total_rain({7:18},{10:30})
> ncl 14> wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","Test_TRMM_panel")
> ncl 15> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;From NCL WRF example;;;;;;;;;;
> ncl 16> colors = (/"white","black" \ ; {for/back}ground
> ncl 16> ,"white","azure" \
> ncl 16> ,"green","palegreen","yellowgreen", "greenyellow" \
> ncl 16> ,"yellow","goldenrod","orange","orangered" \
> ncl 16>
> ,"red","deeppinK","violet","darkviolet","blueviolet","blue"/)
> ncl 17> gsn_define_colormap(wks, colors)
> ncl 18> res = True ; plot mods desired
> ncl 19> ;res_at_gsnMaximize = True ; uncomment to
> maximize size
> ncl 20> res_at_gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full range of
> colormap
> ncl 21> res_at_cnFillOn = True ;False ; color plot
> desired
> ncl 22> res_at_cnLinesOn = False ; turn off contour
> lines
> ncl 23> res_at_cnLineLabelsOn = False ; turn off contour
> labels
> ncl 24>
> ncl 25> res_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels" ; explicit [unequal] cn
> levels
> ncl 26> res_at_cnLevels =
> (/0,50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500,550,600,650,700,750,800/)
> ncl 27> res_at_cnFillMode = "AreaFill" ;"RasterFill"
> ncl 28> res_at_lbOrientation = "Vertical" ; default is horizontal
> ncl 29> ; Plot the big plot
> ncl 30> x = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_rain,res)
> ncl 31> ;;;;;;;Plot Panel plot;;;;;;;;
> ncl 32> res_at_gsnAddCyclic = False
> ncl 33> ;;;;;;;;;The are parts from NCL examples
> ncl 34>
> ncl 35>
> ;****************************************************************************
> ncl 36> ; create panel of different components
> ncl 37>
> ;****************************************************************************
> ncl 38> plts = new (4 , "graphic") ; 1d array to hold
> plots
> ncl 39>
> ncl 40> res_at_gsnDraw = False ; (a) do not draw
> ncl 41> res_at_gsnFrame = False ; (b) do not advance
> 'frame'
> ncl 42> res_at_lbLabelBarOn = False ; (c) turn off
> individual lb's
> ncl 43>
> ncl 44> ;************************************************
> ncl 45> ; create panel: panel plots have their own set of resources
> ncl 46> ;************************************************
> ncl 47> resP = True ; modify the panel
> plot
> ncl 48> ; resP_at_gsnDebugWriteFileName = True
> ncl 49> ; resP_at_gsnMaximize = True ; maximize panel area
> ncl 50> resP_at_gsnPanelRowSpec = True ; specify 1 top, 2
> lower level
> ncl 51> resP_at_gsnPanelLabelBar = True ; add common colorbar
> ncl 52> resP_at_pmLabelBarWidthF = 0.85 ; make label wider
> ncl 53> resP_at_lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; default 0.02 [demo
> make smaller]
> ncl 54>
> res_at_mpMinLatF = 5. ; range to zoom in on
> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 11.
> res_at_mpMinLonF = -30.
> res_at_mpMaxLonF = -20.
> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 1: Atlantic ITCZ"
> plts(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R1,res)
> res_at_mpMinLatF = 7. ; range to zoom in on
> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 18.
> res_at_mpMinLonF = -20.
> res_at_mpMaxLonF = -10.
> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 2: Western Sahel"
> plts(1) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R2,res)
> res_at_mpMinLatF = 7. ; range to zoom in on
> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 18.
> res_at_mpMinLonF = -10.
> res_at_mpMaxLonF = 10.
> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 3: Central Sahel"
> plts(2) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R3,res)
> res_at_mpMinLatF = 7. ; range to zoom in on
> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 18.
> res_at_mpMinLonF = 10.
> res_at_mpMaxLonF = 30.
> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 4: Eastern Sahel"
> plts(3) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_Tncl 55> res_at_mpMinLatF
> = 5. ; range to zoom in on
> ncl 56> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 11.
> ncl 57> res_at_mpMinLonF = -30.
> ncl 58> res_at_mpMaxLonF = -20.
> ncl 59> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 1: Atlantic ITCZ"
> ncl 60> plts(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R1,res)
> ncl 61> res_at_mpMinLatF = 7. ; range to zoom in on
> ncl 62> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 18.
> ncl 63> res_at_mpMinLonF = -20.
> ncl 64> res_at_mpMaxLonF = -10.
> ncl 65> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 2: Western Sahel"
> ncl 66> plts(1) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R2,res)
> ncl 67> res_at_mpMinLatF = 7. ; range to zoom in on
> ncl 68> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 18.
> ncl 69> res_at_mpMinLonF = -10.
> ncl 70> res_at_mpMaxLonF = 10.
> ncl 71> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 3: Central Sahel"
> ncl 72> plts(2) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R3,res)
> ncl 73> res_at_mpMinLatF = 7. ; range to zoom in on
> ncl 74> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 18.
> ncl 75> res_at_mpMinLonF = 10.
> ncl 76> res_at_mpMaxLonF = 30.
> ncl 77> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 4: Eastern Sahel"
> ncl 78> plts(3) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R4,res)
> ncl 79> resP_at_txString = "Total Precipitation, TRMM (September 2006)"
> ncl 80> gsn_panel(wks,plts,(/2,2/),resP) ; now draw as one
> plot
> *************************************************************************************
> As you can see I still get the ackward panel plot. Plot 2 runs into plot 4.
> On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 9:29 AM, Mary Haley <> wrote:
>> Erik,
>> There are a few things wrong with your script.
>> First, you have the following code before the gsn_panel call:
>> ;
>> ; Maximize plots in frame.
>> ;
>> psres = True
>> maximize_output(wks,psres) ; calls draw and frame for you
>> I'm not sure why you're doing this, but it's causing your plots
>> to be resized before gsn_panel is called. Try commenting
>> this code out.
>> Second, setting the vpXF/vpYF resources for individual plots is not
>> going to change what happens when you call gsn_panel. These resources
>> are for changing the behavior when/if you draw the individual plots on
>> their own frames.
>> When you call gsn_panel, it expects that all the plots you are passing
>> it are *exactly* the same size. The X,Y positions of the individual
>> plots have no bearing because they are recalculated for the panel.
>> Finally, just because you've set vpWidthF and vpHeightF for the
>> individual plots to the same size, this doesn't necessarily mean the
>> plots will be the same size.
>> For one, when you draw map plots, the width and height may be adjusted
>> in order to keep the aspect ratio correct for the type of map you're
>> drawing. I think this is the problem in your case, since you
>> are setting the map limits to different values for each map.
>> From the way you are setting your map limits, I'm guessing your plots
>> are of rather different sizes. gsn_panel is not going to work
>> here.
>> To panel plots of different sizes, please see example 20 at:
>> This example does *not* use gsn_panel. Instead, it uses the vpXXX
>> resources to control the size and location of the individual plots.
>> This method will require that you create your own labelbar. You can
>> use gsn_labelbar_ndc to do this.
>> Go to:
>> and scroll down to "gsn_labelbar_ndc" to see several
>> examples that demonstrate this procedure.
>> --Mary
>> On Tue, 26 May 2009, Erik Noble wrote:
>> Hi Thank you for pointing this example out. This still did not help. I
>>> included the res_at_vpXF & res_at_vpYF; they separated the images but the top
>>> right image is still too large compared to the rest. (It actually as the
>>> exact same dimensions in the x-axis as the 1st image. also, the axes of
>>> the
>>> bottom two images are twice the size of the top left image but NCL plots
>>> them exactly the same).
>>> Is there any other way make them all the same size in the figure?
>>> -erik
>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"
>>> setfileoption("bin","ReadByteOrder","BigEndian")
>>> nlat = 400;default latitudes in file 0.25 by 0.25 degree
>>> nlon = 1440 ;default longitutdes in file 0.25 by 0.25 degree
>>> fils = systemfunc("ls *precipitation.bin")
>>> nfils = dimsizes(fils)
>>> prate = new((/nfils,nlat,nlon/),"float") ; New array for rain rate
>>> p = new((/nfils,nlat,nlon/),"float") ; New array for rain
>>> do gg = 0,dimsizes(fils)-1 ; Do loop to extract variable form
>>> binary files
>>> prate(gg,:,:) = fbindirread(fils(gg),0,(/nlat,nlon/),"float")
>>> p(gg,:,:) = prate(gg,:,:) * 3 ; rain per three hours (mm)
>>> end do
>>> rain = where( , 0.0, p) ; keep precipitation values above
>>> zero
>>> printMinMax(rain, True)
>>> rain!0="Time"
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Coordinates........What is neccessary to plot a map
>>> plot?????
>>> rain!1="Lat"
>>> Lat = ispan(0,nlat-1,1)*0.25 - 49.875 ; From TRMM README file
>>> Lat_at_units = "degrees_north"
>>> rain_at_Lat =Lat
>>> rain!2="Lon"
>>> Lon = ispan(0,nlon-1,1)*0.25 - 179.875 ; From TRMM README file
>>> Lon_at_units = "degrees_east"
>>> rain_at_Lon =Lon
>>> lat2d = rain(0,:,:)
>>> lon2d = rain(0,:,:)
>>> lat2d_at_units = "degrees_north"
>>> lon2d_at_units = "degrees_east"
>>> printVarSummary(rain)
>>> ;;;;For regridding function;;;;
>>> ylat = Lat
>>> xlon = Lon
>>> ylat!0 = "Lat"
>>> xlon!0 = "Lon"
>>> lat2d = new((/400,1440/),float)
>>> lon2d = new((/400,1440/),float)
>>> lat2d!0 = "Lat"
>>> lat2d!1 = "Lon"
>>> lon2d!0 = "Lat"
>>> lon2d!1 = "Lon"
>>> lat2d_at_units = "degrees_north"
>>> lon2d_at_units = "degrees_east"
>>> ; Just copy the 2d grid coordinates to match the rain array and keep
>>> number
>>> of elements consistent.
>>> do i=0,399
>>> lon2d(i,:) = xlon(:)
>>> end do
>>> do i=0,1439
>>> lat2d(:,i) = ylat(:)
>>> end do
>>> ;;; Now, we want to regrid the TRMM data to a 0.5 by 0.5 grid. This means
>>> that it we have to divide by half.
>>> NLAT = 200
>>> NLAT = 200; 400/2
>>> MLON = 720
>>> MLON = 720; 1440/2
>>> lat = ispan(0,NLAT-1,1)*0.50 - 49.875
>>> lon = ispan(0,MLON-1,1)*0.50 - 179.875
>>> lat!0 = "lat"
>>> lat_at_units = "degrees_north"
>>> lat&lat = lat
>>> lon!0 = "lon"
>>> lon_at_units = "degrees_east"
>>> lon&lon = lon
>>> rNEW = new ((/dimsizes(fils),NLAT,MLON/),typeof(rain),getFillValue(rain))
>>> ;New rain array
>>> rNEW!0 = "Time"
>>> rNEW&Time = ispan(1,dimsizes(fils),1)
>>> rNEW!1 = "lat"
>>> rNEW&lat = lat
>>> rNEW!2 = "lon"
>>> rNEW&lon = lon
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;TRIPLE2GRID;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> do ii = 0,dimsizes(fils)-1
>>> rNEW(ii,:,:) = triple2grid(ndtooned(lon2d), ndtooned(lat2d), ndtooned(
>>> rain(ii,:,:)),lon,lat,False)
>>> end do
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> rm= systemfunc("rm") ;remove the file we are
>>> about to create
>>> a = addfile("","c")
>>> a_at_title = "1 month of daily accumulated precipitation"
>>> filedimdef(a,"time",-1,True) ; make time an UNLIMITED dimension, always
>>> recommended
>>> a->precipitation=rNEW
>>> printVarSummary(rNEW)
>>> printMinMax(rNEW,True)
>>> total_rain = dim_sum_Wrap(rNEW(lat|:, lon|:, Time|:) )
>>> printMinMax(total_rain,True)
>>> ; The next set of commands set up plot properties
>>> wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","Test_TRMM")
>>> colors = (/"white","black" \ ; {for/back}ground
>>> ,"white","azure" \
>>> ,"green","palegreen","yellowgreen", "greenyellow" \
>>> ,"yellow","goldenrod","orange","orangered" \
>>> ,"red","deeppinK","violet","darkviolet","blueviolet","blue"/)
>>> gsn_define_colormap(wks, colors)
>>> res = True ; plot mods desired
>>> ;res_at_gsnDebugWriteFileName = True
>>> ;res_at_gsnMaximize = True ; uncomment to maximize
>>> size
>>> res_at_gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full range of colormap
>>> res_at_cnFillOn = True ;False ; color plot desired
>>> res_at_cnLinesOn = False ; turn off contour lines
>>> res_at_cnLineLabelsOn = False ; turn off contour labels
>>> res_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels" ; explicit [unequal] cn
>>> levels
>>> res_at_cnLevels =
>>> (/0,50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500,550,600,650,700,750,800/)
>>> res_at_cnFillMode = "AreaFill" ;"RasterFill"
>>> res_at_lbOrientation = "Vertical" ; default is horizontal
>>> ;res_at_gsnZonalMean = True
>>> ; Plot the plots
>>> ;x = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_rain,res)
>>> ;total_TRMM_R1=total_rain({5.0:11.5},{-30.875:-20.875})
>>> total_TRMM=total_rain({-20:25},{-35:35})
>>> total_TRMM_R1=total_rain({5:11},{-30:-20})
>>> total_TRMM_R2=total_rain({7:18},{-20:-10})
>>> total_TRMM_R3=total_rain({7:18},{-10:10})
>>> total_TRMM_R4=total_rain({7:18},{10:30})
>>> printVarSummary(total_TRMM_R1)
>>> printVarSummary(total_TRMM_R2)
>>> printVarSummary(total_TRMM_R3)
>>> printVarSummary(total_TRMM_R4)
>>> res_at_gsnAddCyclic = False
>>> res_at_gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame
>>> res_at_gsnDraw = False ; don't draw plots
>>> ; res_at_lbLabelBarOn = False
>>> ;Plot Region 1, from
>>> rn_R1(it,:,:)=rainw(8,55:67,10:30)-rainw(0,55:67,10:30)
>>> res_at_mpMinLatF = -20. ; range to zoom in on
>>> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 25.
>>> res_at_mpMinLonF = -35.
>>> res_at_mpMaxLonF = 35.
>>> res_at_gsnLeftString = "West African Region"
>>> ;x1a = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM,res)
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;May 20, 2009, Aftr hint form Dr. Shea and NCL-talk, Hopefuly it
>>> works!;;;;;
>>> res_at_mpMinLatF = 5. ; range to zoom in on
>>> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 11.
>>> res_at_mpMinLonF = -30.
>>> res_at_mpMaxLonF = -20.
>>> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 1: Atlantic ITCZ"
>>> res_at_gsnRightString = "mm"
>>> res_at_vpXF = 0.05 ; position and sizes
>>> res_at_vpYF = 0.94 ; for XY plot
>>> res_at_vpWidthF = 0.40
>>> res_at_vpHeightF = 0.40
>>> x1 = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R1,res)
>>> res_at_mpMinLatF = 7. ; range to zoom in on
>>> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 18.
>>> res_at_mpMinLonF = -20.
>>> res_at_mpMaxLonF = -10.
>>> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 2: Western Sahel"
>>> res_at_vpXF = 0.53
>>> x2 = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R2,res)
>>> res_at_mpMinLatF = 7. ; range to zoom in on
>>> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 18.
>>> res_at_mpMinLonF = -10.
>>> res_at_mpMaxLonF = 10.
>>> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 3: Central Sahel"
>>> res_at_vpXF = 0.05 ; position and sizes
>>> res_at_vpYF = 0.54 ; for XY plot
>>> res_at_vpWidthF = 0.40
>>> res_at_vpHeightF = 0.40
>>> x3 = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R3,res)
>>> res_at_mpMinLatF = 7. ; range to zoom in on
>>> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 18.
>>> res_at_mpMinLonF = 10.
>>> res_at_mpMaxLonF = 30.
>>> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 4: Eastern Sahel"
>>> res_at_vpXF = 0.53 ; position and sizes
>>> x4 = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R4,res)
>>> ;
>>> ; Maximize plots in frame.
>>> ;
>>> psres = True
>>> maximize_output(wks,psres) ; calls draw and frame for you
>>> ;****************************************************************************
>>> ; create panel of different components
>>> ;****************************************************************************
>>> plts = new (4 , "graphic") ; 1d array to hold plots
>>> res_at_gsnDraw = False ; (a) do not draw
>>> res_at_gsnFrame = False ; (b) do not advance
>>> 'frame'
>>> res_at_lbLabelBarOn = False ; (c) turn off individual
>>> lb's
>>> ;************************************************
>>> ; create panel: panel plots have their own set of resources
>>> ;************************************************
>>> resP = True ; modify the panel plot
>>> ; resP_at_gsnDebugWriteFileName = True
>>> ; resP_at_gsnMaximize = True ; maximize panel area
>>> resP_at_gsnPanelRowSpec = True ; specify 1 top, 2 lower
>>> level
>>> resP_at_gsnPanelLabelBar = True ; add common colorbar
>>> resP_at_pmLabelBarWidthF = 0.85 ; make label wider
>>> resP_at_lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.015 ; default 0.02 [demo make
>>> smaller]
>>> res_at_mpMinLatF = 5. ; range to zoom in on
>>> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 11.
>>> res_at_mpMinLonF = -30.
>>> res_at_mpMaxLonF = -20.
>>> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 1: Atlantic ITCZ"
>>> plts(0) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R1,res)
>>> res_at_mpMinLatF = 7. ; range to zoom in on
>>> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 18.
>>> res_at_mpMinLonF = -20.
>>> res_at_mpMaxLonF = -10.
>>> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 2: Western Sahel"
>>> plts(1) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R2,res)
>>> res_at_mpMinLatF = 7. ; range to zoom in on
>>> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 18.
>>> res_at_mpMinLonF = -10.
>>> res_at_mpMaxLonF = 10.
>>> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 3: Central Sahel"
>>> plts(2) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R3,res)
>>> res_at_mpMinLatF = 7. ; range to zoom in on
>>> res_at_mpMaxLatF = 18.
>>> res_at_mpMinLonF = 10.
>>> res_at_mpMaxLonF = 30.
>>> res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 4: Eastern Sahel"
>>> plts(3) = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R4,res)
>>> resP_at_txString = "Total Precipitation, TRMM (September 2006)"
>>> gsn_panel(wks,plts,(/2,2/),resP) ; now draw as one plot
>>> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Dennis Shea <> wrote:
>>> As noted in the documentation
>>>> gsn_panel: "Draws multiple plots of identical size on a single frame."
>>>> Your 4 plots are not "identical size".
>>>> The panel Application page
>>>> has two examples (9 and 20) for drawing 'panels' of different sizes.
>>>> Erik Noble wrote:
>>>>> Thank you. That tip worked with zooming/plotting subregions.
>>>>> I'm getting strange plot I panel-plot the subregions with
>>>>> gsn_csm_contour_map_ce command. Specifically the second image overruns
>>>>> the 4th image (please see attached). The commands for plotting each
>>>>> image in the panel plot are treated the same at the end of the script.
>>>>> Is this because I am using gsn_csm_contour_map_ce?
>>>>> Should I use a different command?
>>>>> I tried using the *gsnDebugWriteFileName command***, as NCL web site
>>>>> requests,*** to find the bug while this 2nd image on the panel plot. The
>>>>> files named "True" were created. I don't see it.** any
>>>>> suggestions*.**********
>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>> -Erik
>>>>> Script (a little long....but panel commands are at end)
>>>>> On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 3:26 AM, Dennis Shea <
>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> See Example 3 at
>>>>> Erik Noble wrote:
>>>>> > Dear NCL,
>>>>> > Could I have some help with using the gsn_csm_contour_map_ce
>>>>> command? I
>>>>> > plotted precipitation data from TRMM using the
>>>>> gsn_csm_contour_map_ce.
>>>>> > It worked for plotting a global plot.(1st image). I tried to plot
>>>> a
>>>>> > sub-region of the data using the gsnAddCyclic = False
>>>>> > AND
>>>>> > mpCorner commands. A plot was plottted but the image is so small
>>>>> > compared to the rest of the map. (2nd image). How can I just plot
>>>> the
>>>>> > subregion by itself?
>>>>> > Thank you.
>>>>> > Sincerely,
>>>>> > erik
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Terminal history:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > noble:TRMM3B42 enoble$ ncl extract_TRMM_regrid_plot-SOP3.ncl
>>>>> > Copyright (C) 1995-2009 - All Rights Reserved
>>>>> > University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
>>>>> > NCAR Command Language Version 5.1.0
>>>>> > The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
>>>>> > See for more details.
>>>>> > (0)
>>>>> > (0) min=0 max=245.562
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Variable: rain
>>>>> > Type: float
>>>>> > Total Size: 552960000 bytes
>>>>> > 138240000 values
>>>>> > Number of Dimensions: 3
>>>>> > Dimensions and sizes: [Time | 240] x [Lat | 400] x [Lon | 1440]
>>>>> > Coordinates:
>>>>> > Number Of Attributes: 3
>>>>> > Lon : <ARRAY of 1440 elements>
>>>>> > Lat : <ARRAY of 400 elements>
>>>>> > _FillValue : -999
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Variable: rNEW
>>>>> > Type: float
>>>>> > Total Size: 138240000 bytes
>>>>> > 34560000 values
>>>>> > Number of Dimensions: 3
>>>>> > Dimensions and sizes: [Time | 240] x [lat | 200] x [lon | 720]
>>>>> > Coordinates:
>>>>> > Time: [1..240]
>>>>> > lat: [-49.875..49.625]
>>>>> > lon: [-179.875..179.625]
>>>>> > Number Of Attributes: 1
>>>>> > _FillValue : -999
>>>>> > (0)
>>>>> > (0) min=0 max=224.236
>>>>> > (0)
>>>>> > (0) min=0 max=1090.89
>>>>> > noble:TRMM3B42 enoble$
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > SCRIPT: Plotting parts are near the end....
>>>>> >
>>>>> > load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
>>>>> > load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
>>>>> > load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
>>>>> > load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
>>>>> > load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"
>>>>> > setfileoption("bin","ReadByteOrder","BigEndian")
>>>>> > nlat = 400;default latitudes in file 0.25 by 0.25 degree
>>>>> > nlon = 1440 ;default longitutdes in file 0.25 by 0.25 degree
>>>>> > fils = systemfunc("ls *precipitation.bin")
>>>>> > nfils = dimsizes(fils)
>>>>> > prate = new((/nfils,nlat,nlon/),"float") ; New array for
>>>>> rain rate
>>>>> >
>>>>> > p = new((/nfils,nlat,nlon/),"float") ; New array for
>>>> rain
>>>>> > do gg = 0,dimsizes(fils)-1 ; Do loop to extract
>>>>> variable form
>>>>> > binary files
>>>>> > prate(gg,:,:) = fbindirread(fils(gg),0,(/nlat,nlon/),"float")
>>>>> > p(gg,:,:) = prate(gg,:,:) * 3 ; rain per three hours (mm)
>>>>> > end do
>>>>> >
>>>>> > rain = where( , 0.0, p) ; keep precipitation
>>>>> values above
>>>>> > zero
>>>>> > printMinMax(rain, True)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > rain!0="Time"
>>>>> >
>>>>> > ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Coordinates........What is neccessary to plot
>>>>> a map
>>>>> > plot?????
>>>>> > rain!1="Lat"
>>>>> > Lat = ispan(0,nlat-1,1)*0.25 - 49.875 ; From TRMM
>>>>> README file
>>>>> > Lat_at_units = "degrees_north"
>>>>> > rain_at_Lat =Lat
>>>>> >
>>>>> > rain!2="Lon"
>>>>> > Lon = ispan(0,nlon-1,1)*0.25 - 179.875 ; >From TRMM README
>>>>> file
>>>>> > Lon_at_units = "degrees_east"
>>>>> > rain_at_Lon =Lon
>>>>> >
>>>>> > lat2d = rain(0,:,:)
>>>>> > lon2d = rain(0,:,:)
>>>>> > lat2d_at_units = "degrees_north"
>>>>> > lon2d_at_units = "degrees_east"
>>>>> >
>>>>> > printVarSummary(rain)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > ;;;;For regridding function;;;;
>>>>> > ylat = Lat
>>>>> > xlon = Lon
>>>>> > ylat!0 = "Lat"
>>>>> > xlon!0 = "Lon"
>>>>> > lat2d = new((/400,1440/),float)
>>>>> > lon2d = new((/400,1440/),float)
>>>>> > lat2d!0 = "Lat"
>>>>> > lat2d!1 = "Lon"
>>>>> > lon2d!0 = "Lat"
>>>>> > lon2d!1 = "Lon"
>>>>> > lat2d_at_units = "degrees_north"
>>>>> > lon2d_at_units = "degrees_east"
>>>>> > ; Just copy the 2d grid coordinates to match the rain array and
>>>> keep
>>>>> > number of elements consistent.
>>>>> > do i=0,399
>>>>> > lon2d(i,:) = xlon(:)
>>>>> > end do
>>>>> > do i=0,1439
>>>>> > lat2d(:,i) = ylat(:)
>>>>> > end do
>>>>> > ;;; Now, we want to regrid the TRMM data to a 0.5 by 0.5 grid.
>>>> This
>>>>> > means that it we have to divide by half.
>>>>> > NLAT = 200
>>>>> > NLAT = 200; 400/2
>>>>> > MLON = 720
>>>>> > MLON = 720; 1440/2
>>>>> > lat = ispan(0,NLAT-1,1)*0.50 - 49.875
>>>>> > lon = ispan(0,MLON-1,1)*0.50 - 179.875
>>>>> > lat!0 = "lat"
>>>>> > lat_at_units = "degrees_north"
>>>>> > lat&lat = lat
>>>>> > lon!0 = "lon"
>>>>> > lon_at_units = "degrees_east"
>>>>> > lon&lon = lon
>>>>> > rNEW = new
>>>>> > ((/dimsizes(fils),NLAT,MLON/),typeof(rain),getFillValue(rain))
>>>> ;New
>>>>> > rain array
>>>>> > rNEW!0 = "Time"
>>>>> > rNEW&Time = ispan(1,dimsizes(fils),1)
>>>>> > rNEW!1 = "lat"
>>>>> > rNEW&lat = lat
>>>>> > rNEW!2 = "lon"
>>>>> > rNEW&lon = lon
>>>>> > ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;TRIPLE2GRID;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>>> > do ii = 0,dimsizes(fils)-1
>>>>> > rNEW(ii,:,:) = triple2grid(ndtooned(lon2d), ndtooned(lat2d),
>>>>> > ndtooned( rain(ii,:,:)),lon,lat,False)
>>>>> > end do
>>>>> > ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>>> > printVarSummary(rNEW)
>>>>> > printMinMax(rNEW,True)
>>>>> > total_rain = dim_sum_Wrap(rNEW(lat|:, lon|:, Time|:) )
>>>>> > printMinMax(total_rain,True)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > ; The next set of commands set up plot properties
>>>>> > wks = gsn_open_wks("ps","Test_TRMM")
>>>>> > colors = (/"white","black" \ ; {for/back}ground
>>>>> > ,"white","azure" \
>>>>> > ,"green","palegreen","yellowgreen", "greenyellow" \
>>>>> > ,"yellow","goldenrod","orange","orangered" \
>>>>> >
>>>>> > ,"red","deeppinK","violet","darkviolet","blueviolet","blue"/)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > gsn_define_colormap(wks, colors)
>>>>> > res = True ; plot mods desired
>>>>> > ; res_at_gsnMaximize = True ; uncomment to
>>>>> maximize size
>>>>> > res_at_gsnSpreadColors = True ; use full range of
>>>>> colormap
>>>>> > res_at_cnFillOn = True ;False ; color plot
>>>>> desired
>>>>> > res_at_cnLinesOn = False ; turn off contour
>>>> lines
>>>>> > res_at_cnLineLabelsOn = False ; turn off contour
>>>>> labels
>>>>> >
>>>>> > res_at_cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels" ; explicit [unequal]
>>>>> cn levels
>>>>> > res_at_cnLevels =
>>>>> >
>>>> (/0,50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,450,500,550,600,650,700,750,800/)
>>>>> > res_at_cnFillMode = "AreaFill" ;"RasterFill"
>>>>> > res_at_lbOrientation = "Vertical" ; default is
>>>> horizontal
>>>>> >
>>>>> > ; Plot the plots
>>>>> > x = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_rain,res)
>>>>> > total_TRMM_R1=total_rain({5.0:11.5},{-30.875:-20.875})
>>>>> >
>>>>> > res_at_gsnAddCyclic = False
>>>>> > ;Plot Region 1, from
>>>>> rn_R1(it,:,:)=rainw(8,55:67,10:30)-rainw(0,55:67,10:30)
>>>>> > res_at_mpLeftCornerLatF = lat2d(55,10)
>>>>> > res_at_mpLeftCornerLonF = lon2d(55,10)
>>>>> > res_at_mpRightCornerLatF = lat2d(67,30)
>>>>> > res_at_mpRightCornerLonF = lon2d(67,30)
>>>>> > res_at_gsnLeftString = "Region 1: Atlantic ITCZ"
>>>>> > x2 = gsn_csm_contour_map_ce(wks,total_TRMM_R1,res)
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >
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