RE: [ncl-talk] About the new ESMF regridding !

From: EchoChen <chenxiaochen_ams_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Sat Nov 03 2012 - 03:45:43 MDT

Dear NCL community,
         First, I want to thank MARY for her suggestion. I have tried Mary's ways ,but I failed in outputing data. And I don't know how to deal with some errors(WARNING).
         Scripts and results below are in MARY's way and in an other way with a loop . Kindly hope someone give me more suggestions.
         Thanks for your attention.
NO.1(Mary's way):
;---Input file
diri = "./"
fili = "ACCESS1-0/Historial/r1i1p1/"

    year = 1901 ; TDEF
    ntim = 1260 ; time steps
    nmos = 12
    UNDEF = 1E+20
    srcFileName = diri+fili
;---Output (and input) files
    srcGridName = "" ;
    dstGridName = ""
    wgtFile = ""
;---Retrieve data from BCC Grid
    sfile = addfile(srcFileName,"r")
    nlat = 180 ; YDEF
    mlon = 360 ; XDEF
 ; tas_new = new((/ntim,nlat,mlon/),float,UNDEF)
; tos =new((/ntim,nlat,mlon/),float,UNDEF)
  tas = sfile->tas(612:1871,:,:) ;
;---Set to True if you want to skip any of these steps
    SKIP_WGT_GEN = False
; Convert BCC to SCRIP file.
    nav_lat = sfile->lat
    nav_lon = sfile->lon
 if(.not.SKIP_BCC_SCRIP_GEN) then
;---Convert to an SCRIP Convention file.
      Opt = True
      Opt@ForceOverwrite = True
      Opt@PrintTimings = True
      Opt@Mask2D = where(.not.ismissing(tas(0,:,:)),1,0)
;---Clean up
    end if
; Convert 1 degree world grid to SCRIP file
      Opt = True
      Opt@LLCorner = (/-89.75d, 0.00d /)
      Opt@URCorner = (/ 89.75d, 359.75d /)
      Opt@ForceOverwrite = True
      Opt@PrintTimings = True
      Opt@Title = "World grid 1x1 degree resolution"
;---Clean up
    end if
; Generate interpolation weights for BCC Grid to World Grid
    if(.not.SKIP_WGT_GEN) then
      Opt = True
      Opt@SrcESMF = False
      Opt@DstESMF = False
  Opt@ForceOverwrite = True
      Opt@PrintTimings = True
      ESMF_regrid_gen_weights(srcGridName, dstGridName, wgtFile, Opt)
;---Clean up
    end if
; Interpolate data from BCC to World 1-degree grid.
    Opt = True
; Opt@Debug = True
    Opt@PrintTimings = True
    tas_regrid = ESMF_regrid_with_weights(tas,wgtFile,Opt)
    tas_new = tas_regrid
;---Clean up
;------output regridding data-------
  NC = True
    year = 1901 ; TDEF
    ntim = 1260 ; time steps
    nmos = 12
    UNDEF = 1E+20
    nlat = 180 ; YDEF
    mlon = 360 ; XDEF
 tas_new = new((/ntim,nlat,mlon/),float,UNDEF)
 ; create coordinate variables
 lon!0 = "lon"
 lon@long_name = "longitude"
 lon@units = "degrees_east"
 lon&lon = lon
 lat!0 = "lat"
 lat@long_name = "latitude"
 lat@units = "degrees_north"
 lat&lat = lat
  years = sprinti("%4i",ispan(1901,2005,1)) ; write integers
  months = sprinti("%0.2i", ispan(1,12,1)) ; ditto for
  time = new(dimsizes(years)*dimsizes(months),"integer") ; create
  do i=0,dimsizes(years)-1
    do j = 0, dimsizes(months)-1
      time(k)=stringtointeger(years(i)+months(j)) ; combine to
    end do
  end do
  time!0 = "time"
  time@long_name = "time"
  time@units = "yyyymm"
  time&time = time
  tas_new!0 = "time"
  tas_new!1 = "lat"
  tas_new!2 = "lon"
  tas_new&time = time
  tas_new&lat = lat
  tas_new&lon = lon
  tas_new@long_name = "Near-Surface Temperature" ; Vars
  tas_new@units = "K"
  tas_new@_FillValue = 1E+20 ; UNDEF
     print ("min(tas_new)="+min(tas_new))
  print ("max(tosregrid)="+max(tas_new))
  TAS = new((/ntim,nlat,mlon/),float,UNDEF)
  TAS(:,:,:) = tas_new(:,:,:)
  if (NC) then
     diro = "./" ; Output directory
     filo = ""
     system("/bin/rm -f " + diro + filo) ; remove if exists
     ncdf = addfile (diro+filo, "c")
; make time and UNLIMITED dimension ; recommended for most applications
; output variables directly
       ncdf->TAS = TAS
  end if

(0) =====> CPU Elapsed Time: rectilinear_to_SCRIP: 3.63145 seconds <=====
(0) =====> CPU Elapsed Time: latlon_to_SCRIP: 8.18476 seconds <=====
(0) =====> CPU Elapsed Time: ESMF_regrid_gen_weights: 0.299954 seconds <=====
(0) ESMF_regrid_with_weights: warning: destination grid is not completely
(0) covered by the source grid.
(0) =====> CPU Elapsed Time: ESMF_regrid_with_weights: 14.9517 seconds <=====
The result is that there is no value in the new file except lat/lon information. I don't know why that warning: destination grid is not completely covered by the source grid. Actually, I don't know how to change Opt@Mask2D and Opt@LLCorner Opt@URCorner .
I change Opt@LLCorner to (/-90d, 0.00d /) and Opt@URCorner to (/ 90d, 360d /) but it can't work. Why? Can I use the Opt@Mask2D to mask ocean data or else?

;---Input file
diri = "./"
fili = ""
    year = 1901 ; TDEF
    ntim = 1260 ; time steps
    nmos = 12
    UNDEF = 1E+20
    srcFileName = diri+fili
;---Output (and input) files
    srcGridName = "" ;
    dstGridName = ""
    wgtFile = ""
;---Retrieve data from BCC Grid
    sfile = addfile(srcFileName,"r")
    nlat = 180 ; YDEF
    mlon = 360 ; XDEF
    tas_new = new((/ntim,nlat,mlon/),float,UNDEF)
    do nt = 0,ntim-1
    tos = sfile->tas(nt+612,:,:) ;624 change to 612
;---Set to True if you want to skip any of these steps
    SKIP_WGT_GEN = False
; Convert BCC to SCRIP file.
    nav_lat = sfile->lat
    nav_lon = sfile->lon
    if(.not.SKIP_BCC_SCRIP_GEN) then
;---Convert to an SCRIP Convention file.
      Opt = True
      Opt@ForceOverwrite = True
      Opt@PrintTimings = True
      Opt@Mask2D = where(.not.ismissing(tos),1,0)
;---Clean up
    end if
; Convert 1 degree world grid to SCRIP file
      Opt = True
      Opt@LLCorner = (/-89.75d, 0.00d /)
      Opt@URCorner = (/ 89.75d, 359.75d /)
      Opt@ForceOverwrite = True
      Opt@PrintTimings = True
      Opt@Title = "World grid 1x1 degree resolution"
;---Clean up
    end if
; Generate interpolation weights for BCC Grid to World Grid
    if(.not.SKIP_WGT_GEN) then
      Opt = True
      Opt@SrcESMF = False
      Opt@DstESMF = False
      Opt@ForceOverwrite = True
      Opt@PrintTimings = True
      ESMF_regrid_gen_weights(srcGridName, dstGridName, wgtFile, Opt)
;---Clean up
    end if
; Interpolate data from BCC to World 1-degree grid.
    Opt = True
; Opt@Debug = True
    Opt@PrintTimings = True
    tos_regrid = ESMF_regrid_with_weights(tos,wgtFile,Opt)
    tas_new(nt,:,:) = tos_regrid(:,:)
;---Clean up
    end do
;------output regridding data-------
  NC = True
 ; create coordinate variables
 lon!0 = "lon"
 lon@long_name = "longitude"
 lon@units = "degrees_east"
 lon&lon = lon
 lat!0 = "lat"
 lat@long_name = "latitude"
 lat@units = "degrees_north"
 lat&lat = lat
  years = sprinti("%4i",ispan(1901,2005,1)) ; write integers
  months = sprinti("%0.2i", ispan(1,12,1)) ; ditto for
  time = new(dimsizes(years)*dimsizes(months),"integer") ; create
  do i=0,dimsizes(years)-1
    do j = 0, dimsizes(months)-1
      time(k)=stringtointeger(years(i)+months(j)) ; combine to
    end do
  end do
  time!0 = "time"
  time@long_name = "time"
  time@units = "yyyymm"
  time&time = time
  tas_new!0 = "time"
  tas_new!1 = "lat"
  tas_new!2 = "lon"
  tas_new&time = time
  tas_new&lat = lat
  tas_new&lon = lon
  tas_new@long_name = "Near-Surface Temperature" ; Vars
  tas_new@units = "K"
  tas_new@_FillValue = 1E+20 ; UNDEF
  print ("min(tas_new)="+min(tas_new))
  print ("max(tosregrid)="+max(tas_new))
  TAS = new((/ntim,nlat,mlon/),float,UNDEF)
  TAS(:,:,:) = tas_new(:,:,:)
  if (NC) then
     diro = "./" ; Output directory
     filo = ""
     system("/bin/rm -f " + diro + filo) ; remove if exists
     ncdf = addfile (diro+filo, "c")
; make time and UNLIMITED dimension ; recommended for most applications
; output variables directly
       ncdf->TAS = TAS
  end if
Result: It seems to be correct but takes a long time (more than 3 hours).


> Subject: Re: About the new ESMF regridding !
> From:
> Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2012 09:40:51 -0600
> CC:
> To:
> Dear Echo,
> Welcome to the NCL community.
> In the ESMF_all_7.ncl script, the "" file actually only has one time step, so that's partially why it's only reading the one time step.
> However, if this file had multiple time steps, then you can easily change to multiple time steps by changing this line:
> tos = sfile->tos(0,:,:)
> to:
> tos = sfile->tos
> Assuming the mask is the same for each timestep, then you also need to change this line:
> Opt@Mask2D = where(.not.ismissing(tos),1,0)
> to:
> Opt@Mask2D = where(.not.ismissing(tos(0,:,:)),1,0)
> When you get to this call:
> tos_regrid = ESMF_regrid_with_weights(tos,wgtFile,Opt)
> It should automatically regrid across however many dimensions you have. "tos_regrid" will have the same leftmost dimensions as "tos", and the rightmost dimensions will be whatever grid you regridded it to.
> The important thing to note is that this method will only work if your grids are the same across all leftmost dimensions. If you have a source or destination grid that changes with each time or level or any other leftmost dimension, then you need to generate a separate weights file for each of these.
> If you look at example ESMF_all_6.ncl, which regrids data from a CMIP5 grid to a 1x1 grid, the same rules apply. This file has multiple timesteps and levels, so you would simply change two lines:
> thetao = sfile->thetao(0,0,:,:)
> to:
> thetao = sfile->thetao
> and:
> Opt@Mask2D = where(.not.ismissing(thetao),1,0)
> to:
> Opt@Mask2D = where(.not.ismissing(thetao(0,0,:,:)),1,0)
> In this case, then, since "thetao" is dimensioned 600 x 19 x 220 x 256 (time x lev x lat x lon), then "thetao_regrid" will be dimensioned 600 x 19 x 180 x 360, since 180 x 360 is the size of the destination (1x1) grid.
> Hope this helps clear things up.
> --Mary
> On Nov 1, 2012, at 8:03 PM, ³ÂÏþ³¿ wrote:
> > Dear ncl communit,
> >
> >
> > I am a new leaner. It's first time for me to send a email to the community. English is not my mother tougue, so maybe there are some mistakes in my email. Thank you for your understanding.
> >
> > I run the new ESMF regridding script- ESMF_all_7.ncl , and I succeed in plotting after I modify some instrctions.( I also scan other scripts in the ESMF regridding example pages for reference. But I want to regrid a 3D or 4D (or higher) data like A(:,:,:) and output it ,but all scripts just regrid a 2D data like A(0,:,:) or A(0,0,:,:).
> >
> > I have a large number of datum to regrid. My datum on rectilinear are from CMIP. The type of interpolation methods is bilinear.Do you have some suggestions for me? Maybe I should use cycling but I do not know how.
> >
> > Thanks for your attention!
> >
> >
> >
> > Echo
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Received on Sat Nov 3 03:55:02 2012

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