Re: about incompletely masked area with shapefile

From: Mary Haley <haley_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue Jan 21 2014 - 14:19:56 MST

This looks like a case of longitude values that go from 0 to 360 in your data, but from -180 to 180 in your shapefile outlines.

What do your "lon1d" values look like?


If you have any values greater than 180, then sometime before you assign "lon1d" to "data&lon", try adding:

   lon1d = where(,lon1d-360,lon1d)

If this doesn't work, then it would really help if you could provide all the necessary data files. You can use our ftp:


On Jan 20, 2014, at 2:55 AM, wrote:

> hi,
> i have met a question when i use shapefile file.
> <mask.png>
> in the middle panel, it's strange that the masked domain exists value, but in the bottom panel, the masked area have not any value.
> they have the same frame.
> my script used in terms of mask_12.ncl from , as follows:
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; mask_12.ncl
> ;
> ; Concepts illustrated:
> ; - Using a worldwide shapefile to create a land/ocean mask
> ; - Masking a data array based on a geographical area
> ; - Attaching shapefile polylines to a map plot
> ; - Attaching lat/lon points to a map using gsn_coordinates
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; Downloaded GSHHS shapefiles from:
> ;
> ;
> ;
> ; Used the "coarsest" one: "GSHHS_shp/c/GSHHS_c_L1.shp".
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; Function : create_mask_from_shapefile
> ;
> ; This function takes a shapefile of type "polygon" and a 2D data
> ; array that has coordinate arrays, and creates a mask array
> ; the same size as the data, that contains 0s and 1s, depending if
> ; the lat/lon values of the data are inside (1) or outside (0) of the
> ; shapefile polygons.
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> undef("create_mask_from_shapefile")
> function create_mask_from_shapefile(data[*][*]:numeric,fname[1]:string)
> local f, segments, geometry, segsDims, geomDims, geom_segIndex, \
> geom_numSegs, segs_xyzIndex, segs_numPnts, numFeatures, ilat, ilon, i, j, \
> shp_lat, shp_lon, data_lat, data_lon, startSegment, numSegments, seg, \
> startPT, endPT, mask_val
> begin
> ;---Error checking
> if(.not.isfilepresent(fname)) then
> print("Error: create_mask_from_shapefile:")
> print(" '" + fname + "' doesn't exist.")
> print(" Mask array with all missing values will be returned.")
> return(new(dimsizes(data),integer,-999))
> end if
> ;---Check that "data" has 1D coordinate arrays.
> if(.not.isdimnamed(data,0).or..not.isdimnamed(data,1).or.\
> .not.iscoord(data,data!0).or..not.iscoord(data,data!1)) then
> print("Error: create_mask_from_shapefile:")
> print(" Input data doesn't have 1D coordinate arrays")
> print(" Mask array with all missing values will be returned.")
> return(new(dimsizes(data),integer,-999))
> end if
> ;---Open the shapefile
> f = addfile(fname,"r")
> ;---We can't use this routine to mask against point or line data
> if("polygon") then
> print("Error: create_mask_from_shapefile: geometry_type attribute must be 'polygon'")
> print(" Mask array with all missing values will be returned.")
> return(new(dimsizes(data),integer,-999))
> end if
> ;---Read data off the shapefile
> segments = f->segments
> geometry = f->geometry
> segsDims = dimsizes(segments)
> geomDims = dimsizes(geometry)
> ;---Read global attributes
> geom_segIndex = f@geom_segIndex
> geom_numSegs = f@geom_numSegs
> segs_xyzIndex = f@segs_xyzIndex
> segs_numPnts = f@segs_numPnts
> numFeatures = geomDims(0)
> ;---Create mask array
> data_mask = new(dimsizes(data),integer,-999)
> mask_val = 1 ; 1's represent being inside a polygon
> data_mask = 0 ; 0's represent being outside a polygon
> ;---Read lat/lon values
> shp_lon = f->x
> shp_lat = f->y
> data_lat = data&$data!0$
> data_lon = data&$data!1$
> nlat = dimsizes(data_lat)
> nlon = dimsizes(data_lon)
> do i=0, numFeatures-1
> startSegment = geometry(i, geom_segIndex)
> numSegments = geometry(i, geom_numSegs)
> do seg=startSegment, startSegment+numSegments-1
> startPT = segments(seg, segs_xyzIndex)
> endPT = startPT + segments(seg, segs_numPnts) - 1
> ;
> ; Messy code to make the nested loop go faster. Only check
> ; the area of data that is close to polygon that we are
> ; traversing. If you check data's full lat/lon array against
> ; every shapefile polygon, this loop will be extremely slow.
> ;
> ;
> ; Get approx. index values where data's lat/lon is close
> ; to shapefile's current polygon.
> ;
> iilt_beg = ind(data_lat.le.min(shp_lat(startPT:endPT)))
> iilt_end = ind(
> iiln_beg = ind(data_lon.le.min(shp_lon(startPT:endPT)))
> iiln_end = ind(
> ilt_beg = 0
> iln_beg = 0
> ilt_end = nlat-1
> iln_end = nlon-1
> if(.not.any(ismissing(iilt_beg))) then
> ilt_beg = iilt_beg(dimsizes(iilt_beg)-1)
> end if
> if(.not.any(ismissing(iilt_end))) then
> ilt_end = iilt_end(0)
> end if
> if(.not.any(ismissing(iiln_beg))) then
> iln_beg = iiln_beg(dimsizes(iiln_beg)-1)
> end if
> if(.not.any(ismissing(iiln_end))) then
> iln_end = iiln_end(0)
> end if
> ;
> ; Loop across subset of data's lat/lon and check each point
> ; to see if it is inside or outside of the shapefile polygon.
> ;
> do ilat = ilt_beg,ilt_end
> do ilon = iln_beg,iln_end
> if(data_mask(ilat,ilon).ne.mask_val.and.\
> gc_inout(data_lat(ilat),data_lon(ilon),\
> shp_lat(startPT:endPT),shp_lon(startPT:endPT))) then
> data_mask(ilat,ilon) = mask_val
> end if
> end do
> end do
> delete([/iilt_beg,iilt_end,iiln_beg,iiln_end/])
> end do
> end do
> return(data_mask)
> end
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ; Main code
> ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
> begin
> DEBUG = False
> dir="/public/home/douyj/wks_dyj/clm3.5/bld/clmrun_heihe_0.1d/"
> cdf_prefix="clmtest.clm2.h0.2008-08-21-00000"
> sfile=dir+cdf_prefix+".nc"
> ff=addfile(sfile,"r")
> ta=ff->TBOT(0,:,:)
> le1=ff->FGEV(0,:,:)
> le2=ff->FCEV(0,:,:)
> le3=ff->FCTR(0,:,:)
> lamda=(2.501-0.00236*(ta-273.15))*1000000
> data=(le1+le2+le3)/lamda*24*3600
> lat1d=ff->latixy(:,0)
> lon1d=ff->longxy(0,:)
> lat1d@units="degrees_north"
> lon1d@units="degrees_east"
> data!0="lat"
> data!1="lon"
> data&lat=lat1d
> data&lon=lon1d
> data@_FillValue=-9999
> shpfile="/public/home/douyj/wk/heihe_shapefile/heihe_hw.shp"
> heihe_mask=create_mask_from_shapefile(data,shpfile)
> ;---Mask "u" against land and ocean.
> u_land_mask = where(heihe_mask.eq.1,data,data@_FillValue)
> u_ocean_mask = where(heihe_mask.eq.0,data,data@_FillValue)
> copy_VarMeta(data,u_land_mask)
> copy_VarMeta(data,u_ocean_mask)
> ;---Start the graphics
> wks = gsn_open_wks("png","mask")
> res = True
> res@gsnMaximize = True ; maximize plot in frame
> res@gsnDraw = False ; don't draw plot yet
> res@gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame yet
> res@cnFillOn = True
> res@cnLineLabelsOn = False
> res@cnLinesOn = False
> ;---Make sure both plots have same contour levels
> mnmxint = nice_mnmxintvl(min(data),max(data),25,False)
> res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
> res@cnMinLevelValF = mnmxint(0)
> res@cnMaxLevelValF = mnmxint(1)
> res@cnLevelSpacingF = mnmxint(2)
> res@lbLabelBarOn = False
> res@gsnAddCyclic = False
> res@mpFillOn = False
> res@mpOutlineOn = False
> res@gsnRightString = ""
> res@gsnLeftString = ""
> res@mpMinLatF = min(lat1d)
> res@mpMaxLatF = max(lat1d)
> res@mpMinLonF = min(lon1d)
> res@mpMaxLonF = max(lon1d)
> ;---Create plot of original data and attach shapefile outlines
> res@tiMainString = "Original data with shapefile outlines"
> map_data = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,data,res)
> dum1 = gsn_add_shapefile_polylines(wks,map_data,shpfile,False)
> ;---Create plots of masked data
> res@tiMainString = "Original data masked against land"
> map_land_mask = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,u_land_mask,res)
> res@tiMainString = "Original data masked against ocean"
> map_ocean_mask = gsn_csm_contour_map(wks,u_ocean_mask,res)
> if(DEBUG) then
> mkres = True
> ; mkres@gsMarkerSizeF = 0.007
> mkres@gsnCoordsAttach = True
> gsn_coordinates(wks,map_data,data,mkres)
> mkres@gsnCoordsNonMissingColor = "yellow"
> mkres@gsnCoordsMissingColor = "black"
> gsn_coordinates(wks,map_land_mask,u_land_mask,mkres)
> gsn_coordinates(wks,map_ocean_mask,u_ocean_mask,mkres)
> end if
> ;---Add shapefile outlines
> dum2 = gsn_add_shapefile_polylines(wks,map_land_mask,shpfile,False)
> dum3 = gsn_add_shapefile_polylines(wks,map_ocean_mask,shpfile,False)
> ;---Draw all three plots on one page
> pres = True
> pres@gsnMaximize = True
> pres@gsnPanelLabelBar = True
> gsn_panel(wks,(/map_data,map_land_mask,map_ocean_mask/),(/3,1/),pres)
> if(WRITE_MASK) then
> delete(ff) ; Close file before we open again.
> ;
> ; Make copy of file so we don't overwrite original.
> ; This is not necessary, but it's safer.
> ;
> new_cdf_file = cdf_prefix + ""
> system("/bin/cp " + sfile + " " + new_cdf_file)
> finout = addfile(new_cdf_file,"w")
> filevardef(finout, "land_mask", typeof(heihe_mask), (/ "lat", "lon" /) )
> finout->land_mask = (/heihe_mask/)
> end if
> end
> ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
> my question is about how to get rid of the value in my masked area?
> thanks
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