[Help] error in converting .nc to .txt using NCL

From: Chenguang Wang <wangch28_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Tue Feb 18 2014 - 09:53:18 MST

Dear All,


I want to convert CCSM4 netCDF files to text files. I have little knowledge
in NCL, so my friend wrote a code in NCL 6.1.0, which works fine on his
computer. But I don't know why the same code doesn't work at my school
computer cluster which has NCL 6.1.2. I got fatal error messages in line 74
and 80. Can someone help to fix it? Also, "ncdump" seems to be much faster
than NCL in converting .nc to .txt, but the data format is not I desired.
Has anyone done this before?



; write_asc_2.ncl

; Concepts illustrated:

; - Writing formatted string, float, and integer data to an ASCII file


; This script uses "write_table" which is much faster than using

; "sprintf" and "sprinti".



load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"




directory = "/mnt/home/wangch28/CCSM4nc/" ; need a change

in1 = addfile(directory +
"pr_day_CCSM4_historical_r6i1p1_19900101-20051231.nc","r") ; need a change

in2 = addfile(directory +
"tasmax_day_CCSM4_historical_r6i1p1_19900101-20051231.nc","r") ; need a

in3 = addfile(directory +
"tasmin_day_CCSM4_historical_r6i1p1_19900101-20051231.nc","r") ; need a


lat = in1->lat

lon = in1->lon

time = in1->time

nlat = dimsizes(in1->lat)

nlon = dimsizes(in1->lon)

ntime = dimsizes(in1->time)

ntotal_num = 365*nlat*nlon ; every year for each txt file

nyear = ntime/365


prect_uu = in1->pr(:,:,:)

prect_uu = (/prect_uu/1000.0*100.0*24.0*3600.0/) ; kg/m2/s -> cm/day

tasmax_uu = in2->tasmax(:,:,:)

tasmin_uu = in3->tasmin(:,:,:)


daysince = 19900101 ; need a change









tMin = new(ntotal_num, "float")

tMax = new(ntotal_num, "float")

prec = new(ntotal_num, "float")


lati = new(ntotal_num, "double")

loni = new(ntotal_num, "double")


year = new(ntotal_num, "integer")

day = new(ntotal_num, "integer")



do n=0,nyear-1,1

 do m=0,ntotal_num-1,1

    timem = m/(nlon*nlat)

    latm = (m - timem*(nlon*nlat))/nlon

    lonm = m - timem*(nlon*nlat) - latm*nlon

    lati(m) = lat(latm)

    loni(m) = lon(lonm)


    timenm = n*365 + timem

    year(m) = (/timenm/365 + 1 + 1990/) ; need a change

    day(m) = (/timenm + 1 - (year(m)-1990-1)*365/) ; need a change


    tMin(m) = tasmin_uu(time|timenm, lat|latm, lon|lonm)

    tMax(m) = tasmax_uu(time|timenm, lat|latm, lon|lonm)

    prec(m) = prect_uu(time|timenm, lat|latm, lon|lonm)


 end do


   yeari = 1990+n ; need a change

   filenamen = "CCSM4_Three_Vars_historical_r6i1p1_" + yeari + "0101-" +
yeari + "1231.txt" ; need a change

   write_table(filenamen, "w", [/year, day, lati, loni, tMin, tMax, prec/],

               "%04i %03i %3.2f %3.2f %4.1f %4.1f %2.5f")


end do


; header = "Year,Day,Latitude,Longitude,Tasmin[K],Tasmax[K],Pr[cm/day]"





Chenguang Wang


Department of Agriculture, Food and Resource Economics
203A Cook Hall, Michigan State University
Cell Phone: (614) 264-8277, Email: wangch28@msu.edu

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