Re: read ASC data

From: Dennis Shea (shea AT
Date: Fri Nov 04 2005 - 12:07:30 MST

>I got trouble to read ASC data in NCL. I used:
>The error message is: "fatal:An internal error has occurred. The file
>format requested does not appear to be supported, could not open
>Thanks much for any help!

As noted in the documentation, addfile only reads netCDF,
GRIB and hdf. "asciiread" and "readAsciiTable" can be used
to read fairly simple ascii files. For 'complex' ascii files
you may have to use fortran/C from NCL.


     Click: Input/Output
Aslo, I suggest that you download the mini-language manual
     Mini-Language (pdf)
     It is best if this is done on a color printer but black and white is ok

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