Re: Re-mapping problems

From: Dennis Shea <shea_at_nyahnyahspammersnyahnyah>
Date: Wed May 21 2014 - 07:36:13 MDT

[1] If you are new to NCL, please read the Mini-Language Manual at:
     Understand 'coordinate subscripting' and 'named dimensions'.
     These are netCDF terminology.

[2] NCL has numerous regridding functions:

[3] Assuming by "wind data maps", you mean that you are regridding
     the zonal and meridional wind components (U,V). Technically,
     U and V should be interpolated *together* to accommodate moving
     to a new location on the sphere. NCL has spherical harmonic
     based regridding which can be used for this task. Specifically,
     the gaussian grid (T382) to fixed (regular; 0.5x0.5) function:

          Example 3

     The CFSR global is a T382 gaussian grid (576x1152; 38km;
     0.313 at Eq). **Depending on the application of the
     interpolated data**, you could likely independently
     interpolate U and V via bilinear interpolation:

[4] PLease note: **The most important rule of data processing
     is to look at and understand your data.** Use 'ncl_filedump'
     to examine the contents of the CFSR grib2 files *prior*
     to doing anything.

[5] Your 720x361 target grid would be 361x720 in NCL.
     Column-major vs Row-major ordering.

[6] Finally, use NCL's coordinate subscripting to "trim"
     the interpolated grid.
Your question was vague: Are the 'wind map' variable 3D of 4D?

A sketch ..

   load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"

   in = addfile("CFSR.grb2","r")
   U = in->U.... ; U(:,:,:,:) or U(:,:,:)
   V = in->V....
   printVarSummary(U) ; variable overview

; NCL wants variables ordered South-to-Noth

   U = U(:,:,::-1,:)
   V = V(:,:,::-1,:)
   printVarSummary(U) ; variable overview *after* reorder

   dimU = dimsizes(U)
   rankU = dimsizes(dimU)

; target 0.5x0.5 grid size

   nlat = 361
   mlon = 720

; spherical harmonic

   uNew = new ( (/...,...,nlat,mlon/), typeof(U) )
   vNew = new ( (/...,...,nlat,mlon/), typeof(v) )

   g2fshv_Wrap (U,V,Unew,Vnew)


; linint2

    lat = latGlobeF(nlat, "lat", "latitude", "degrees_north")
    lon = lonGlobeF(mlon, "lon", "longitude", "degrees_east")

    Unew = linint2_Wrap(U&..., U&..., U, True, lon, lat, 0)
    V V V V


; trim via coordinate subscripting

    latS = ...
    latN = ...
    lonL = ...
    lonR = ...

    Utrim = Unew(...,{LatS:latN},{lonL,lonR})
    Vtrim = Vnew(...,{LatS:latN},{lonL,lonR})

; write to netCDF (NCL does *not* output GRIB)

    system("/bin/rm -f") ; remove any pre-existing file
    ncdf = addfile("" ,"c") ; open output netCDF file

; make time an UNLIMITED dimension
; output variables directly
        ncdf->U = Utrmm
        ncdf->V = Vtrmm

Good luck

On 5/20/14, 7:21 PM, Mary Haley wrote:
> George,
> Do you have a sample CFSR dataset you can point us to? I need to know what
> kind of grid it’s on before I can answer this question. By this I mean is your
> data on a rectilinear grid, a curvilinear grid, or an unstructured grid?
> Also, how big is the original lat/lon grid?
> Meanwhile, please check out our ESMF regridding page, which has our most
> robust regridding capabilities.
> The ESMF_regrid_x.ncl scripts on this page are probably the ones you want to
> look at, as they are a bit more simple than the ESMF_all_x.ncl scripts.
> Most of these examples show how to regrid from some grid to a specific degree
> of grid, like 0.25 degree, or 1 degree. You can look at examples 4, 7, 10, and 15
> to start with:
> Finally, we have some ESMF regridding templates at:
> If you know your data is curvlinear (represented by 2D lat and 2D lon arrays), then
> you might want to look at the ESMF_curv_to_1deg.ncl script (it’s easy to change the
> “1deg” to “0.5deg”).
> Or, if your data is rectilinear, then look at “ESMF_rect_to_5deg.ncl”.
> —Mary
> On May 20, 2014, at 7:48 AM, George Lavidas <> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I am quite new to the ncl toolbox and I would like to ask a thing
>> concerning the regridding options.
>> I am using CFSR wind data maps that are taken for global scale and would
>> like to re-size them into a smaller grid so I can obtain the netCDF
>> information only for a specified area and use them for wave simulations.
>> I previously tried with the CDO toolbox as well to re-build the map to
>> my own preferences but that resulted to a "zeroing" of the coordinates
>> of the wind files not giving me the correct wind fields to simulate
>> As you can see in the attached picture the actual result i got was far
>> from the area that wanted the wind components to affect and was limited
>> only to a small rectangular area on the upper left corner.
>> I think I can use some of the scripts from the on the ncl page
>> (
>> But I am confused on the process
>> My task is to remap the grid into a regular one with resolution 720x361
>> (or 0.5x0.5 degrees or less) then "trim" the area I want into my desired
>> shape and by using a python script I have written extract the wind
>> components so i can insert them to my simulation.
>> Any advice would be helpful, since I am new to large data manipulation
>> and extraction.
>> Thank you very much for your help in advance
>> George
>> --
>> George Lavidas
>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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