
You can look at this decision tree figure created several years ago to help you figure out which interpolation or regridding routine to use. This is a bit out-of-date; we'll try to update it when we can.

For interpolation routines, see the full list in the interpolation category list.

area_conserve_remap Performs areal conservative remapping from one rectilinear grid to another.
area_conserve_remap_Wrap Performs areal conservative remapping from one rectilinear grid to another and retains metadata.
area_hi2lores Interpolates from high resolution rectilinear grids to low resolution recitlinear grids using local area averaging.
area_hi2lores_Wrap Interpolates from high resolution rectilinear grids to low resolution rectilinear grids using local area averaging and retains metadata.
bin_avg Calculates gridded binned averages and counts on a rectilinear grid using randomly spaced data.
curvilinear_to_SCRIP Writes the description of a curvilinear grid to a SCRIP file.
ESMF_regrid Regrids data from one lat/lon grid to another, using ESMF software.
ESMF_regrid_gen_weights Writes a weight file using the offline ESMF weight generator.
ESMF_regrid_with_weights Using the provided weight file, regrids data from one lat/lon grid to another.
f2fosh Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid.
f2fosh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid (retains metadata).
f2foshv Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid.
f2foshv_Wrap Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid (including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid (retains metadata).
f2fsh Interpolates a scalar quantity from one fixed grid to another.
f2fsh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from one fixed grid to another (retains metadata).
f2fshv Interpolates a vector quantity from one fixed grid to another.
f2fshv_Wrap Interpolates a vector quantity from one fixed grid to another (retains metadata).
f2gsh Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid to a Gaussian grid (with optional truncation).
f2gsh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid to a Gaussian grid (with optional truncation) (retains metadata).
f2gshv Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid to a Gaussian grid (optional truncation).
f2gshv_Wrap Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid to a Gaussian grid (optional truncation) (retains metadata).
fo2fsh Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed-offset grid to a fixed grid.
fo2fsh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed-offset grid to a fixed grid (retains metadata).
fo2fshv Interpolates a vector quantity from a fixed-offset grid to a fixed grid.
fo2fshv_Wrap Interpolates a vector quantity from a fixed-offset grid to a fixed grid (retains metadata).
g2fsh Interpolates a scalar quantity from a Gaussian grid to a fixed grid.
g2fsh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from a Gaussian grid to a fixed grid (retains metadata).
g2fshv Interpolates a vector quantity from a Gaussian grid to a fixed grid.
g2fshv_Wrap Interpolates a vector quantity from a Gaussian grid to a fixed grid (retains metadata).
g2gsh Interpolates a scalar quantity from one Gaussian grid to another (with optional truncation).
g2gsh_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from one Gaussian grid to another (with optional truncation) (retains metadata).
g2gshv Interpolates a vector quantity from one Gaussian grid to another (with optional truncation).
g2gshv_Wrap Interpolates a vector quantity from one Gaussian grid to another (optional truncation) (retains metadata).
latlon_to_SCRIP Writes the description of a lat/lon grid to a SCRIP file.
linint2 Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to another rectilinear grid using bilinear interpolation.
linint2_points Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to an unstructured grid or locations using bilinear interpolation.
linint2_points_Wrap Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to an unstructured grid using bilinear interpolation, and retains metadata.
linint2_Wrap Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to another rectilinear grid using bilinear interpolation, and retains metadata.
obj_anal_ic Iterative improvement objective analysis.
obj_anal_ic_deprecated Iterative correction objective analysis (Cressman, Barnes) (deprecated)
obj_anal_ic_Wrap Iterative improvement objective analysis and returns meta data.
poisson_grid_fill Replaces all missing (_FillValue) values in a grid with values derived from solving Poisson's equation via relaxation.
pop_remap Regrids a POP ocean model grid to another grid.
PopLatLon Regrids a scalar variable on a POP grid to a lat/lon grid or vice-versa.
PopLatLonV Converts vectors on a POP grid to a lat/lon grid and vice-versa.
rcm2points Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to an unstructured grid.
rcm2points_Wrap Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to an unstructured grid and retains metadata.
rcm2rgrid Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to a rectilinear grid.
rcm2rgrid_Wrap Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, WRF, NARR) to a rectilinear grid and retains metadata.
rectilinear_to_SCRIP Writes the description of a rectilinear grid to a SCRIP file.
rgrid2rcm Interpolates data on a rectilinear lat/lon grid to a curvilinear grid like those used by the RCM, WRF and NARR models/datasets.
rgrid2rcm_Wrap Interpolates data on a rectilinear lat/lon grid to a curvilinear grid like those used by the RCM, WRF and NARR models/datasets and retains metadata.
triple2grid Places unstructured (randomly-spaced) data onto the nearest locations of a rectilinear grid.
triple2grid2d Places unstructured (randomly-spaced) data onto the nearest locations of a curvilinear grid.
triple2grid_Wrap Places unstructured (randomly-spaced) data onto the nearest locations of a rectilinear grid and retains metadata.
unstructured_to_ESMF Writes the description of an unstructured grid to an ESMF file.