NCL Home > Documentation > Functions > Regridding, Interpolation


Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to an unstructured grid or locations using bilinear interpolation.


	function linint2_points (
		xi            : numeric,  
		yi            : numeric,  
		fi            : numeric,  
		fiCyclicX [1] : logical,  
		xo        [*] : numeric,  
		yo        [*] : numeric,  
		Option    [1] : integer   

	return_val  :  float or double



A strictly monotonically increasing array that specifies the X [longitude] coordinates of the fi array.


A strictly monotonically increasing array that specifies the Y [latitude] coordinates of the fi array.


An array of two or more dimensions. The two rightmost dimensions (nyi x nxi) are the dimensions to be used in the interpolation. If missing values are present, the attribute fi@_FillValue must be set appropriately.


An option to indicate whether the rightmost dimension of fi is cyclic.

This should be set to True only if you have global data, but your longitude values don't quite wrap all the way around the globe. For example, if your longitude values go from, say, -179.75 to 179.75, or 0.5 to 359.5, then you would set this to True.


One-dimensional array that specifies the X (longitude) coordinates of the unstructured grid.


One-dimensional array that specifies the Y (latitude) coordinates of the unstructured grid. It must be the same length as xo.


Reserved for future use. Currently not used.

Return value

The returned value will have the same dimensions as fi, except for the rightmost dimension which will have the same dimension size as the length of yo and xo. The return type will be double if fi is double, and float otherwise.


linint2_points uses bilinear interpolation to interpolate from a rectilinear grid to an unstructured grid.

If missing values are present, then linint2_points will perform the piecewise linear interpolation at all points possible, but will return missing values at coordinates which could not be used. If one or more of the four closest grid points to a particular (xo,yo) coordinate pair are missing, then the return value for this coordinate pair will be missing.

If the user inadvertently specifies output coordinates (xo,yo) that are outside those of the input coordinates (xi,yi), the output value at this coordinate pair will be set to missing as no extrapolation is performed.

linint2_points is different from linint2 in that xo and yo are coordinate pairs, and need not be monotonically increasing. It is also different in the dimensioning of the return array (see examples below).

This function could be used if the user wanted to interpolate gridded data to, say, the location of rawinsonde sites or buoy/xbt locations.

Warning: if xi contains longitudes, then the xo values must be in the same range. In addition, if the xi values span 0 to 360, then the xo values must also be specified in this range (i.e. -180 to 180 will not work).

Use the linint2_points_Wrap function if metadata retention is desired. The interface is identical.

See Also

linint2_points_Wrap, linint1, linint2, linmsg, ESMF_regrid


Example 1

Assume fi is dimensioned ny x nx (30 x 80), and that the rightmost dimension is not to be treated as cyclic.

  xi = (/30,33,35,39,....., 80/)     [does not have to be equally spaced]
  yi = (/0,1,2,3,....,28,29 /)

  xo = (any coordinates between 30 and 80)  [inclusive]
  yo = (any coordinates between 0 and 29)  [inclusive]

  xo = (/ 30.5, 78.0, 41.78 /)
  yo = (/  7.1,  4.3, 27.42 /)

  fo = linint2_points(xi,yi,fi, False, xo,yo, 0)

  ; Use linint2_points_Wrap if metadata retention is desired
  ; fo = linint2_points_Wrap(xi,yi,fi, False, xo,yo, 0)

fo will be a 1D array of length 3 containing the interpolated values for each (xo, yo) coordinate pair. If there had been only one coordinate pair, fo would be returned as a scalar.

Example 2

Assume fi is dimensioned ntim x nlvl x nlat x mlon (ntim=50, nlvl=30, nlat=64, mlon=128), and that the rightmost dimension is to be treated as cyclic. The user should not add a cyclic point for the rightmost dimension. linint2_points will interpolate at all times and levels:

  lon = (/ 0., 2.8125, .... , 357,0125 /)
  lat = (/ -87.8638, ... ,87.8638 /)

  LON = (/ 135.3, 14.9, 55.4, 341.2 , 23.5/)        ; length 5
  LAT = (/  93.0,-87.5, 22.5, -31.4 ,-89.0 /)       ; length 5

  fo = linint2_points (lon,lat,fi, True, LON, LAT, 0)   ; => fo(ntim,nlvl,5)

  ; Use linint2_points_Wrap if metadata retention is desired
  ; fo = linint2_points_Wrap (lon,lat,fi, True, LON, LAT, 0)   ; => fo(ntim,nlvl,5)

The returned array will be of size ntim x nlvl x 5. Note that one of the coordinate pairs (the last one) was outside the boundaries of the input grid. The fo value for this coordinate pair would be set to missing.

Example 3

Assume fi is dimensioned ntim x nlvl x nlat x mlon as above. Use the gc_latlon function to calculate the latitudes and longitudes of a great circle path from (20,30) to (60,45). Further assume the rightmost dimension of fi is to be treated as cyclic. linint2_points will interpolate at all times and levels:

  lon = (/ 0., 2.8125, .... , 357,0125 /)
  lat = (/ -87.8638, ... ,87.8638 /)
  NPTS   = 100  ; user specified number of points
  dist = gc_latlon(20., 30.,  60., 45., NPTS, 2)

  fo  = linint2_points(lon,lat,fi, True, dist@gclon, dist@gclat, 2)

  ; Use linint2_points_Wrap if metadata retention is desired
  ; fo  = linint2_points_Wrap(lon,lat,fi, True, dist@gclon, dist@gclat, 2)

The returned array fo will be of size ntim x nlvl x NPTS. In this case, the two rightmost dimensions would represent a cross section along the great circle at each time.

Example 4

Assume S is dimensioned lev x lat x lon (24 x 180 x 360). Further, assume lat and lon are one-dimensional coordinate variables spanning -89.5 to 89.5 and 0.5 to 359.5 respectively. If it is desired to interpolate S (salinity) to the POP X1 grid, you must first get the coordinates of the target POP grid:

; get two-dimensional lat and lon coordinates from a X1 or X3  file

  f = addfile ("/fs/cgd/data0/shea/pop/","r")
  lon_pop = f->dst_grid_center_lon    ; this is one-dim  
  lat_pop = f->dst_grid_center_lat    
  if (isatt(lon_pop,"units") .and. lon_pop@units.eq."radians") then
    lon_pop = lon_pop*57.29578
    lat_pop = lat_pop*57.29578
    lon_pop@units = "degrees_east"
    lat_pop@units = "degrees_north"
  end if

; perform the interpolation: complete the data object for netCDF and plots

  sfcSalt_1D  = linint2_points (lon,lat,sfc_salt,True, lon_pop, lat_pop, 0) 

  ; Use linint2_points_Wrap if metadata retention is desired
  ; sfcSalt_1D  = linint2_points_Wrap (lon,lat,sfc_salt,True, lon_pop, lat_pop, 0)

  sfcSalt_pop = onedtond( sfcSalt_1D , (/ny,nx/) )
  delete (sfcSalt_1D)                    ; no longer needed

Example 5

Assume fi is dimensioned time x lev x lat x lon as in example 2, where lat and lon are 1D strictly monotonically increasing coordinate variables. Further assume lon2d and lat2d are 2D arrays of size N x M associated with some arbitrary grid.

linint2_points can be used to interpolate from a standard grid (fi) where the xi and yi arrays are strictly monotonically increasing 1D arrays, to an arbitrary grid where the output coordinates are two-dimensional.

For example, to interpolate a scalar quantity from a global grid to a grid that has points that must be expressed as two-dimensional latitude/longitude arrays (e.g. points associated with a Lambert Conformal grid), the ndtooned and onedtond functions can be used to reshape assorted arrays:

  lat2d = f->LAT2D              ; (N,M)
  lon2d = f->LON2D               
  LAT1D = ndtooned(lat2d)       ; (N*M)
  LON1D = ndtooned(lon2d)

  FO = linint2_points (lon,lat,fi, False, LON1D,LAT1D, 0)  ; FO(ntim,klev,N*M)

  ; Use linint2_points_Wrap if metadata retention is desired
  ; FO = linint2_points_Wrap (lon,lat,fi, False, LON1D,LAT1D, 0)  ; FO(ntim,klev,N*M)
  fo = onedtond( ndtooned(FO), (/ntim,klev,N,M/) )