NCL Visualization examples for EGU2013

These NCL examples are for the "Visualization Tools - A light hands-on" meeting at the EGU General Assembly 2013. There are three sets of examples:

  1. UV300 - rectilinear (data and scripts: uv300_ncl_demo.tar)
  2. NEMO - curvilinear (data and scripts: nemo_ncl_demo.tar.gz)
  3. CAMSE - unstructured (data and scripts: camse_ncl_demo.tar.gz)

Each set of examples starts with a minimal script (for example, "uv300_wind_1.ncl"), and then subsequent scripts ("uv300_wind_2.ncl", "uv300_wind_3.ncl", etc.) build on the previous ones to create a more complex plot.

Rectilinear grid (one-dimensional coordinate arrays)

The following examples show how to use NCL to draw contours of data on a rectilinear grid. When you use NCL to read rectilinear data, generally the data will contain one-dimensional lat/lon coordinate arrays. This means you don't need to read these arrays in separately for plotting.

All of the "uv300_n.ncl" and "uv300_wind_n.ncl" scripts, and the "" NetCDF file are in this uv300_ncl_demo.tar file.

uv300_1.ncl: This example shows how to create a contour plot of zonal winds on a rectilinear grid.

No plot options are set here, which gives you all the default settings (black line contour plot, land filled in gray, "informational" contour level label at the bottom).

uv300_2.ncl: This example is identical to the previous one, except options are set to turn on color fill and increase the size of the plot.
uv300_wind_1.ncl: This example shows how to create a vector plot of divergent winds. Minimal options are set to control the length of the vectors, since the default values are not ideal.
uv300_wind_2.ncl: This example is identical to the previous one, except options are set to turn on curly vectors and to change the left subtitle at the top of the plot.
uv300_wind_3.ncl: This example is similar to the previous one, except it draws rotational winds.
uv300_wind_4.ncl: This example shows how to overlay vectors on a contour/map plot.

The key to overlaying plots that involve maps is to make the map plot the first argument to the overlay procedure (this is called the "base" plot ). The second argument of overlay should be a non-map plot, but must still be in the same lat/lon space as the base plot.

Curvilinear grid (two-dimensional lat/lon arrays)

The following NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) examples show how to use NCL to draw contours of data on a curvilinear grid.

The NEMO file was provided with permission by Clotilde Dubois of Météo-France.

All of the "nemo_n.ncl" scripts and the NEMO NetCDF file are in this nemo_ncl_demo.tar.gz gzipped tar file.

nemo_1.ncl: This example shows how to create a line contour plot of temperature data on a NEMO grid. Options are set to zoom in on the area of interest, and to indicate the lat/lon locations of the data.
nemo_2.ncl: This example is identical to the previous one, except options are set to turn on color fill and to double the number of contour levels.
nemo_3.ncl: This example is identical to the previous one, except options are set to use higher-resolution map outlines, change the color of the land and ocean, and add a main title.
Unstructured grid (point data)

The following CAM-SE examples show how to use NCL to draw contours of data on an unstructured grid.

All of the "camse_n.ncl" scripts and the subsetted CAM-SE NetCDF file are in this camse_ncl_demo.tar.gz gzipped tar file.

camse_1.ncl: This example shows how to create a line contour plot of temperature data on a CAM-SE grid. The only options set are to indicate the lat/lon positions of the data, and to maximize the size of the plot in the PNG file.
camse_2.ncl: This example is identical to the previous one, except options are set to turn on color fill.
camse_3.ncl: This example is similar to the previous one, except options are set to use raster contours, which can be rendered faster than the default smoothed contours.

Raster contours can look blocky if you have a low-resolution grid, but you can smooth them by setting cnRasterSmoothingOn to True.

The color map is also changed in this example, using the "WhiteBlueGreenYellowRed" color table from NCL's collection of predefined color tables.

camse_4.ncl: This example is similar to the previous one, except the contours are drawn over a Robinson map projection, and a function was added to create a different color map.