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NCL map projections
NCL supports several map projections. If you have data that's on a particular map projection, you can easily project it onto a different map projection.NCL also supports shapefiles, if you need to add map outlines that NCL doesn't have.
For information about drawing high-resolution coastlines, see this information on the RANGS/GSHHS database.
Here's the NCL script for generating these maps.
Aitoff | Azimuthal Equidistant | Cylindrical Equal Area |
Cylindrical Equidistant | Gnomonic | Hammer |
Lambert Conformal | Lambert Equal Area | Masked Lambert Conformal |
Mercator | Mollweide | Orthographic |
Polar Stereographic | Robinson | Rotated Mercator |
Satellite | Stereographic | Winkel Tripel |