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NCL: Handling GrADS (Gridded Datasets) files
datasets consist of two separate files: (a) the Data Descriptor File
(ascii) and (b) the raw binary data. As described in the GrADS
- "The data descriptor file contains a complete description of the
binary data as well as instructions for GrADS on where to find the
data and how to read it." This ascii file has the ".ctl" file
extension. Sometimes, it is referred to as the 'control file'.
- "The binary data file is purely data with no space or time
identifiers." By default, GrADS assumes these binary files etc are
'flat' or 'stream' binary files. Languages/tools like C, C++, Matlab,
IDL create 'flat' files. However, binary files created by fortran may
be 'flat' ["direct"] or may contain record length information
["sequential"]. The latter is the default in fortran. If the binary
file is "sequential", the descriptor file should contain the option:
OPTIONS sequential
NCL can read files created in either binary format. Most commonly,
'flat' files are read via
fbindirread and
'sequential' files via
fbinrecread . GrADS
descriptor files may contain an additional option specifying the type
of binary 'endian' used to create the binary file. Examples include:
OPTIONS big_endian [little_endian, cray_32bit_ieee]
setfileoption procedure can be used to
accomodate any of these binary specifications.
The following CDO command will convert a binary data file to netCDF:
cdo -f nc import_binary file.ctl
import_binary operator imports gridded binary data sets via a GrADS data descriptor file. The GrADS data
descriptor file contains a complete description of the binary data as well as instructions on where to
find the data and how to read it.
A Ruby script to convert GrADS ctl/binary to netCDF
This section documents a ruby based script that can automatically
parse complicated [multiple variables, different dimensionalities,
etc] data descriptor files. It will create an NCL script that can
create netCDF files.
Saji N. Hameed of the APEC Climate Center in Busan, Korea gave us
permission to include his ruby script that parses a GrADs ctl file
and generates NCL code to read in the data and create a COARDS
compliant netcdf data object.
Saji provided us with his code and this information in an ncl-talk
This is a preview version and some essential features may not be
implemented: for example currently there is only support for linear
grids (I will add support for gaussian grids over the weekend or
better if somebody chipped in and added those code, that will be nice
too). Meanwhile I would appreciate feedback and reports on
possible bugs/errors.
To use:
- Hopefully you have ruby installed in your system
<<<<<<< grads.xml
- Visit the download page for Ctl2Ncl
to download the software.
- Visit the download page for Ctl2Ncl
to download the software. The latest and previous versions are available. A
version is also available here on the NCL website, but it may not be the latest one.
>>>>>>> 1.10
- Untar the tar file in somewhere like $HOME/bin
- Point the $PATH variable to this location.
For example, PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin/Grad2NCL ; export PATH
set path=($HOME/bin/Grad2NCL $path)
- After sourcing your .cshrc or .bashrc,
run ctl2ncl.rb and follow the instructions
- The help screen is shown below:
Usage: ctl2ncl.rb [options]
A grads ctl parser and NCL script generator based on ruby
Specific options:
-i, --infile=CTLFILE the grads ctl file
-o, --outfile=NCLFILE the NCL script file
-v, --vars *NUM The variables
--plot add code to display figures
Common options:
--help Show this message
--version Show version
The following simple NCL scripts are included
to demonstrate how to read GrADS binary files directly.
These are 'file-specific' and not general purpose.
The user must examine the GrADS
data descriptor file and create a script to read the file.
The NCL examples convert to netCDF
but this is not necessary. NCL can read/process/plot the binary file
The following is a simple script to read a binary file using the GrADS
.ctl file as a guide.
; Grads control file
; ---------------
; dset snow.grd
; title snow depth winter
; options sequential big_endian
; undef -9999.00
; xdef 29 linear 20. 5.
; ydef 8 linear 35. 5.
; zdef 1 linear 1 1
; tdef 60 linear jan1936 1yr
; vars 1
; p 0 0 precipitation
; endvars
; ---------------
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
diri = "./" ; input directory
fili = "snow.grd" ; DSET
fName = diri+fili ; path
nlat = 8 ; YDEF
mlon = 29 ; XDEF
year = 1936 ; TDEF
ntim = 60 ; time steps
nmos = 12
; create an array to contain data
UNDEF = -9999. ; UNDEF
x = new ( (/ntim,nlat,mlon/), float, UNDEF)
x@long_name = "Snow Depth" ; VARS
x@units = "mm"
do nt=0,ntim-1 ; read each record: store in x
x(nt,:,:) = fbinrecread(fName, nt, (/nlat,mlon/), "float")
end do
print ("min(x)="+min(x))
print ("max(x)="+max(x))
grads_2.ncl The script reads the
same simple GrADS file in
Example 1 but creates a netCDF file
and plots the data. The creation of netCDF necessitates the creation
of coordinate variables and other information.