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NCL: SSMI Ocean Product Suite
The Ocean Product Suite (v7) from Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) is available in netCDF (v4) format.
The RSS Ocean Product Suite includes numerous data products for the SSMI/SSMIS instruments
on the DMSP F08, F10, F11, F13, F14, F15, F17 polar orbiting satellites.
These are part of the NASA Making Earth Science Data Records for Use in Research
Environments (MEaSUREs) Program. Gridded data are available at the following
temporal resolutions: daily, 3-day average, weekly average and monthly average.
SSMI (v7) f15 daily product. The plots show the ascending and descending nodes; the combined ascending and descending orbit coverage; and, the locations which had 2 observation for the day.
SSMI (v7) f15 daily product. The plots show the ascending and descending nodes; the combined ascending and descending orbit coverage; and, the locations which had 2 observation for the day.